PSY apologizes for viral anti-American lyrics
‧ viral:病毒的(形容詞)
something circulates widely online 在網路上廣為流傳如病毒一般
‧ lyrics:歌詞(名詞-以複數型出現)
[plural] the words of a song
‧ anti-American:反美的(形容詞)
在 story highlights (故事摘要:新聞亮點)中,我們看到:
■ 韓國流行歌手PSY為他所謂的「激烈」的歌詞道歉。
South Korean pop star PSY apologized for what he called "inflammatory" lyrics.
‧ X apologized for Y
X= South Korean pop star PSY
Y= what he called "inflammatory" lyrics
‧ inflammatory:激烈,易激怒的(形容詞)
intended to cause very strong feelings of anger
inflammatory remarks
這個字和 inflame:激怒,使燃燒(動詞)和 flame:火焰(名詞)都有關
Is this the end of "Gangnam Style" mania?
‧ Gangnam Style:江南Style(註一)
‧ mania:瘋狂(名詞)
an extremely strong desire or enthusiasm for something, often shared
by a lot of people at the same time
同義詞: craze
He had a mania for fast cars.
■ 透過他破紀錄的「江南Style」YouTube影片,一炮而紅的韓國流行歌星PSY,週五為他早在2004年所唱的饒舌反美歌詞道歉。
Korean pop star PSY -- who rose to fame through his YouTube record-breaking video "Gangnam Style" -- apologized Friday for anti-American lyrics he rapped back in 2004.
‧ 簡化來看:Korean pop star PSY apologized for anti-American lyrics
(that 省略) he rapped back in 2004.
who 子句說明PSY(who rose to fame through his YouTube record-breaking
video "Gangnam Style")透過他破紀錄的YouTube影片「江南Style」而一舉
‧ pop star:流行歌星(名詞)
‧ rise to fame:一舉成名(動詞片語)rose 為rise 的過去式
‧ record-breaking:破紀錄的(形容詞)
‧ anti-American lyrics:反美歌詞
‧ rap:以rap饒舌方式唱出(動詞)rapped(過去式)
to say the words of a rap
‧ rap:一種流行音樂的唱法,饒舌風(名詞)
a type of popular music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are
spoken fast, not sung
a rap song/artist
■ 那場演出重新出現在CNN的iReport中,然後在線上廣為流傳。
That performance resurfaced on CNN's iReport and then circulated widely online.
‧ resurface:重新浮出(動詞)
‧ circulate:流傳(動詞)
■ 在他的道歉聲明中,PSY說,他的表演非常情緒化,是對伊拉克戰爭中的事件的反應 。
In his apology, PSY said his performance had been emotionally charged and was a response to events in the war in Iraq.
‧ had been:是be動詞的過去完成式
‧ charged:引發強烈情緒或意見的(形容詞)
full of or causing strong feelings or opinions
‧ emotionally charged:充滿情緒的,情緒化的(形容詞)
■ 「我了解美國軍方為了保護我的國家和世界各地的自由和民主所做的犧牲 。」他在一份聲明中說。
"I understand the sacrifices American servicemen and women have made to protect freedom and democracy in my country and around the world," he said in a statement.
‧ the sacrifices(that 省略)X have made to achieve something
X= American servicemen and women 美國軍人(男女都算)
X have made the sacrifices, 把 sacrifices 拿到前面就成了
the sacrifices that X have made
‧ serviceman/servicewoman:男女軍人(名詞)
a man or woman who is a member of the armed forces
■ 他說:「這首歌是針對伊拉克的戰爭和殺害兩名韓國女學生事件所引發的強烈情緒反應的一部分,那也是當時其他在世界各地整體反戰氛圍的一部份。」
He said the song "was part of a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of two Korean schoolgirls that was part of the overall anti-war sentiment shared by others around the world at that time."
‧ 簡化來看:the song was part of X that was part of the overall anti-war
sentiment(that was 省略)shared by others around the world at that time.
X= a deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq and the killing of two Korean schoolgirls針對伊拉克的戰爭和殺害兩名韓國女學生事件所引發的強烈情
‧ sentiment:意見觀點(名詞)
a feeling or an opinion, especially one based on emotions
the spread of nationalist sentiments
‧ anti-war sentiment:反戰氛圍(名詞)
■ 「雖然我們表達意見是重要的,但我深感後悔我用了激烈不當的言辭來表達意見。」
"While it's important that we express our opinions, I deeply regret the inflammatory and inappropriate language I used to do so."
‧ 簡化來看:
While it’s important that we express our opinions, I deeply regret X.
X= the inflammatory and inappropriate language (that 省略) I used to do so.
do so 呼應前面的express our opinions 用了不當的語言來表達意見
‧ regret:感到後悔(動詞)
to feel sorry about something you have done or about something that you
have not been able to do
regret something
If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it.
‧ inappropriate:不當的(形容詞)
‧ inappropriate language:不當的語言(名詞)
■ 目前還不清楚這些反美歌詞的揭露將有什麼後果。
It's unclear what the fallout of the revelation of these anti-American lyrics will be.
‧ revelation:揭露(名詞)
a fact that people are made aware of, especially one that has been secret
and is surprising disclosure
■ 但是,這件事不禁讓我們想知道──你認為該有什麼後果? 一位饒舌歌手在2004年所說的該被追究嗎?
But it has us wondering -- what do you think the consequences should be? Should a rapper be held accountable for what he said in 2004?
‧ it has us wondering – it 指的是這件事,這件事讓我們不禁要想知道
‧ have:讓(動詞)
to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state; to make somebody
react in a particular way
have somebody/something doing something
He had his audience listening attentively.
‧ rapper:饒舌歌手(名詞)
a person who speaks the words of a rap song
‧ be held accountable:被追究責任(動詞片語)
‧ accountable:要負責任的(形容詞)
responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them
when you are asked
The state spends taxpayers' money and should be held accountable.
可以觀賞 PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(江南 Style)
這個説法「江南Style」是韓國的新詞,指的是一種與首爾江南區有關的生活方式。 包括谷歌公司執行董事長 Eric Schmidt,英國首相David Cameron和聯合國秘書長Ban Ki-Moon等名人,都熱情演出捧場。
The phrase "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam District of Seoul.
‧ 反美的歌詞:anti-American lyrics
‧ 一舉成名:rise to fame(動詞片語)rose 為rise 的過去式
‧ 破紀錄的:record-breaking (形容詞)
‧ 饒舌歌手:rapper(名詞)
‧ 激烈的:inflammatory(形容詞)inflammatory lyrics
‧ 不當的:inappropriate(形容詞)
‧ 充滿情緒的,情緒化的:emotionally charged(形容詞)
‧ 反戰氛圍:anti-war sentiment(名詞)
‧ 被追究責任:be held accountable(動詞片語)
‧ 瘋狂:mania(名詞)”Gangnam style” mania
‧ 揭露:revelation(名詞)revelation of anti-American lyrics