Body image: Men 'most unhappy about beer bellies'
‧ body image:身體的形象,指外表(固定用法)
‧ beer:啤酒(名詞)
belly 是the part of the body below the chest
bellies 是 belly(肚子)的複數型,對應Men(複數)beer bellies 啤酒肚
標題用“ ”引號打出“most unhappy about beer bellies”因爲是引述某項研究的結論
█ 西英格蘭大學的網上調查顯示,五個有四個男人坦承對自己的身體不滿意
Four out of five men confess to being unhappy about their body, suggests an online survey by the University of the West of England.
‧ confess:承認(動詞)
confess to doing something:承認做了某事
‧ survey:調查(名詞)
online survey:透過網絡進行的調查
█ 西英格蘭大學外貌研究中心研究384名平均年齡為40的英國男子的反應。
The Centre for Appearance Research at UWE studied the responses of 384 British men with an average age of 40.
‧ appearance:外表(名詞)
‧ UWE:University of the West of England
‧ response:反應(名詞)不同反應用了 responses(複數型)
‧ average:平均的(形容詞)
average age (平均年齡)
█ 對他們來說,最大的外表形象困擾是他們的「啤酒肚」和缺少肌肉。
The biggest body issue for them was their "beer belly" and lack of muscles.
‧ 用 was, 表示 問卷調查已經完成了
‧ issue:在此應該理解為「困擾的問題」
a problem or worry that somebody has with something
Money is not an issue.
‧ The biggest body issue:最困擾的形象問題
‧ muscle:肌肉(名詞)可數名詞:muscles多處的肌肉
‧ lack:缺乏(名詞)
█ 35%的受訪者表示,他們願意以一年的生命時光來換得自己理想的體重或體態。
Thirty-five percent of respondents said they would trade a year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight or shape.
‧ trade:交換,交易(動詞)
‧ achieve:達成(動詞)
‧ trade A to achieve B:以 A 來換 B
trade a year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight or shape
‧ respondent:應答者(名詞)
█ 研究顯示,談論自己身體形象的不只是在女人之間。
The research suggests that it is not just women who talk among themselves about their body image.
‧ it is not just women who…強調 not just women
‧ suggest:顯示(動詞)看看英文解釋
to put an idea into somebody's mind; to make somebody think that something is true
█ 從調查結果收集彙編的研究報告發現,80%的回答問卷的男性經常加入談論彼此身體的對話 。
The study compiled from the results of the survey found that 80% of men who responded engaged regularly in conversation about one another's bodies.
► 簡化來看:The study found that…
The study (that was) compiled from the results of the survey 省略 that was 由調查結果收集彙編的研究報告
‧ engage in:參加某活動(動詞片語)
engage in conversation 加入討論
‧ regularly:經常地(副詞)
█ 男人最大的困擾是他們肌肉夠不夠健壯,60%的人說他們的手臂,胸膛和肚子肌肉不夠。
The greatest issue men have is with their muscularity, with 60% saying that their arms, chests and stomachs were not muscular enough.
‧ muscularity:肌肉發達健壯(名詞)
‧ muscular:肌肉發達健壯的(形容詞)
█ 委託此研究的中央基督教青年會執行長Rosi Prescott 說:「從歷史上看,談論身體形象已被視為女人做的事,但這項研究清楚表明,男性也犯了評論彼此體態的毛病;並且在許多情況下,這是具有破壞性的影響。
Rosi Prescott, chief executive of Central YMCA which commissioned the research, said: "Historically conversation about your body has been perceived as something women do, but it is clear from this research that men are also guilty of commenting on one another's bodies; and in many cases this is having a damaging effect.
► 簡化看:
X said: “Historically A has been perceived as something women do, but it is clear from this research that B…; and in many cases C…”
X是何許人也?逗點隔開的内容有說明:chief executive of Central YMCA,
YMCA之後的which 說明YMCA委托做這項研究
這個人講了 A, B, C 三點
A= Historically conversation about your body has been perceived as something women do
B=men are also guilty of commenting on one another’s bodies
C=this is having a damaging effect
‧ YMCA:基督教青年會Young Men's Christian Association (an organization that exists in many countries and provides accommodation and social and sports activities)
‧ YWCA:基督教女青年會 (W=women)
‧ commission: 委任委托(動詞)commissioned (過去式)
‧ A commission B:A 委托做 B 項目(任務)
‧ YMCA commissioned the research:YMCA委托做此研究
‧ A be perceived as B: A 被看成是B
conversation about your body has been perceived as something women do
‧ be guilty of X :有犯X過失的(片語)men are guilty of commenting on one another’s bodies男性犯了評論彼此體態的毛病
‧ 評論 X :comment on X (動詞片語)
█ 「我們發現在男性之間太過品頭論足是越來越沉迷於外表的症狀。」
"The high levels of body talk that we have found in men are symptomatic of a growing obsession with appearance."
► 簡化看:High levels of X are symptomatic of Y
高度的 X 是 Y的症狀(用 are 因爲主詞是 high levels)
‧ high levels of body talk:高度的談論外表,太過品頭論足
‧ X be symptomatic of Y:X 是Y的症狀
‧ symptomatic:症狀的(形容詞)
‧ obsession:沉迷(名詞)
‧ an obsession with appearance:對外表的沉迷
‧ growing obsession:增長的沉迷,越來越沉迷
‧ 身體的形象,指外表:body image (固定用法)
‧ 啤酒肚:beer belly , pot belly(固定用法)
‧ 外表:appearance(名詞)
‧ 承認做了某事:confess承認(動詞)
confess to being unhappy about their body 對身體不滿
‧ 以 A 來換 B:trade A to achieve B(動詞片語)
trade a year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight or shape
‧ 理性的體重或體態:ideal body weight or shape
‧ 沉迷:obsession(名詞)
‧ 對外表的沉迷:an obsession with appearance
‧ X 是Y的 症狀:X be symptomatic of Y
‧ 太過品頭論足是越來越沉迷於外表的症狀:High levels of body talk are symptomatic of a growing obsession of appearance.