Internet mourns Steve Jobs' resignation
mourn:動詞,為死去的人或昔日的風光不在而哀傷,這裡mourns加了’s’ 因為主詞為第三人稱單數
►Internet 網際網路 (其實是網路上的網友)
• resignation:名詞,辭職,Steve Jobs 是他的全名,姓氏為Jobs (s結尾)
所以是Jobs’ resignation
█ 這一刻是許多科技迷希望不會到來的一刻:賈伯斯辭去Apple領航人的職位,Apple這個公司是1976年他與合夥人在自家車庫裡共同創辦的公司。
It's a moment many tech fans hoped never would come: Steve Jobs' resignation from the helm of Apple, which he co-founded from his family garage in 1976.
►這句話簡化來看就是:It’s a moment of Steve Jobs’ resignation from the helm of Apple。
• helm:名詞, 舵,衍伸為 「領導地位」, the helm of Apple,Apple的領航人,掌舵人的位置
• be at the helm:在領導的位置
He has been at the helm of the company. 公司由他管。
►resignation from the helm of Apple 辭去Apple領航人的職位
• found:建立 (動詞原形, 過去式 founded),加了’co-’ ,co-found共同建立
They co-founded Apple.
█ 當這個消息週三傍晚傳到東岸的時候,人們衝向線上社群網路為看似是賈伯斯事業的終點表達哀傷,談論Apple 產品 如iPhone的未來,並給與他祝福,願他健康。
As that news hit early Wednesday evening on the East Coast, people rushed to online social networks to mourn the apparent end of Jobs' career; talk about what this means for the future of Apple products like the iPhone; and wish him good health.
►簡化來看這句:As the news hit early Wednesday evening, people rushed to online social networks to do X, Y, Z.
當這個消息傳來(the news hit),人們急著到社群網站去作了X, Y, Z 三件事:
to mourn...
to talk about…
to wish him good health
※後面的 to talk about與to wish的‘to’可以省略。
• apparent:看似真的但還沒有證實,形容詞,這個字很好用,不要太武斷,講話留有餘地
end of Jobs’ career 賈伯斯事業的終點
apparent end of Jobs’ career 看似是事業的終點(其實未來仍不清楚)
這則消息CNN 另一則新新聞的標題是「Apple 執行長辭職」
Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns
█ Apple 執行長Steve Jobs已經辭職,將由前首席營運長 Tim Cook 取代,該公司在週三稍晚發表說明。Jobs 將留任擔任Apple的董事長。
Apple CEO Steve Jobs has resigned and will be replaced by former Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook, the company said late Wednesday. Jobs will stay on as Apple's chairman.
• the company said:並不是理解成「公司說」,而是該公司發佈的說明。注意英文只是用了 say 這個字,查英英字典的時候,往下找找在此上下文的意思。
►to give particular information or instruction 給予特定的信息或指示
█ 賈伯斯的辭職信上寫著: 如果我已經不能符合擔任 Apple 執行長的職責與期望時,我會第一個讓各位知道。
"I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come," wrote Jobs, who has been on medical leave since January. Cook has been filling in as the company's leader
• meet my duties and expectations:滿足符合擔負的責任與期待,在此meet是fulfill去完成任務)
• has been on medical leave:請病假
• fill in as…:代理~職務(動詞)
fill in as the company’s leader 代理公司領導的職務
從請病假到辭職,一步步Steve Jobs 都在做好準備,讓Apple 可以獨立於他,繼續成長,我們拭目以待,複習一下有用的字彙吧!
辭職:resignation (名詞)
Jobs’ resignation 賈伯斯的辭職
符合期待:meet the expectations
符合需求:meet the needs
看似如此:apparent (形容詞)
apparent end of Jobs’ career 看似賈伯斯事業的終點
表達哀傷:mourn (動詞)
mourn Jobs’ resignation
營運長:COO=Chief Operating Officer
前任的:former (形容詞)
舵:helm (名詞)
He has been at the helm of the company. 公司一直由他管
代理~職位:fill in as ____ (動詞片語)
Cook has been filling in as the company’s leader.