What's the buzz on 'Life of Pi'?
‧ buzz:人們興奮談話的聲音(名詞)
the sound of people talking, especially in an excited way
The buzz of conversation suddenly stopped when she came into the room.
‧ What’s the buzz about/on X:有關 X 的最新消息是什麼?
為何很多人在談X 熱門話題?
■ 一度被視為「無法改編成電影」的「少年Pi的奇幻漂流」,今天卻一直贏得好評。
For an adaptation that was viewed as "unfilmable," today's "Life of Pi" is earning consistently rave reviews.
‧ adaptation:改編的作品如電影,書或戲劇(名詞)
a film/movie, book or play that is based on a particular piece of work but
that has been changed for a new situation
a screen adaptation of Shakespeare's ‘Macbeth’
‧ unfilmable:無法拍成電影(形容詞)
‧ film:拍電影(動詞)filmable:可拍成電影
‧ rave:好評(名詞)美式英語多用複數型-raves
a statement of enthusiastic praise or approval
Her review of the movie was a rave. — often plural in U.S. English ▪
The movie got raves from the critics.
[=the critics praised the movie very enthusiastically]
常見用法:rave reviews 佳評(名詞,複數型)
The movie got rave reviews from the critics.
[=was highly praised by the critics]
■ 這個由李安導演的片子,從故事本身開始就有一些挑戰。
Directed by Ang Lee, the project had a number of challenges, starting with the story itself.
‧ 這句話可以這麼看:
The project was directed by Ang Lee.
The project had a number of challenges, starting with X.
兩句的主詞都是 the project, 合起來就可以這麼說:
Directed by Ang Lee, the project had a number of challenges, starting with X.
X= the story itself
starting with X, 分詞構句,說明 challenges 如:the story itself(故事本身)
‧ Ang Lee:李安的英文名
‧ a number of:一些(片語)
A number of (= some) problems have arisen.
■ 由Yann Martel 所寫的小說中,主角在一個嚴重的船難後,很多時間都跟孟加拉虎同被困在一艘救生艇上 。
The protagonist in the novel, written by Yann Martel, spends much of his time stranded on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger as his companion after a major shipwreck.
‧ 簡化來看:先把written by Yann Martel 拿開
The protagonist spends much of his time(being省略)stranded on
a lifeboat with X as his companion after Y.
X= a Bengal tiger
Y= a major shipwreck
written by Yann Martel 說明the novel小說是由Yann Martel 寫的
being 何時可以省略:"Being" in absolute structures在副詞形容詞之前
‧ protagonist:主角(名詞)the main character in a play, film/movie or book
‧ companion:同行的人(名詞)
a person or an animal that travels with you or spends a lot of time with you
travelling companions
‧ strand:擱淺;處於困境(動詞)
being stranded:被困(被動式)
strand somebody: to leave somebody in a place from which they have no
way of leaving
The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.
‧ a major shipwreck:嚴重船難(名詞)
‧ major:嚴重的(形容詞)
(北美用法:North American English)serious
Never mind—it's not major.
‧ shipwreck:船失事,海難(名詞)
the loss or destruction of a ship at sea because of a storm or because it
hits rocks, etc
They narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm in the North Sea.
■ 試圖把Pi動人的體驗在電影上生動地呈現是被坦誠有風險的,然而李已經令人敬佩地掌握了這個風險的管理。
Trying to bring Pi's moving experience to life on film was an admitted risk, but one Lee has impressively managed.
‧ 簡化來看:X was a risk but Lee has managed the risk.
X= trying to bring Y to life on film
Y= Pi’s moving experience Pi的動人的體驗
‧ one Lee has impressively managed:one 指的是拍此片的風險
a risk,因為前面已經提到過 admitted risk (被承認的風險)
‧ bring something to life:使得某事生動有趣(片語)
to make somebody/something more interesting or exciting
The new teacher really brought French to life for us.
‧ manage the risk:處理,管理風險(動詞片語)google「manage the risk」
可以看到許多舉例:Managing the Risks from Climate Extremes at the
Local Level.
‧ moving:感人的(形容詞)
causing you to have deep feelings of sadness or sympathy
a deeply moving experience
‧ impressively:令人敬佩地(副詞)
‧ impressive:(形容詞)making you feel admiration, because they are very
large, good, skilful, etc
an impressive building with a huge tower
CNN 另一篇影評,點出該片的結局不是省油的燈,大膽又奇妙
Review:'Life of Pi' is bold and wondrous
■ 如果這個高潮感覺有一點匆忙,激烈的終曲是以無比精緻的手法寫出並由 Irrfan Khan l和 Rafe Spall 演出的。
If this climax feels a shade hurried, the poignant coda is written and acted with immense delicacy by Irrfan Khan and Rafe Spall.
‧ 簡化來看:
If X feels a shade hurried, Y is written and acted with immense delicacy
by A and B.
X= this climax(劇情的高潮)
Y= the poignant coda(激烈的終曲,結尾)
‧ a shade:一點點(副詞)
a shade [singular] a little; slightly同義詞: touch
He was feeling a shade disappointed
‧ hurried:匆忙的(形容詞)
done too quickly because you do not have enough time
I ate a hurried breakfast and left.
‧ coda:終曲,最後結尾(名詞)
the final passage of a piece of music
‧ poignant:激動的,令人心痛,難過的(形容詞)
having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that makes you
feel sad
同義詞 moving
a poignant image/moment/memory, etc.
‧ delicacy:精緻(名詞)
the quality of being done carefully and gently
■ 這種超現實的寓言帶來了真正沈重心痛的收場。
This transcendent fable carries a real sting in its tail.
‧ transcendent fable:超現實的寓言(名詞)
‧ fable:a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially one
with animals as characters; these stories considered as a group
Aesop's Fables
‧ a sting in the tail:不是快樂的結局,是沈重,刺痛的收場(片語)(informal)
an unpleasant feature that comes at the end of a story, an event, etc.
and spoils it
■ 李安拍了一部大膽而奇妙的電影,他最好的其中之一。
Ang Lee has made a bold and wondrous movie, one of his best.
‧ wondrous:奇妙的(形容詞)
strange, beautiful and impressive 同義詞 wonderful
It was a wondrous thing to see the sea for the first time.
Youtube 影片
HBO Directors Dialogue: Ang Lee
讀李安新片的報導,我們藉此學學影評寫法,尤其是佳評rave review:
‧ 人們興奮談話的聲音:buz(名詞)What’s the buzz on X?
‧ 不是快樂的結局,是沈重,刺痛的收場:a sting in the tail(片語)
‧ 精緻:delicacy(名詞)
‧ 終曲,最後結尾:coda(名詞)
‧ 激動的,令人心痛,難過的:poignant(形容詞)
‧ 被承認的風險:admitted risk(名詞)
‧ 風險管理:manage the risk(動詞片語)
‧ 主角:protagonist(名詞)
‧ 使得某事生動有趣:bring something to life(動詞片語)
‧ 嚴重船難:a major shipwreck(名詞)
‧ 擱淺;處於困境:strand (動詞)
‧ 改編的作品如電影,書或戲劇:adaptation(名詞)screen adaptation電影
‧ 佳評:rave reviews(名詞,複數型)
‧ 感人的:moving(形容詞)
‧ 令人敬佩地:impressively(副詞)