Too many immigrants in France, Sarkozy says
‧ immigrant:移民(名詞)immigrants(複數型)
a person who has come to live permanently in a country that is not their own
immigrant communities/families/workers
‧ Sarkozy:法國總統的last name.
在標題只出現 last name(姓)薩柯吉(取諧音)
内文有他的 first name:Nicolas
█ 法國有太多外國人並且沒有好好把他們整合,總統薩柯吉在法國電視台訪問節目中說。
France has too many foreigners and is not integrating them properly, President Nicolas Sarkozy said in an interview on French television.
► 簡化來看:
France has X and is not doing Y
‧ integrate:整合,融入(動詞)integrate them: 指整合新移民
‧ said in an interview on TV:在電視(on TV)的訪問節目中(in an interview)說
‧ interview:訪問的場合(名詞),in an interview, interview 當名詞
注意英文解釋:a meeting between …
a meeting between a reporter and another person in order to get information for a news story
█ 週二晚在法國電視2台薩柯吉說:「今天,我們有一個麻煩問題」,「我們的整合系統越來越糟,因為我們有太多外國人在我國領土上,我們再也無法為他們找到住宿、工作、學校。」
"Today we have a problem," Sarkozy said Tuesday night on France 2 TV.
"Our system of integration is working worse and worse because we have too many foreigners on our territory, and we can no longer manage to find them accommodation, a job, a school," he said.
► 簡化來看:
Our system is working worse and worse because X and Y.
X=we have too many foreigners on our territory
Y=we can no longer manage to find them A, B, C.
‧ system of integration:整合系統
‧ manage to do something:設法辦到(動詞片語)
manage to find a school 設法找到學校
‧ find someone something:find something for someone 為某人找到某物
find something for somebody Can you find a hotel for me?
find somebody something Can you find me a hotel?
‧ territory:領土(名詞)
‧ accommodation:住宿(名詞)(不可數名詞-英國用法)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/accommodation
1 [uncountable] (British English)a place to live, work or stay in
█ 法國特別重視國家認同 ,強制要求人民把「法國味」放在宗教或祖國背景之上
France places a premium on national identity, pressing the population to put "Frenchness" before religion or national background.
‧ national identity:國家認同(固定用法)
‧ premium:額外加價(名詞)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/premium
2 an extra payment added to the basic rate
You have to pay a high premium for express delivery.
put/place/set a premium on somebody/something 特別重視
to think that somebody/something is particularly important or valuable
The company places a high premium on initiative.
‧ pressing the population to …分詞構句,說明法國把國家認同看作第一
‧ press:強制要求(動詞)press someone to do something
‧ population:人口,在此指住在法國的國民(名詞)
press the population to put “Frenchness” before X= 把 Frenchness 放在X 之上
put something before/above something
to treat something as more important than something else
█ 圍繞著移民現象和整合的議題已困擾法國政治家多年。
Issues surrounding immigration and integration have troubled French politicians for years.
► 簡化來看:
Issues(that are)surrounding X and Y have troubled someone for years.
(that are 省略)
‧ issue:議題(名詞)
‧ surrounding:在旁邊圍繞(形容詞)形容 issues
‧ immigration:移民現象(名詞)
‧ trouble:使煩惱(名詞)X has troubled Y = 某事(X)使得 某人(Y)煩惱
The issues have troubled French politicians
█ 去年,一個引發爭議的法國法律正式生效,禁止在公共場所使用伊斯蘭面罩。
Last year, a controversial French law went into effect banning Islamic face coverings in public places.
‧ controversial:引發爭議的(形容詞)
‧ go into effect:生效(動詞片語)
‧ covering:罩子(名詞)coverings(複數型)
‧ Islamic face covering:伊斯蘭女子頭部臉部都蓋住的面罩
(用 google 的照片搜尋,找:Islamic face covering)
‧ ban:禁止(動詞)banning 現在分詞,說明 law
█ 在2010年,數百名穆斯林青年騷亂後,一名男子在與警方槍戰中死亡。
In 2010, hundreds of Muslim youths rioted after a man died in a shootout with police.
‧ Muslim: 信仰伊斯蘭教的人(名詞)穆斯林(取諧音)
a person whose religion is Islam : a follower of Islam
‧ shoot-out:槍戰(名詞)shoot-outs(複數型)
a fight in which people shoot guns at each other until one side is killed or defeated
█ 根據經濟合作與發展組織 (OECD) 的資料,過去幾年法國湧入來自其他國家的人每年爲數約十三萬人。
France has had an influx of about 130,000 people from other countries each year for the past several years, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
‧ Influx:湧入(名詞)have an influx of 數量:大量湧入多少數量
‧ have an influx of 130,000 people:大量湧入十三萬人
‧ OECD:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 經濟合作與發展組織
█ 在2010年,該國有大約四萬八千尋求政治避難者。
The country also had about 48,000 asylum seekers in 2010.
‧ asylum seekers:尋求政治避難者
█ 根據中央情報局的世界概況介紹,法國人口約66萬。
The French population is about 66 million, according to the CIA World Factbook.
法國人口約 六千六百萬
‧ CIA:Central Intelligence Agency 中央情報局
World Factbook 網站:
特別重視 X:place a premium on X
國家認同:national identity(固定用法)
大量湧入 130,000 人:have an influx of 130,000 people
尋求政治避難者:asylum seekers(固定用法)