How will Newtown shootings change the US gun debate?
‧ 康州的槍擊事件是shootings 還是 shooting?這則 BBC新聞 的標題
用的是 Newtown shootings, 發生在Newtown 這一區的槍擊事件,看到shootings 知道開槍次數不只一次,所以用複數型:shootings
‧ 但是google:Newtown school shooting, 你會發現,
‧ Newtown shooting:Youngest victim's funeral takes place
還有 CNN,也用 shooting
Newtown shooting draws new voices to social media
‧ 用 shooting 代表這整個槍擊過程,而不是去看槍擊的次數,用複數型
shootings 和 單數型shooting 都可以,只是角度不同。
‧ shooting:槍擊(可數名詞)
a situation in which a person is shot with a gun
Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks.
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead
and three wounded.
‧ 但是 school shooting victims(校園槍擊受難者)school shooting heroes
(校園槍擊英雄)的用法中,shooting 都不加 s.
‧ gun debate:槍支法的辯論
■ 康州(Connecticut)的校園槍擊事件讓美國大感震驚。但這事件,如果有影響的話,對國家的槍支法會有什麼影響?
The Connecticut school shootings have horrified America. But what impact, if any, will they have on the nation's gun laws?
‧ 簡化來看:
X have horrified America. What impact will X have on the nation’s gun laws?
X= The Connecticut school shootings(名詞-複數型,所以用 they 指稱)
‧ horrify:恐嚇,震驚(動詞)
to make somebody feel extremely shocked, disgusted or frightene
同義詞 appal
horrify somebody The whole country was horrified by the killings.
‧ gun laws:槍支法
■ 使在一個槍枝大屠殺案件,為時久遠,又為人熟知的國家,歷歷可數-如:
Columbine,Virginia理工大學,Aurora,Jonesboro和許多其他──發生在Sandy Hook小學的屠殺,另有一種獨特的震撼力。
Even in a nation with a roll call of gun massacres so long and familiar –
Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Jonesboro and many others - the killings at
Sandy Hook Elementary have a singular capacity to shock.
‧ 簡化來看:
Even in a nation with X, the killings at Y have a singular capacity to shock.
即使在一個有 X 的國家,發生在Y的屠殺有一種非凡的震撼力。
X= a roll call of gun massacres so long and familiar
Y= Sandy Hook Elementary
‧ roll-call:點名(名詞)
the reading of a list of names to a group of people to check who is there
‧ gun massacres:以槍屠殺(名詞,複數型)
the killing of a large number of people especially
in a cruel way
the bloody massacre of innocent civilians
‧ killing:蓄意殺害(名詞)killings(複數型)
‧ a singular capacity to shock:非凡的震撼力
■ 20名兒童和6名成人死了。一名強行進入學校的槍手,把他們的生命和自己的生命都奪走了。
Twenty children and six adults lie dead. A gunman who forced his way into
the school took their lives and his own.
‧ 簡化來看:A gunman took their lives and his own.
‧ lie:處於某狀態(動詞)接形容詞(這裡不是躺下的意思)
to be, remain or be kept in a particular state+ adjective
These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.
‧ lie dead:呈現死亡的狀態,這裡用現在式,凸顯臨場感,同時,
■ 這慘劇已經重新開啓全國槍支法的辯論,同時改革的長期支持者已經發出呼籲要求更嚴格的控管。
The tragedy has re-opened the debate over the nation's gun laws as long-term
supporters of reform have issued calls for tighter controls.
■ 槍擊事件後,激動的歐巴馬總統承諾「有意義的行動」,並說:「作為一個國家,我們已經經歷過太多次了。」
After the shootings, an emotional President Barack Obama promised "meaningful action", adding: "As a country, we have been through this too many times.
‧ through:經歷過(介係詞)
from the beginning to the end of an activity, a situation or a period of time
He will not live through the night.
■ 根據2012年7月份「Mother Jones」雜誌 針對自1982年以來在美國進行的62件大屠殺的研究,殺手所用的槍支有139把,其中有四分之三都是合法擁有 。
According to a July 2012 study by the magazine Mother Jones of 62 mass murders carried out in the US since 1982, three quarters of the 139 firearms used by the killers were held legally.
‧ 簡化來看:According to a study by X of Y, three quarters of Z were held legally.
根據 X 針對Y的研究 四分之三的Z 是合法持有 。
a study by X – a study by the magazine Mother Jones
a study of Y – a study of 62 mass murders (that have been ) carried out in the
US since 1982
Z= the 139 firearms used by the killers 殺手所用的139 把槍
‧ mass murders:大規模屠殺(名詞,複數型)
‧ firearm:槍支(名詞)
a gun that can be carried
The police were issued with firearms.
■ 其中(139 把槍枝中),超過60支是半自動手槍和超過30支是攻擊性武器。
Of these, more than 60 were semi-automatic handguns and over 30 were
assault weapons.
‧ semi-automatic handgun:半自動手槍
‧ assault weapons:攻擊(突擊)性武器(複數型)
■ 但是,在一個估計有三億槍枝的國家,攜帶武器的權利是在憲法中被提到的,槍支管制的倡導者並不敢宣稱改變就快來了。
But in a country with an estimated 300m guns, where the right to bear arms is mentioned in the constitution, gun control advocates are wary of claiming that
change is at hand.
‧ 簡化來看:
But in a country with X, where Y is mentioned in the constitution, Z are wary of claiming that change is at hand.
X= an estimated 300m guns估計有三億槍支
Y= the right to bear arms攜帶武器的權利
Z= gun control advocates槍支管制的倡導者
‧ constitution:憲法(名詞)
‧ advocate:倡導者(名詞)
‧ wary:謹慎的(形容詞)
careful when dealing with somebody/something because you think that there may be a danger or problem
同義詞 cautious
wary (of somebody/something)
Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.
‧ at hand:就近,快來了(副詞片語)
close to you in time or distance
Help was at hand.
‧ 槍擊:shooting(可數名詞)shootings(複數型)
‧ 校園槍擊:school shooting(名詞)
‧ 槍枝:gun, firearm(名詞)
‧ 攻擊性武器:assault weapons(名詞,複數型)
‧ 槍枝管制:gun controls(名詞,複數型)
‧ 攜帶武器的權利:the right to bear arms
‧ 槍枝法的辯論:gun debate(名詞)
‧ 恐嚇,震驚:horrify(動詞)
‧ 槍枝法:gun laws(名詞)
‧ 半自動手槍:semi-automatic handgun(名詞)
‧ 攻擊(突擊)性武器assault weapons:(名詞,複數型)
‧ 非凡的震撼力:a singular capacity to shock
‧ 以槍屠殺:gun massacres(名詞,複數型)
‧大規模屠殺:mass murders(名詞)