Three women jointly receive Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Peace Prize:諾貝爾和平獎
賴比瑞亞總統瑟利夫(Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf)和來自同一個國家的社會工作者與和平運動人士葛波薇(Leymah Gbowee),與今年在葉門擔任關鍵反對派角色的行動家和新聞工作者,卡門(Tawakkul Karman),分享這個獎項。
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Leymah Gbowee, a social worker and peace campaigner from the same country, shared the prize with, Tawakkul Karman , an activist and journalist who this year played a key opposition role in Yemen.
► 簡化看結構:A and B shared the prize with C
A= Liberia President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
B= Leymah Gbowee, a social worker and peace campaigner from the same country
C=an activist and journalist (who 子句提供更多資訊)
‧ social worker:社會服務人員(固定用法)
‧ campaigner:領導或參與政治或社會運動的人(名詞)
‧ activist:(改革運動的)積極活躍人士(名詞)
‧ journalist:新聞工作者(名詞)
‧ key:關鍵的(形容詞)
‧ opposition:反對派(名詞)
‧ play a key role:擔任關鍵角色
█ 諾貝爾委員會的主席Thorbjorn Jagland說:「自從挪威諾貝爾委員會把今年的決定揭曉之後,挪威人民就期待看到各位站在這個台上」。
"Ever since the Norwegian Nobel Committee made this year's decision known, the people of Norway have looked forward to seeing you on this stage," said Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
‧ Norwegian Nobel Committee:挪威諾貝爾委員
‧ look forward to seeing you:期待看到您們(seeing you, 因爲在 look forward to 之後)
‧ make something known:揭曉某事
█ 他說:「您們為中國的一句諺語帶來了具體的意義,該諺語說『女人撐起半邊天』, 我們感謝您們喚醒我們所有人内心的希望。」
"You give concrete meaning to the Chinese proverb which says that 'women hold up half the sky,'" he said. "We thank you for the hope you awaken in us all."
‧ concrete:具體實在的(形容詞)
‧ meaning:意義(名詞,不可數)
‧ proverb:諺語(名詞)
‧ hold up X:支撐 X(動詞片語)
hold up half the sky 支撐半邊天
‧ awaken:喚醒(動詞)
█ 三位女性都為世界各地為平權奮鬥的婦女致意。(在Nobel Prize 網站上可以讀到演講内容http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2011/johnson_sirleaf-lecture_en.html)
All three women dedicated their remarks to women struggling for equal rights around the world.
► 簡單看:All three women dedicated their remarks to women
分詞片語struggling for equal rights 説明women
‧ dedicate X to Y:把 X 獻給 Y
dedicate their remarks to women 把她們的言論獻給女性
‧ equal rights:平權
struggle for equal rights 為平權奮鬥
‧ remark:言辭(名詞)
█ 瑟利夫(Sirleaf)在她的諾貝爾演講中說:「我鼓勵我的姐妹們,和我的兄弟們,不要怕,不要害怕譴責不公,雖然你們可能寡不敵衆。不要怕尋求和平,即使你們的聲音可能很小,不要怕要求和平。」
"I urge my sisters, and my brothers, not to be afraid," Sirleaf said in her Nobel lecture. "Be not afraid to denounce injustice, though you may be outnumbered. Be not afraid to seek peace, even if your voice may be small. Be not afraid to demand peace. "
‧ lecture:演講(針對某專題)(名詞)
‧ urge:極力主張(動詞)
‧ denounce:指責(動詞)
‧ injustice:不公不義(名詞)
denounce injustice:指責不公
‧ outnumber:數量超過(動詞)
be outnumbered (被動式)數量被超過
‧ demand:要求(動詞)
‧ seek peace:尋求和平
█ 周日眾星雲集的音樂會將為她們致敬,為諾貝爾活動盛會帶來最高潮
They will also be honored with a star-studded concert Sunday that culminates the program of Nobel events.
► 簡單看:They will also be honored with a star-studded concert Sunday
that 子句説明 concert
‧ honor:給予榮耀(動詞)
X be honored with Y : X 被給榮耀用 Y,以 Y 榮耀 X
They will be honored with a star-studded concert 以眾星雲集的音樂會榮耀她們(她們將被榮耀)
‧ star-studded concert:眾星雲集的音樂會
‧ X culminate Y: X為Y帶來最高點(動詞)
the concert culminated the program of Nobel events:音樂會為諾貝爾活動盛會帶來最高潮
每年諾貝爾和平獎的音樂會Nobel Peace Prize Concert都邀請了世界知名的樂團歌手為和平獎得主致意獻唱,Youtube 上有精彩片段
‧ Search:Nobel Peace Prize Concert 即可找到
這個字laureate: http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/laureate 特別值得一提:
a person who has been given an official honour or prize for something important they have achieved
‧ a Nobel laureate諾貝爾得主
‧ 諾貝爾得主:a Nobel laureate
‧ 諾貝爾和平獎:Nobel Peace Prize
‧ 挪威諾貝爾委員:Norwegian Nobel Committee
‧ 社會服務人員:social worker (固定用法)
‧ 領導或參與政治或社會運動的人:campaigner (名詞)
‧ (改革運動的)積極活躍人士:activist (名詞)
‧ 給予榮耀:honor (動詞)
‧ 把 X 獻給 Y :dedicate X to Y
‧ 平權: equal rights
‧ X為Y帶來最高點:X culminate Y (動詞)
‧ 極力主張:urge (動詞)
‧ 指責denounce:(動詞)
‧ 不公不義injustice (名詞)denounce injustice:指責不公
‧ 數量超過:outnumber (動詞)be outnumbered (被動式)數量被超過
‧ 要求:demand (動詞)demand peace 要求和平