US lottery: Search on for $640m jackpot winners
‧ lottery:摸彩抽獎活動(名詞)樂透可能就是音譯 lottery 而來
‧ jackpot:最高額的獎金,頭彩累積獎金(名詞)
jackpot winner:頭彩中獎人
$640m=美金 640 million , 也就是美金六億四千萬,台幣19億
標題:search on for $640m jackpot winners 應是
‧ The search is on for … 標題可省略the(冠詞)和 is(be動詞)
■ 在美國,大家正在搜尋世界上有史以來最高額樂透獎金-美金六億四千萬(4億英鎊)-的得獎人
The search is on in the US for the winners of the world's biggest ever lottery jackpot - $640m (£400m).
‧ The search is on for X:搜索 X 之事正在進行中,已經展開(片語)
‧ The world’s biggest ever lottery jackpot:世界上有史以來最高額的樂透獎金
the biggest jackpot 最高額獎金
■ 三張彩券已經被宣布共享巨額獎金,贏家分別在馬里蘭,堪薩斯州和伊利諾伊州。
Three tickets have now been announced as sharing the massive prize, with the winners in the states of Maryland, Kansas and Illinois.
‧ ticket:一般人比較知道的意思是「票-門票,車票」,在此應該為「彩券」,查字典的時候,往下多找找
‧ the massive prize:高額獎金(常見用法)prize 可當獎品也可當獎金(名詞)
■ 美國人花了估計大約15億美元為了參加最高額獎金的抽獎活動,獎金這回已經創下紀錄,因為從一月底就沒有人選中過中獎號碼。
Americans spent an estimated $1.5bn to enter the draw for the jackpot, which had reached the record level because no-one had matched the winning numbers since the end of January.
► 簡化來看:Americans spent an estimated X to enter the draw for the jackpot, which 說明jackpot(最高額獎金)
$1.5bn=$1.5 billion -- 15億美金
an estimated X數額 = 估計多少數額
an estimated 5 million people 估計五百萬人
an estimated $1.5 bn 估計15 億
‧ enter the draw:參加抽獎(動詞片語)
‧ draw:抽獎(名詞)這個字有許多意思,注意在此當名詞,
看到 enter the draw, 可以推想 the draw, draw 應該為名詞,
■ BBC 報導中特別請了金融專欄作家Don McNay 談如何花你的高額獎金
盡量保持匿名。如果您的身份曝光了,想擺脫眾人的關注和那些想分杯羹的人 可能是不易的
How to spend your jackpot
Don McNay Author and financial columnist
Try to stay anonymous. If your identity gets out, it can be hard to escape the attention - and those who want some of your fortune.
‧ anonymous:匿名的(形容詞)
stay anonymous:保持匿名(固定用法)
‧ identity:身份(名詞)
If your identity gets out, 如果身份曝光
‧ get out:曝光,被知道(動詞片語)
to become known
If this gets out there'll be trouble.
BBC 另一篇報導了中獎號碼
■ 開獎了: 抽出破紀錄的美金六億四千萬大獎的號碼
Numbers drawn for record $640m Mega Millions prize
‧ 標題省略have been 或 were
Numbers have been drawn for record $640m Mega Millions prize
‧ mega:巨大的(形容詞)
mega millions prize 鉅額百萬獎金
record mega millions prize 創紀錄的鉅額百萬獎金
■ 週五晚上抽出的號碼分別為2,4,23,38,46, 23 特別號。
The numbers drawn on Friday night were 2, 4, 23, 38, 46, Mega Ball 23.
‧ The numbers(that were省略)drawn on Friday night were….
‧ draw:用抽籤的方式選出,抽出(動詞) Numbers were drawn 號碼被抽出
‧ mega ball:額外加碼幸運球號碼
■ 早先,從東海岸到西海岸排隊的人蜿蜒到商店外,有些買彩券的人大量搶購彩券 (包牌, 一次買多張彩券)
Earlier, queues snaked out of shops from coast to coast with some punters snapping up tickets by the bushel.
‧ snap up:搶購一空(動詞片語)
(informal) to buy or obtain something quickly because it is cheap or you
want it very much
All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.
‧ queue:排隊的隊伍(名詞) queues(複數型)
‧ snake :曲折延伸,如蛇行(動詞)snake out of shops 從店裡排隊排出來
‧ by the bushel:大量地(片語)
‧ punter:顧客,買彩券的人(名詞)英國用法
樂透彩券:lottery ticket(固定用法)
大獎得主:jackpot winner(固定用法)
搶購一空:snap up(動詞片語)
參加抽獎:enter the draw(動詞片語)
抽獎:draw(動詞 和名詞)
保持匿名:stay anonymous(動詞)
身份曝光:the identity gets out
搜索 X 之事正在進行中,已經展開:The search is on for X(片語)