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Irene:It could have been worse



• Irene:是颶風的名稱,中譯名「艾琳」

• could have been worse:是過去的假設用法 (could+ have +過去分詞)


could have been 就要想到是跟實情不同,而不是直接想成是更糟 ( 不少翻譯的新聞標題都搞錯了)。


如何知道Irene颶風 的破壞不是那麼遭呢? 看一下內容,就可以印證,跟標題是否相互呼應。



█ 第一句:這個人Georgia Tugend週日醒來,感到鬆了一口氣


Georgia Tugend awoke Sunday with a sense of relief.


• awake:醒來 (當不及物動詞) ,過去式awoke

• relief:寬心 (名詞)

   with a sense of relief 有如釋重負的感覺


█ Irene 颶風呼嘯吹過她Delaware的社區,風力強大嚇人,把電力供應給斷了,造成一地散落的樹枝磚頭碎片。但她的房子沒有淹水,她的家人也平安


Hurricane Irene had roared through her Delaware neighborhood, vast and menacing. The wind knocked out power and scattered debris. Her house did not flood, though. Her family was safe.


• hurricane:我們這裡有颱風 (typhoon),但在大西洋上形成的颱風,稱為颶風hurricane。

► 字典的解釋:a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean (

所以看到美國的氣象報導,都說颶風 Hurricane 而不用颱風

※  Typhoon是在西太平洋上West Pacific Ocean形成的


• roar:呼嘯吹起強風 (動詞)

Hurricane Irene roared through her neighborhood. 強風吹過她的的社區。


• vast and menacing: 巨大又很令人感到害怕,這兩個形容詞都在形容 Hurricane Irene。


• power: 在此指電力(名詞)

• scatter:使分散 (動詞) 

   scatter debris 使碎片散落一地

• debris:碎片,殘骸,此字本身有 ‘s’ 是不可數名詞

• flood:淹水 (動詞)

    Her house did not flood.


█ Tugend 說:「並沒有如我想像的那麼可怕,我所看到的只要花點力氣沒有什麼是不能修好的。」


"It was not as bad as I feared it would be," Tugend said. "There's nothing I see that can't be fixed with a little elbow grease."


• elbow grease:費力工作(片語)

► elbow 為肘,grease是油脂


█ 住在華盛頓首府附近的人,週日也冒險出去,發現比情況原來想像的好,有可能更遭但並沒有。

People in Washington, D.C., also ventured out Sunday to discover that the city could have fared much worse.

• Washington, D.C.:華府特區;D.C.是District of Columbia 

• venture out:冒險出門 (因為颶風還沒離開),動詞片語

• The city could have fared much worse:又是過去假設

► could have fared (could+have+過去分詞) worse

可能遭遇更糟, could have fared much worse 可能還要更遭,但實際並沒有。


• fare:遭遇 (不及物動詞),fared過去式和過去分詞


█ 一位居民 Eric Goode 說:我開車到處看看,是有很多樹倒了,但除此之外,沒有那麼糟糕。


"I drove around and there were a lot of downed trees, but other than that, it wasn't that bad," said Eric Goode.


• downed trees: 被弄倒的樹

► down 可當動詞,強力迫使倒下,這裡用過去分詞 downed形容樹被吹倒


█ 在紐約,有些人問是否危險被刻意誇大了


Some people asked if the danger was over-hyped.


• hype:動詞, 誇大事實的宣傳,以抓取注意力,hyped 可當過去分詞,被誇大了

   over-hyped  太誇大了 (形容詞)



不管是颱風或颶風,強度不容易預測,寧願多戒備,也不要大意,讀艾琳颱風新聞,正好複習一下與過去假設 (could have+過去分詞) 的用法與相關詞彙。 


颶風:hurricane (名詞)

被宣傳過火了:over-hyped (形容詞)

                               The danger was over-hyped.

吹倒的樹:downed tree (名詞)

可能更糟 (其實不然):It could have been worse.

                                           The city could have fared much worse.  

碎片,殘骸:debris 此字本身有 ‘s’ 是不可數名詞

有如釋重負的感覺:a sense of relief (片語)


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