Steve Jobs of Apple dies at 56
標題為何用現在式 dies,明明他已經死了,為何不用過去式 (died) 或現在完成式 (has died) 呢?
熱 門新聞,歷史事件以現在式呈現 historical present (註一),表達臨場感,好像事情仍然歷歷在目,就在眼前(歷史上的今天此刻)。對文法不熟悉的朋友不要擔心,只要多觀察以後重要人物死亡時,新聞標題都怎 麼處理?看多了,自然見怪不怪了。Google 一下:Elizabeth Taylor dies (看看當時伊莉莎白泰勒死的時候,新聞也是用 dies )
█ 美國科技大公司Apple的前任執行長與合夥創辦人,Steve Jobs,因癌症過世,享年56歲。
Former chief executive and co-founder of US technology giant Apple, Steve Jobs, has died, aged 56, after suffering from cancer.
► 這句簡化來看:Steve Jobs has died after suffering from cancer. (現在完成式)
• giant:(名詞) 在此當大公司解,giant 原為笨重巨大的巨人 ,後來衍生到巨大的動植物,還有擁有龐大影響力的公司機構,都可用 giant 表達
(查看 http://www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/dictionary/giant)
█ Steve Jobs 的職稱是 former chief executive 前任執行長與Apple共創人 co-founder of Apple
• aged:當形容詞
這裡修飾Steve Jobs, → aged +年齡歲數aged 56→56歲,並不是動詞的過去式
█ Apple 公司發出的聲明稿指出:Steve 的聰明才智,熱情與能量是無數創新的來源, 豐富並改進了我們所有人的生活 。因為Steve 世界變得更好,他的貢獻大到無法衡量。
A statement released by Apple said: ''Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."
• brilliance:聰明才智(名詞)
• immeasurably:副詞
immeasurable (形容詞) 大到無法衡量
• innovation:名詞
• countless innovations:無法數的,許多許多的創新點子
█ 他曾是世界最知名的商業領袖,把iPod 與 iPhone 推向世界的舞台
He was one of the world's best-known business leaders and introduced the iPod and the iPhone to the world.
注意到動詞皆用了過去式 (was和introduced)
● 另一則報導,提到各界對 這位具有遠見卓識的領導人致敬 (tributes)
Tributes for Apple 'visionary' Steve Jobs
• Tribute:表達敬意,在此以複數型 tributes 出現,因為有來自四面八方的敬意
• visionary:在此當名詞,具有遠見卓識的人
█ 成千的名人和一般人到臉書 (Facebook),推特 (Twitter) 和Youtube 這些社群網站媒體,對這位創造iPod、iPhone 和 iPad的人致敬,表達懷念之意。
Thousands of celebrities and ordinary people went on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to record their tributes and memories of the man behind products such as the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad.
►簡化來看:People went to X, Y, and Z to record their tributes and memories of the man (後接說明 the man 的敘述)
• celebrity:(名詞) celebrities (複數型) 名人
• memory:(名詞) 回憶,記憶中的事物,memories (複數型)
• behind:(介係詞) 創造,負責
the man behind products such as X, Y, Z. (負責開發這些產品的人)
█ Jobs 先生之死可能刷新了Twitter 網站交通的新紀錄
The death of Mr Jobs could create a record for Twitter traffic.
█ 人們也集結到Jobs 先生加州矽谷的家外面, 放置花環致意, 加州Cupertino的Apple總部降半旗
People also gathered outside Mr Jobs's home in California's Silicon Valley to lay floral wreaths, while flags were flown at half mast outside the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California.
BBC 用英國用法 Mr Jobs 不必打 點(Mr.) 賈伯斯是姓,本身就有s,所以 Jobs’s home,所有格,Jobs 後面加 ‘s.
• Silicon Valley:矽谷
• Floral wreath:花環(名詞) floral wreaths (複數型) lay floral wreaths 放置花環
• Flags were flown at half mast:旗子降下半旗
• Apple headquarters:Apple 總部 (注意 headquarters 為複數型)
賈伯斯之死,新聞傳來,各大媒體爭相報導,如果你是科技迷,繼續追蹤Jobs的新聞,是學習英文的絕佳機會,不要錯過: 複習一下 吧
• 敬意:tribute (名詞) pay tributes
• 花環:floral wreaths, lay floral wreaths
• 降半旗:flags were flown at half mast
• 有遠見卓識之人:visionary
• 聰明才智:brilliance
• 創新:innovation,無法計數的創新點子countless innovations
• 不可測量地:immeasurably (副詞)
immeasurably better 不可測量地更好,好得無法斗量
• 公司創辦人:founder (名詞)