Samsung to sell Galaxy tablets in Australia
‧ Samsung就是三星電子
‧ to sell:用 to + 原形動詞 ,表示未來做的事 (將要販售)
‧ Galaxy:銀河—在此為三星電子平板電腦(tablet)的型號代稱
‧ Australia:澳洲
█ 澳洲的高等法院已經撤銷禁令,允許三星的 Galaxy 平板電腦在該國銷售,正好趕上耶誕購物季。
Australia's High Court has lifted a ban on the sale of Samsung's Galaxy tablet in the country in time for the Christmas shopping season.
► 簡化看:The court has lifted a ban on X in time for the Christmas shopping season.
‧ Australia’s High Court:澳洲高等法院
‧ ban:禁令(名詞)
‧ lift a ban on X:對 X 撤銷禁令(動詞片語)
impose a ban: 施加禁令
‧ in time:及時,趕得上 (片語)
‧ shopping season:購物季節
█ 在此之前,蘋果公司赢得禁令,聲稱三星抄襲其iPhone和iPad。
Apple won a ban on the devices, claiming Samsung had copied its iPhone and iPad.
► 簡化看:Apple won a ban,(分詞構句)claiming Samsung ...
也就是Apple won a ban and claimed Samsung...
注意到 Apple 贏得禁令 won a ban 是過去式 (win 為現在式),上述澳洲的高等法院已經撤銷禁令(the court has lifted a ban – 現在完成式),所以 Apple 贏得禁令在先。
‧ Samsung had copied its iPhone and iPad:用了過去完成式 had copied, 因為copy (抄襲)發生在贏得禁令之前。
‧ device:裝置(名詞)
devices:複數型,在此指 smartphone(智慧型手機)和 tablet(平板電腦)
█ 自從七月,南韓三星電子一直無法在澳洲銷售它的產品。
South Korean Samsung had been unable to sell products in Australia since July.
‧ had been unable to sell:用過去完成式,不用現在完成式,因為現在三星已經可以銷售了。
█ 蘋果和三星一向都指控對方抄襲彼此裝置的某些方面。
Apple and Samsung have accused each other of copying aspects of their devices.
‧ accuse 人 of 事:控告,指控某人做某事(動詞)
Apple and Samsung have accused each other of copying.
‧ copy:抄襲(動詞)
█ 自從四月,這兩家公司 在10多個國家都忙於從事法律訴訟爭鬥,互控對方的智慧手機和平板電腦專利侵權。
The two companies are engaged in legal battles in more than 10 countries since April accusing each other of infringing smartphone and tablet patents.
► 簡化來看:The two companies are doing this since April(後接accusing 分詞構句,說明更多細節)
‧ be engaged in X:忙於,從事某事
The two companies are engaged in X 兩家公司都忙於 X
‧ legal battles:法律戰爭,也就是打官司,訴訟爭鬥 battles 戰爭(複數型)
‧ infringe:侵犯(動詞)
‧ patent:專利(名詞)
infringe smartphone and tablet patents 侵犯智慧手機和平板電腦專利
█ 上個月,三星贏得了暫時銷售禁令的上訴。
Last month, Samsung won an appeal against a temporary ban on sales.
‧ appeal:上訴(名詞)
‧ appeal against X:對 X 的上訴
an appeal against a temporary ban on sales對暫時銷售禁令的上訴
‧ a ban on sales:銷售禁令
‧ a temporary ban on sales:暫時(一時的非永久)的銷售禁令
█ 然而,蘋果公司被授予暫緩執行法院命令。
However, Apple was awarded a stay of the orders.
‧ a stay of the orders:暫緩執行法院命令 (a stay of execution)
a stay of execution
(law) a delay in following the order of a court
to grant a stay of execution
█ 週五,蘋果的申辦延長禁令遭到高等法院否決了。
On Friday Apple's bid to extend the ban was turned down by the High Court.
► 簡化看:Apple’s bid was turned down by the court.
‧ bid:企圖努力 (used especially in newspapers)
an effort to do something or to obtain something
‧ extend:延長(動詞)
‧ 暫緩執行法院命令:a stay of execution
‧ 澳洲高等法院:Australia’s High Court
‧ 禁令:ban (名詞)
‧ 對 X 撤銷禁令:lift a ban on X(動詞片語)
‧ 及時,趕得上:in time(片語)
‧ 抄襲:copy(動詞)
‧ 上訴:appeal(名詞)
‧ 對 X 的上訴:appeal against X
‧ 銷售禁令:a ban on sales
‧ 侵犯:infringe(動詞)
‧ 專利:patent(名詞)
‧ 侵犯智慧手機和平板電腦專利:infringe smartphone and tablet patents