YouTube restricts video access over Libyan violence
‧ restrict:限制(動詞) 這裡restrict加了’s’ 因為主詞為第三人稱單數Youtube.
‧ video access:影片取得,也就是可以點閱影片(名詞)
‧ restrict video access:限制點閱影片
‧ over something:因為,關於...某事(介係詞)這裡不是副詞(在那邊的意思)
because of or concerning something; about something
an argument over money
a disagreement over the best way to proceed
‧ Libyan violence:利比亞的暴力行動指的是美國駐利比亞班加西(Benghazi)領事館遭暴民攻擊、造成美國駐利國大使和3位同事喪生 。
■ YouTube 週三宣布,它將限制點閱一個有爭議的影片 ,該影片已被歸咎於煽動了利比亞的暴力行動和在埃及的抗議活動。
YouTube on Wednesday announced it was restricting access to a controversial video that has been blamed for inciting violence in Libya and protests in Egypt.
‧ 簡化來看:Youtube was restricting access to a controversial video that has
been blamed for inciting X and Y.
that 子句說明這段影片造成 X 和 Y 的後果
X = violence in Libya 利比亞的暴力行動
‧ incite:激怒,煽動(動詞)
to encourage somebody to do something violent, illegal or unpleasant,
especially by making them angry or excited
‧ Y = protests in Egypt 在埃及的抗議
‧ controversial:有爭議的(形容詞)
a controversial video 有爭議的影片
‧ blame:歸咎於(動詞)
to think or say that somebody/something is responsible for something bad
X has been blamed for Y = X 被歸咎於造成Y 的後果(動詞片語)
A video has been blamed for inciting the violence in Libya.
‧ access to X:取得 X(片語)access to the video 取得影片
■ Youtube 給 CNN 的一份聲明中說,那部嘲諷回教信仰的電影預告片將無法在利比亞和埃及透過Youtube被點閱。
The video, a film trailer mocking the Muslim faith, will not be accessible via YouTube in Libya and Egypt, the company said in a statement issued to CNN.
‧ 簡化來看:The video will not be accessible via YouTube in Libya and Egypt.
開的內容,a film trailer mocking the Muslim faith(嘲諷回教信仰的電影
預告片)說明這段影片的內容,mocking 是現在分詞修飾 a film trailer
‧ Muslim:回教的(形容詞)也音譯成「穆斯林」
‧ Muslim faith:回教信仰(名詞)
‧ a film trailer:電影預告片(名詞)
‧ mock:嘲諷(動詞)
‧ X be accessible via Y:X 可以透過 Y 被取得
The video will not be accessible via Youtube:影片無法透過Youtube 點閱
statement issued to CNN; statement(that was省略)issued to CNN
‧ issue:發佈(動詞)a statement was issued 一份聲明被發佈
■ YouTube 通過e-mail表示:「我們努力創造的是一個人人都可以享受的社區,同時也是可以讓人們表達不同意見的社區。」
"We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions," YouTube said by e-mail.
‧ 以下兩句就是上面這一句的總和 :
We work hard to create a community (which) everyone can enjoy
We work hard to create a community which also enables people to
express different opinions.
■ 「這可能是一個挑戰,因為在一個國家沒問題的可能在其它地方就有了犯意。」
"This can be a challenge because what's OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere.”
‧ offensive:冒犯的( 形容詞)
‧ what’s OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere
■ 「這段影片──在網路上可以廣泛被點閱──顯然是沒有違反我們的指導原則,所以會留在YouTube上。
"This video -- which is widely available on the Web -- is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube.
‧ within our guidelines:在允許範圍之內,沒有違反指導原則(片語)
■ 然而,考慮到目前利比亞和埃及非常困難的情況下,我們已經暫時限制這兩個國家的點閱。
However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries.
‧ given:考慮到(介係詞)
when you consider something
Given his age (= considering how old he is), he's remarkably active.
‧ temporarily:暫時地(副詞)
■ 「我們的心繫昨天在利比亞的攻擊中遭到殺害者的家屬。」
"Our hearts are with the families of the people murdered in yesterday's attack in Libya."
‧ the people murdered in yesterday’s attck in Libya = the people(who were省略)murdered in yesterday’s attack in Libya.
‧ your heart goes out to somebody(片語)表示同情
used to say that you feel a lot of sympathy for somebody
Our hearts go out to the families of the victims.
引發爭議的電影預告片遭到Youtube 限制,我們讀此新聞學習到談論點閱影片受限的用語:
‧ 限制點閱影片:restrict video access(動詞片語)
‧ 煽動:incite(動詞)
‧ 受到爭議的影片:a controversial video(名詞)
‧ X 被歸咎於造成Y 的後果:X has been blamed for Y(動詞片語)
‧ 一段影片被歸咎於煽動利比亞的暴力行動: A video has been blamed for
inciting the violence in Libya.
‧ 電影預告片:a film trailer(名詞)
‧ 嘲諷:mock(動詞)
‧ 冒犯的:offensive( 形容詞)
‧ 回教信仰:Muslim faith(名詞)
‧ 影片無法透過Youtube 點閱:The video will not be accessible via Youtube.
‧ 在允許範圍之內,沒有違反指導原則:within our guidelines(片語)