Wall of dust that enveloped Phoenix felt like a movie
Wall of dust felt like a movie 沙牆感覺像電影
Wall of dust that enveloped Phoenix 是包圍住鳳凰城的沙牆
Wall of dust萬里沙牆,這是幾天前一直在新聞看到的鳳凰城畫面。
• Phoenix:鳳凰城,在美國亞歷桑納州
• envelop:是個動詞,包圍、蓋住,加-ed變成過去式enveloped。
★ Dust enveloped Phoenix用過去式因為已經發生了,不是嗎?
這字很像我們一般熟悉的信封envelope (名詞),結尾有個e,
█ 好萊塢電影腳本也拍不出更好的沙塵外景, 沙塵大到好像要把整座鳳凰城吃掉。
Hollywood couldn't have better scripted the wall of dust that looked big enough to eat Phoenix.
• Hollywood就是好萊塢
• Script:寫劇本,在此當動詞
█ 這個沙塵暴導致能見度低 (low visibility),延誤在該州 (指Arizona亞歷桑大州 簡寫AZ) 最大的機場進出的班機 (delayed flights in and out of the state’s largest airport)。
The dust storm caused low visibility and delayed flights in and out of the state's largest airport.
• visibility:能見度
█ 在風凰城的天港機場 (Sky Harbor Airport) 至少有三班飛機取消,成打的班機被延誤 (a dozen were delayed)。
At least three flights were canceled and about a dozen were delayed at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport, said airport spokeswoman Julie Rodriguez.
• airport spokeswoman:機場的女代言人
█ 有一些飛機接受檢查是否引擎裡有捲入沙塵。
A few planes were checked for any dust in their engines.
█ 根據國家氣象局 (National Weather Service) ,沙塵暴 (sandstorm) 也叫 “haboob”,一般是指在沙漠出現的風暴,可以高達千呎 (thousands of feet high)。
The violent dust or sandstorm, called a haboob, typically occurs over desert land and can stretch thousands of feet high, according to the National Weather Service.
• desert:沙漠
• stretch:延伸,綿延 (動詞)
█ 哪種文化會最瞭解沙塵暴?原來”haboob”這個字來自阿拉伯文,表示wind 「風」之意,被用來描述世界各地沙與塵的風暴 (describe sand and dust storms across the world)。”Haboob”經常發生在西南部的夏天雨季 (monsoon season)。
Haboob comes from the Arabic word for wind and is used to describe sand and dust storms across the world. They usually occur during the summer monsoon season in the Southwest.
█ 這種haboob沙塵暴除了造成能見度過低可能導致意外,它們也可能將樹木連根拔起,損壞屋頂,與電線倒塌。
In addition to visibility that can cause accidents, haboobs can also uproot trees, damage roofs and bring down power lines.
• visibility:能見度
• uproot:動詞,將~連根拔起 ★聯想起”upset”打亂,把set好的打翻
• power lines:電源線
█ 一位住在鳳凰城多年的居民說:我在鳳凰城出生長大,一向很很習慣沙塵暴,但這一次卻很”unreal”不像真的,簡直像是在電影裡。沙塵巨大而且顏色很深。
"As someone who has been born and raised in Phoenix, I am very used to dust storms," Siwek said. "This one however was unreal. It felt like a movie with its massive size and deep coloration."
★ 讀鳳凰城的沙塵暴,學到一個來自阿拉伯文的英文字”haboob”,可能一般字
典還查不到,但到YouTube用”haboob”搜尋,可以找世界各地不少沙塵暴影片:其中之邀Driving into AZ Haboob Dust Storm HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwIxSi8ybLM&NR=1 拍得宛如離奇電影
★ 這裡有蘇丹haboob的照片,喜愛看巨大沙塵壯闊無限的讀者,更要記得這個字
沙塵暴:haboob, sand and dust storms或sandstorm或duststorm
包圍:envelop (動詞)
包圍鳳凰城:enveloped Phoenix.
The wall of dust enveloped Phoenix. (過去式)
巨大的:massive (形容詞)
The wall of dust was massive.
把樹連根拔起:uproot trees
雨季:monsoon season
難以置信,不像真的:It was unreal. (已經發生過了,用過去式was)
電源線倒塌:bring down power lines
延誤班機:delay flights
取消班機:cancel flights