Bio 和 bank 分開看,就能猜到這和醫學研究有關
UK biobank opens to researchers
‧ biobank:字典還查不到,所以把這字拆開來看看能不能看懂:
‧ bio:和生命有關的和 bio 結合的字
如:biology 生物學、biography 個人傳記
‧ bank:大家最熟悉的意思是銀行,在此可以理解為資料庫
an amount of something that is collected; a place where something is stored
ready for use
a bank of knowledge
blood/sperm bank 血庫 / 精子銀行
‧ 所以推想:biobank是和人類生命有關的資料庫
■ 英國最全面的健康研究調查計劃,英國的 biobank 向研究人員打開大門。
The UK Biobank, the most comprehensive health study in the UK, is opening its doors to researchers.
► 簡化來看:
The UK Biobank is opening its doors to researchers.
逗號隔開的内容the most comprehensive health study in the UK說明biobank
‧ comprehensive:綜合的,全面的(形容詞)
‧ study:研究調查(名詞)這個字可當動詞,但在此要知道是名詞,因爲
在 the most …..之後,應該解讀為,最...的…
■ 這個對50萬人所做的研究計劃已整理約20TB(太位元組)安全保存的數據,相當於三萬張CD的資料 。
It has collated about 20TB (terabytes) of securely stored data, the equivalent of 30,000 CDs-worth, on 500,000 people.
► 簡化來看:
It has collated about 20TB of securely stored data on 500,000 people.
用逗號隔開的内容說明20TB 的資料量相當於30,000 張CD
‧ collate:對照整理(動詞)collect 是收集,collate 不只是收集還要整理
‧ terabyte:如果一般字典查不到,要找百科類的參考資料,如:
1TB = 1,000 GB
a unit of computer memory or data, equal to one million million, or 10 12 (= 1000000000000) bytes
‧ worth:值(名詞)
30,000 CDs-worth:值三萬張的CD的數量,CDs 複數型
ten dollars', £40, etc. worth of something an amount of something that has
the value mentioned
The winner will receive ten pounds' worth of books.
a dollar's worth of change
‧ securely stored data:被安全保存的資料
■ 生命資料庫的目的是為了針對如心臟病,癌症和糖尿病等相當廣泛的慢性病提升預防,診斷和治療的水準
The aim of the biobank is to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
► 簡化來看:
The aim of the biobank is to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment
of X.
X= a wide range of conditions such as A,B, and C 範圍廣泛的病況如:
A= heart disease
B= cancer
C= diabetes
‧ condition:慢性病症(名詞)conditions 複數型,在此不能理解成條件,
因爲後面的文字such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes 都指向病症,
3 [countable] an illness or a medical problem that you have for a long
time because it is not possible to cure it
a medical condition
He suffers from a serious heart condition.
‧ heart disease:心臟病(固定用法)注意 disease 在此為不可數名詞,
如 liver disease 肝病、kidney disease 腎臟病
‧ cancer:癌症(名詞)
‧ diabetes:糖尿病(不可數名詞)
‧ diagnosis:診斷(名詞)
‧ prevention:預防(名詞)
‧ treatment:治療(名詞)
■ 生命資料庫三年前開始對40至69歲的人開放,招募參與者。
The biobank began recruiting participants three years ago, and was open to people aged 40 to 69.
► 簡化來看:
The biobank began doing this three years ago, and was open to people
(that are 省略) aged 40 to 69.
‧ recruit:招收成員(動詞)
‧ participant:參與者(名詞)
‧ aged:在某年齡(形容詞)
[not before noun]of the age of
They have two children aged six and nine.
volunteers aged between 25 and 40
■ 每一個人都要回答有關他們的健康情況,生活方式,飲食習慣,記憶力,工作和家族歷史的問題。
Each answered questions on their health, lifestyle, diet, memory, work and family history.
‧ answer questions on…:回答有關…的問題
‧ lifestyle:生活方式(名詞)
‧ diet:飲食習慣(名詞)
your ability to remember things
■ 他們也接受一系列檢查測量項目,包括血壓,脈搏,身高,體重,體內脂肪和肺功能,並提供血液,唾液和尿液樣本。
They also had a range of measurements taken, including blood pressure, pulse rate, height, weight, body fat and lung function, and provided blood, saliva and urine samples.
► 簡化來看:
They did this and did that.
They had a range of measurements taken and provided X,Y and Z samples.
逗號隔開的内容 including A,B,C,D,E and F, 說明measurements 的項目
‧ measurement:測量項目(名詞),measurements 複數型
身體檢查時醫護人員測量項目:take measurements
接受檢測:have measurements taken
To have a range of measurements taken:接受一系列的檢查測量
‧ saliva:唾液(名詞)
‧ urine:尿(名詞)
‧ sample:取樣樣本(名詞),samples 複數型
招募:recruit (動詞)
參與者:participant (名詞)
接受檢測:to have measurements taken (動詞片語)
研究調查:study(名詞)a comprehensive study 全面研究調查
慢性病:a medical condition , condition(名詞)conditions 複數型
如心臟病,癌症和糖尿病等相當廣泛的慢性病: a wide range of conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes
糖尿病: diabetes