100 years later, Titanic's allure still strong
‧ allure:吸引人的特質(不可數名詞)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/allure
the quality of being attractive and exciting
‧ 標題省略了 be 動詞:
100 years later, Titanic’s allure is still strong
■ 鐵達尼紀念號豪華郵輪將按照鐵達尼號當年的路綫行駛,並計劃抵達的時間和地點正是鐵達尼號於1912年4月14日接近午夜撞上冰山, 不到三個小時後很快就沉到大西洋底部的確切時間和確切位置。
The Titanic Memorial Cruise will follow the route the Titanic took, and is scheduled to be in the exact spot at the exact time the Titanic struck an iceberg close to midnight on April 14, 1912, sending it to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean a little less than three hours later.
► 簡化來看:
The Titanic Memorial Cruise will do X and is scheduled to be Y at Z time.
X=follow the route the Titanic took
Y= in the exact spot
Z=the exact time the Titanic struck an iceberg
sending it to the bottom….是分詞構句,說明Titanic struck an iceberg 的後果
‧ strike:struck(過去式) 撞擊(動詞)struck an iceberg 撞到冰山
‧ close:接近的(形容詞)(這字可當動詞,名詞等)在此
close to something 表示接近(時間/地點)
close to midnight 接近午夜
close to the school 接近學校
‧ send:一般人熟悉的意思是「送達」(動詞)這裡查字典的時候,
make something move quickly
4to make something/somebody move quickly or suddenly
send something/somebody doing something
Every step he took sent the pain shooting up his leg.
The punch sent him flying.
send something/somebody + adverb/preposition
The report sent share prices down a further 8p.
‧ Send it to the bottom:指撞擊快速突然地讓(鐵達尼號)沉到海底
■ 超過1500 人失去了性命,大約700人存活 - 其中大部分是婦女和兒童 - 。
More than 1,500 people lost their lives, and about 700 -- mostly women and children -- survived.
‧ lose:失去(動詞)lost(過去式)
lost lives 喪失性命,死亡
‧ survive:生存,死裏逃生(動詞)
CNN 另一篇報導指出:鐡達尼百年紀念(centenary)在沉船遺骸(the wreck)上舉行
Cruise ships mark Titanic centenary over the wreck
‧ cruise:船上度假悠遊旅行(名詞)
a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday/vacation
‧ cruise ships:豪華郵輪
‧ mark:慶祝紀念(動詞)這字有許多意思,注意找到合適的解釋
4 [transitive] mark something to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider to be important
a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war
‧ centenary:百年紀念日(名詞)
plural centenaries (British English)
(also centennial North American English, British English)
the 100th anniversary of an event
The club will celebrate its centenary next year.
■ 兩艘郵輪周日凌晨在沉船的殘骸現場上方直接投擲花圈到北大西洋,紀念鐡達尼號沉船 100週年。
Two cruise ships marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic by tossing wreaths into the North Atlantic early Sunday morning directly over the site of the ship's wreckage.
► 簡化來看:
Two cruise ships marked X by doing Y early Sunday morning.
X=the 100th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic
Y=tossing wreaths into the North Atlantic directly over the site of the
ship’s wreckage. 沉船的殘骸現場上方直接投擲花圈到北大西洋
‧ RMS Titanic:為何 Titanic 前面要冠上 RMS?
‧ RMS:Royal Mail Ship (皇家郵件船-也就是郵輪的由來)
19世紀,標識RMS的船 加載郵件
Royal Mail Ship (sometimes Steam-ship or Steamer)
■ 450名乘客聚集在專為「鐵達尼號紀念之旅」所包租的一艘名為Azamara旅途號的船上,他們的追思之夜以靜坐開始,同時投影屏幕上顯示 1,503個鐵達尼號遇難者的名字,隨後儀式開始。
The 450 passengers gathered on the Azamara Journey, a ship chartered for a "Titanic Memorial Cruise," began their evening of remembrance by sitting in silence as 1,503 names of those who perished aboard the Titanic were displayed on a projection screen. A ceremony followed.
► 簡化來看:
The 450 passengers(who were)gathered on the ship, began their
evening of remembrance by doing this as 1503 names were displayed
on a projection screen.
X began their evening of remembrance by doing Y.
‧ gather:聚集一堂(動詞)注意用法,有 be 動詞
be gathered + adv.preposition
They were all gathered round the TV.
A large crowd was gathered outside the studio.
The kids were gathered together in one room.
‧ charter:包租(動詞)
charter something to hire/rent a plane, boat, etc. for your own use
a chartered plane
They flew to Athens and then chartered a boat to the island.
‧ remembrance:追思(名詞)
evening of remembrance 追思之夜
‧ projection screen:投影屏幕
‧ perish:遇難猝死(動詞)
■ 牧師Robert Lawrence說:「我們為死去的人祈禱,尤其是那些100年前死於這個夜晚的人,我們為那些死在鐵達尼號上的人的親屬祈禱。」
"We pray for the departed, especially those who died on this night 100 years ago," said the Rev. Robert Lawrence. "We pray for the relatives of all those who died in Titanic."
‧ departed:死去的(形容詞)避免用 dead 時
dead. People say ‘departed’ to avoid saying ‘dead’
your dear departed brother
‧ Rev:Reverend 牧師(名詞)
豪華郵輪:cruise ships
慶祝百年:mark the 100th anniversary,mark the centenary
包租:charter (動詞)