誰是 James Cameron?如果你看過電影阿凡達、鐵達尼號…
James Cameron gets ready to dive to the Mariana Trench
金獎導演James Cameron準備好要潛到馬里亞納海溝
‧ James Cameron:詹姆斯柯麥隆,導過鐵達尼號,阿凡達
‧ James Cameron gets ready to do something:準備好要做某事還沒做,get加了「s」因為動詞前的主詞 James Cameron 是第三人稱單數
‧ dive to 某處:潛水到某處(動詞)
‧ Mariana Trench:馬里亞納海溝,目前所知地球最深之海溝,即近關島之馬利亞納群島東方的海底
■ 好萊塢導演James Cameron 可能就要接近實現潛到地球最深處的計畫了。
Hollywood director James Cameron may be close to making a dive to the deepest place on Earth.
‧ be close to doing something:很接近做某事的情況
(close to X= 接近 X 的狀態,所以後接動名詞:making a dive)
close 當形容詞http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/close_3
2 close to something| close to doing something almost in a particular state;
likely to do something soon
We are close to signing the agreement.
‧ make a dive to do something:是快速的捕捉,快速做動作(動詞片語)
這個片語用到 dive 跟剛好潛水有關,很貼切
make a dive (for something) 片語
to suddenly move or jump forward to do something or reach somebody/something
The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.
■ 他計畫以一人潛艇潛到西太平洋 11 公里(七英里)以下的馬里亞納海溝底。
In a one-man submarine, he plans to dive 11km (seven miles) down beneath the waves to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, in the western Pacific.
► 簡化來說:
In this submarine, he plans to do this.
■ 到目前為止在那裡只有一次由人操作的潛水行動,而那是發生在半個世紀前
There has only ever been one manned dive there, and that was half a century ago.
► 簡化來看:
There has only ever been one X there, and that was half a century ago.
There has ever been one X:現在完成式,到目前為止,只有一次某事發生
‧ man:當動詞時,意思是「有人管理」
‧ manned:(過去分詞當形容詞)需要人來控制的,由人駕駛的
‧ manned dive:由人駕駛的潛水行動
■ 只能裝載一人名為深海挑戰者號的原型潛艇, 他計畫進行50 年來首次由人操作的潛入海溝任務。
In a prototype submarine, called the Deepsea Challenger, that fits just one person, he plans to make the first manned mission to the bottom of the trench for 50 years.
► 簡化來看:In X, he plans to make the first mission to the bottom of
the trench for 50 years.
X=a prototype submarine 在潛水艇原形
that fits just one person (that 子句說明 a prototype submarine)
逗號隔開的內容可以暫時不看「called the Deepsea Challenger」
The first manned mission to the bottom of the trench
■ 他說他有這個想法是他在用潛水器拍攝一部紀錄片時想到的,這紀錄片是拍攝沈在 4 800 公尺 (17,500 英尺) 下的德國俾斯麥(the Bismarck)戰艦殘骸。
He says he came up with the idea while he was using submersibles to film a documentary on the wreck of the Bismarck, a German battleship that lies 4,800m (17,500ft) underwater.
► 簡化來看:He came up with the idea while he was doing this.
film a documentary on X= 拍攝有關X 的紀錄片
come up with something:找到某物(動詞片語) http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/come+up+with#come_1__492
[no passive] to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc
She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
‧ submersible:潛水物(名詞) 比起潛水艇,submersible待在水裡的時間短
a submarine (= a ship that can travel underwater) that goes underwater for short periods
‧ wreck of the Bismarck:俾斯麥戰艦殘骸
‧ wreck:失事的船骸 = shipwreck(名詞)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/wreck
a ship that has sunk or that has been very badly damaged
‧ battleship:戰艦(名詞)
‧ underwater:在水底(副詞)
■ 「我開始想要如何才能深入一點,如何探入到整個海洋的深度-那就像是從工程角度來說一種聖杯的追尋」,他告訴 BBC 新聞記者。
"I started to think about what would it take to go deeper, what would it take to go to full ocean depth - that was kind of the holy grail from an engineering standpoint," he told BBC News.
► 簡化來看:I started to think about X, Y --
X=What would it take to go deeper(正確文法應是 what it would take to
go deeper, 但口語常常會顛倒成 what would it take…)
Y=What would it take to go to full ocean depth(正確文法應是 what it
would take to go …, 但口語常常會顛倒成 what would it take…)
‧ Holy grail:耶穌死前用過的聖杯,成為人們渴望得到的一種聖物
1 [singular]the cup or bowl believed to have been used by Jesus Christ
before he died, that became a holy thing that people wanted to find
‧ 停靠在港口:dock at the port(動詞片語)
‧ 海溝:trench(名詞)
‧ 潛水:dive(動詞)
‧ 潛水艇:submarine(名詞)
‧ 原型:prototype(名詞)
‧ 潛水器:submersible 比 submarine 小
‧ 失事的船骸:wreck = shipwreck(名詞)
‧ 戰艦:battleship(名詞)
‧ 聖杯:grail(名詞)= the holy grail
‧ 潛到地球最深處:make a dive to the deepest place on Earth