Harry Potter series to be sold as e-books
• 標題用了to be sold (被賣),可見是未來要發生的事(因to be)
• e-book:電子書 (名詞)
• series:單數,前面可加 ‘a’ ,a series of一系列的
Harry Potter series,可以想成A series of Harry Potter novels
█ Harry Potter小說共有七本,第一次出版電子書,將在十月問市。
The seven Harry Potter novels are to be sold as e-books for the first time in October.
█ 作家 JK Rowling 宣布該系列也將會有有聲書(audiobooks),是透過(through)新網站Pottermore (更多波特)提供給讀者。
到 www.pottermore.com 可以看到JK Rowling 親自錄製的一段有英文字幕的短片,內有有令人嘆為觀止的線上閱讀畫面,書本裡的文字跳躍飛越時空,不要錯過。
Author JK Rowling announced the series will also be available as audiobooks through a new website, Pottermore.
• available: 可以取得的 (形容詞)
• 文章一開始提到JK Rowling,注意沒有用J.K.因為是英國網站,不需打點 ‘.’,後來再提到她的時候,便直接用last name (姓) Rowling,中譯「羅琳」稱呼。
█ 將在這互動網站上揭露的是Rowling 自己說是她偷偷藏了好幾年沒有發表過的全新內容
The interactive(互動的) website will also feature new material which Rowling says she has been "hoarding for years".
• hoard:當動詞,有偷偷收藏的意思
• material:當名詞不可數,有「多種」意思,在此是書中使用到的點子或資料
█ 作家羅琳(Rowling)告訴BBC說新的內容以線上發表而不是成新書出版,因為她並沒有新的故事。
Rowling told the BBC that the new material was being released(發佈) online, rather than in a new book, because she did not have "a new story".
█ 她說:大部分的內容都是我一開始在寫這些書時所創造出來的素材。
"Most of this writing is material I generated while I was writing the books initially," she said.
• generate:動詞,產生
• initially:副詞,最初的時候
█ 沒有放入書中的是,背景資訊和許多細節
"It's background, and lots of details that didn't make it into the book.
• make it:成功抵達,在此指許多細節沒有放入書中(didn’t make it into the book),
█ 也有一些是新寫的東西為了回應書迷過去幾年來所問的問題
"Some of it is new stuff in response to(回應) things fans have asked me over the years."
• stuff:不可數名詞,比較口語的用法,指東西
• new stuff:新東西;新發表的內容
█ 哈利波特小說至今已經狂銷四億五千多萬冊。在英國的是經由Bloomsbury公司出版,在美國由Scholastic 公司出版。
The Harry Potter novels have sold more than 450 million copies through(透過) Bloomsbury in Britain, and Scholastic in the United States.
• sold:是sell的過去分詞
Harry Potter novels have sold more than 450 million copies…
已賣出這麼多,並不需要說have been sold,因為sold已經有被買去的意思have been bought
█ 這個互動網站Pottermore (更多波特)正式上線的日子,就選在哈利波特
Pottermore will go live on 31 July - Harry Potter's birthday.
• go live:指電腦系統正式啟動,上線
█ 有好幾個語言的電子書,將由Rowling自己的公出公司Pottermore Publishing出版,而不是由她原來的書籍印刷出版公司出版,他們沒有數位出版權。
The e-books - which will be available in several languages - will be published through Rowling's Pottermore Publishing, rather than her print publishers which do not own the digital rights.
談哈利波特,就不能不談該書的作者,JK Rowling,她出版電子書,我們正好學學電子出版的相關用語:
出版:publish (動詞)
印刷出版商:print publisher,相對於e-book publisher
數位出版權:digital rights
互動的網站:interactive website
可以取得的:available (形容詞)
上線:go live
The website will go live on July 31st.
偷偷收藏:hoard (動詞)
線上的:online (形容詞)
online shopping線上購物
1. 前前後後哈利波特系列一共有幾本?
How many books all together are in the Harry Potter series?
The seven Harry Potter novels are to be sold as e-books for the first time in October.
2. 哈利波特書籍至今一共賣出了多少本?
How many Harry Potter novels have been sold?
The Harry Potter novels have sold more than 450 million copies through Bloomsbury in Britain, and Scholastic in the United States.