Eyeing huge market, Starbucks opens first India store
Eyeing the huge market, Starbucks opens its first India store
標題可省略 the, its字
‧Eyeing 為現在分詞,本句結構為分詞構句,可以看成:
As Starbucks eyed the huge market,Starbucks opened its first India store
標題把出現兩次的 Starbucks 去掉一個,用分詞 Eyeing huge market
開始這句話,主詞隨後出現 Starbucks opens first India store
‧eye:不是眼睛,eye加了ing,可見 eye 可以當動詞,
eye加ing, 也可拼成 eying, 加ed, 為 eyed
to look at somebody/something carefully, especially because you want
something or you are suspicious
He couldn't help eyeing the cakes hungrily
■ 印度孟買(CNNMoney)──週五星巴克第一次在印度敞開了大門,試圖在這個新興消費市場獲得一個致勝先機的立足點。
MUMBAI (CNNMoney) -- Starbucks opened its doors for the first time in India on Friday, attempting to gain a toehold in a burgeoning consumer market.
‧分詞構句:attempting to gain X in a consumer market
試圖在消費市場獲得 X
X=a toehold
a position in a place or an activity which you hope will lead to more
power or success
The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in Europe.
‧gain a toehold:獲得致勝先機立足點(動詞片語)
比較 gain a foothold 據點
a strong position in a business, profession, etc. from which somebody
can make progress and achieve success
to begin to grow or develop rapidly
a burgeoning population
‧a burgeoning consumer market:新興消費市場
■ 這家孟買店讓該咖啡廳經營者進入了第61個國家,而這裡有許多人都在奇怪為何星巴克等了這麼久才來。
The Mumbai store puts the coffee house operator in its 61st country, and many here are asking why Starbucks waited so long to come.
‧coffee house operator:咖啡廳經營者(這裡就指:星巴克)
a person or company that runs a particular business
a tour operator
■ 它在中國已經有了13年的營運歷史,中國是另一個經濟實力高昇的大國而那裡茶是已經確立廣為使用的飲料 。
It has had operations for 13 years in China, another on-the-rise economic power where tea is the established beverage.
‧It has had operations for 13 years in China,
後面的文字說明China是another on-the-rise economic power
後接where 子句說明在這個地方茶是已經確立廣為使用的飲料
既然用了where 說明power 可以推想 power 應該理解成國家,
和前面呼應 China
查字典的時候找一找power 有沒有國家的意思:
a country with a lot of influence in world affairs, or with great military strength
world powers
an allied/enemy power
‧on the rise:提高的(片語)
increasing in amount, number, level, etc.
Prices were falling last year, but now they are on the rise again.
The water level in the lake is on the rise.
‧on-the-rise economic power:經濟實力提高的大國
any type of drink except water
laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages
■ 星巴克執行長Howard Schultz 說:「要做生意,這是一個非常複雜的市場,我們需要找到合適的合夥人。」
"This is a very complex market to do business and we needed to find the right partner," said Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.
■ Schultz認為那個合夥人是塔塔全球飲料,它是印度最知名的企業集團之一底下的一個成員。
Schultz thinks that partner is Tata Global Beverages, a unit of one of India's best-known conglomerates.
a large company formed by joining together different firms
a media conglomerate
■ 他描述遇見塔塔的重要主管是「一見鍾情」,說他們都分享他有對社會責任和建立強壯的社群關係有同樣的信念。
He described meeting Tata executives as "love at first sight," saying they share his commitment to social responsibility and strong community relations.
‧love at first sight:第一次看到就愛,一見鍾情(慣用語)
‧commitment to X:對 X 的承諾,信念
‧social responsibility:社會責任
‧strong community relations:建立強壯的社群關係
‧注視巨大市場:eye the huge market(動詞片語)
‧新興消費市場:a burgeoning consumer market (名詞)
‧獲得致勝先機立足點:gain a toehold(動詞片語)
‧合夥人:partner(名詞)the right partner(合適的合夥人)
‧經濟大國:economic power(名詞)
‧經濟實力提高的大國:on-the-rise economic power
‧咖啡廳經營者:coffee house operator(名詞)
‧對 X 的承諾,信念:commitment to X
‧一見鍾情:love at first sight(慣用語)
‧社會責任:social responsibility