這推動器有何價值?為何 NASA 急著要強調所有權? 歷史寶物?英文怎麽說?讀這則新聞就可以知道了
NASA: Apollo engines found by Amazon CEO belong to space agency
‧ 標題簡化來看:X belong to NASA
X為 Apollo engines(複數型)所以 belong(動詞)屬於,不加s
‧ Apollo engines found by 意思是 the Apollo engines which were found by
(被找到的Apollo 引擎)
‧ NASA:National Aeronautics and Space Administration
‧ Apollo:指 Apollo program 登月計劃
‧ Amazon CEO:亞馬遜網路書店執行長
‧ space agency:太空機構,太空總署指 NASA
■ NASA週五堅稱針對目前位在大西洋海底的火箭推動引擎,NASA擁有所有權,這項聲明在一個富有的冒險家宣布發現了太空史上的珍貴物件後一天發佈。
NASA insisted Friday that it has dibs on rocket engines sitting deep on the Atlantic Ocean floor, a day after a wealthy adventurer announced the discovery of the prized pieces of space history.
► 簡化來看:
NASA insisted Friday that ….., a day after this happened.
在某事發生後的一天,NASA 週五堅稱某事
‧ dibs on(片語)擁有某物的所有權
(North American English, informal) (British English bags (I)…) used to claim something as yours before somebody else can claim it
‧ Sit: 不是坐,在此要解讀為「位在」某處(動詞)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/sit
3 [intransitive]to be in a particular place+ adverb/preposition
A large bus was sitting outside.
‧ The rocket engines are sitting deep on the Atlantic Ocean floor.
‧ ocean floor:海底
‧ space history:太空歷史
‧ prized:珍貴的 (形容詞)
prized pieces in the space history太空史上的珍貴物件http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/prized
very valuable to somebody
I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire.
■ Amazon.com創始人兼CEO Jeff Bezos星期四透露 ,使用深海聲納,一個團隊已在14,000英尺海面下發現數個F-1發動引擎,那是推動 土星5號火箭的引擎,而土星五號火箭是帶著Neil Armstrong和阿波羅11號任務團員到月球去的火箭。
Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos revealed Thursday that, using deep-sea sonar, a team had found the F-1 engines that powered the Saturn V rocket carrying Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon "lying 14,000 feet below the surface."
► 簡化來看:
Amazon.com founder and CEO revealed Thursday that, a team had found X “lying 14,000 feet below the surface.
在海面下1万四千英尺處,發現了 X
X=the F-1 engines that powered the Saturn V rocket carrying some people to the moon.
‧ 注意 the F-1 engines 後面的that子句說明F-1 engines 的作用在推動土星五號火箭Saturn V rocket,而Saturn V rocket後面 carrying some people to the moon分詞說明火箭載了some people(阿姆斯壯和阿波羅11號團隊)到月球
‧ power:發動(動詞)powered 過去式the F-1 engines powered the Saturn V
‧ rocket:F-1引擎推動土星5號火箭
‧ reveal:透露(動詞)
‧ sonar:聲納(名詞)利用聲波尋找物件的裝備
equipment or a system for finding objects underwater using sound waves
‧ mission 是任務,但是在此
carrying Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission,
應該理解為:the Apollo 11 mission
mission: 2 [countable] a group of people doing such a job;
■ 億萬富翁投資者和創業家寫道:「我們正在籌備計劃,試圖把一個或多個(引擎)從海底打撈起來。」
"We're making plans to attempt to raise one or more of them from the ocean floor," the billionaire investor and entrepreneur wrote.
‧ attempt to do something:企圖做某事(動詞)
‧ billionaire:億萬富翁(名詞)
‧ entrepreneur:創業家(名詞)
■ NASA署長 Charles Bolden,星期五在他自己的聲明中, 讚揚Bezos和他的團隊找到歷史寶物,並祝福他們「世界上所有的好運」。
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, in his own statement Friday, applauded Bezos and his team for their "historic find" and wished them "all the luck in the world."
► 簡化來看:
X applauded Y for their ‘historic find’ and wished them all the luck in the world.
‧ applaud 人 for 事:向人喝彩稱讚某事(動詞)applauded 過去式
applaud Bezos and his team for their historic find
‧ historic find:歷史寶物(固定用法)
‧ find 在此當名詞:難得找到的有趣、有用、有價值的人或物
a thing or person that has been found, especially one that is interesting,
valuable or useful
an important archaeological find
■ 同時,他表示,任何重新找到的阿波羅引擎屬於太空總署。
At the same time, he stated that any Apollo engine that's recovered belongs to the space agency.
‧ recover 不是恢復,要找的更合適的意思:重新找到(動詞)
any Apollo engine that’s (that is) recovered =that 子句說明 Apollo engine
‧ NASA 的署長,Charles F. Bolden
Administrator of NASA. He’s the first African American to head the agency
on a permanent basis.
美國國家航空暨太空總署:NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
歷史寶物:historic find(固定用法)
擁有某物的所有權:have dibs on something
推動火箭:power the rocket
阿波羅11號任務團員:the Apollo 11 mission
海底:ocean floor(固定用法)
太空歷史:space history
太空總署:space agency
NASA 署長:NASA Administrator, Administrator of NASA