Bangkok's floods: A tale of two cities
‧ Bangkok:曼谷
‧ floods:flood + s, 以複數表造成淹水的大水,洪水(名詞)
‧ A tale of two cities:這是世界名著「雙城記」的英文名稱,在此隱射曼谷的兩種截然不同的景象,宛如是兩個城市
‧ tale:傳奇故事,一個充滿了動作和冒險的故事(名詞)
█ 從波光粼粼的國際機場抵達曼谷市中心,來訪的遊客乍看之下,可能不知道城市的許多部份都淹水了。
Arriving in central Bangkok from the sparkling international airport, a visitor might not know at first glance that much of the city is under water.
‧ at first glace:第一眼看到的,乍看之下(片語)
‧ under water:在水下面,也就是泡水了,淹水了
█ 商店和餐館都照常開放,同時具有未來感的空中列車繼續把通勤的乘客載往眾多辦公大樓所組成的中央商業區 。
Shops and restaurants are open as usual, while the futuristic sky train continues to ferry commuters to work in the numerous office complexes that make up the central business district.
‧ commuter:通勤者(名詞) commuters 複數型
‧ ferry:不是渡輪(名詞),在此當動詞:運送之意(不一定是用船來運,可以用不同的交通工具),如果你查的字典,無法讓你看到這個意思,要考慮用英英字典了
to carry people or goods in a boat or other vehicle from one place to another, often for a short distance and as a regular service
ferry commuters to work 載通勤族到上班的地點,這裡用的交通工具是曼谷的「sky train」如我們的捷運(google 一下 Bangkok sky train 就可看到圖片)
‧ numerous:眾多的(形容詞)
‧ complex:在此當名詞,一連串類似的大樓組成的區塊
‧ office complexes:辦公大樓區(複數)
‧ the central business district:中央商業區
█ 但僅幾英里沿Vibhavadi Rangsit高速公路向北,道路逐漸消失成一個骯髒的褐色汪洋 – 這是從泰國北部來的洪水,不太有迅速消失的跡象。
But just a few miles northwards along the Vibhavadi Rangsit highway, the road gradually disappears into a sea of filthy brown water -- floodwater from the north of Thailand that shows little sign of disappearing quickly.
that shows little sign of disappearing quickly 為子句,修飾 floodwater(洪水)沒有很多快速消失的跡象
‧ shows little sign:表現出很少的跡象
no sign of 某人:沒有某人的跡象
‧ filthy:髒的(形容詞)
‧ a sea of filthy brown water:骯髒的褐色汪洋
█ 大約近一個月,在這些Rangsit和Lumlukka外圍地區的居民一直生活在常常是高度及胸的水位。許多人違抗政府撤離的命令,以保護他們的財產,即使這意味著被困在有限的食物和沒有清潔自來水可用的情況下。
For almost a month, residents in outlying areas such as Rangsit and Lumlukka have been living in water that is often chest-high. Many defied government evacuation orders to protect their property, even if it meant being stranded with limited food and no clean running water.
‧ resident:居民(名詞) residents(複數)
‧ chest-high:高度及胸(形容詞)
‧ defy:違抗(動詞) defied(過去式)
‧ evacuation:撤離(名詞) evacuation order(下令撤離)
‧ property:擁有財產(名詞,在此不可數,不加s)
‧ strand:使處於困境(動詞)
being stranded with X:在 X 狀況下被困
‧ running water:自來水(固定用法)
█ 急診室已被完全摧毀,但可以運作的分診單位已在一樓成堆的牙醫椅子中設立,這些椅子還是從另一個淹水的側廳拉出來的。
The ER has been completely destroyed, but a functioning triage unit has been set up on the first floor among piles of dental chairs rescued from another flooded wing.
► 簡化來看:
The ER has been completely destroyed, but a triage unit has been set up(後面解說在何處set up)
piles of dental chairs(that were 省略)rescued from another flooded wing
‧ ER:Emergency Room 的簡寫,急診室
‧ triage:分診單位(分辨傷病危急程度的急救單位)
‧ functioning:可以運作的(形容詞)
a functioning triage 可運作的分診單位
‧ dental chair:牙醫用的長椅(google 圖片搜尋 dental chair 可看圖)
‧ wing:建築物的側廳(名詞)
flooded wing:淹水的側廳
‧ rescue:(動詞)挽救(救人或挽救某物品)
█ 最後記者說道,一個小時車程之後,他們又回到曼谷的市中心,看到
Commuters are heading home, and bars and restaurants are open. It's a different city. 通勤族往回家的方向走,酒吧和餐廳開放,這裡又是一個不同的城市。
泰國水患,持續多時,考驗人民的耐心和政府的智慧,一個城市兩樣情,A tale of Two Cities在曼谷上演,我們藉此學到一些描繪淹水景象的用語:
‧雙城記:A Tale of Two Cities(書名)
‧辦公大樓區:office complexes(片語)
‧載運通勤族上班:ferry commuters to work(動詞片語)
‧骯髒的褐色汪洋:a sea of filthy brown water
‧很少消失的跡象:little sign of disappearing
‧自來水:running water(固定用法)
‧被困在 X 狀態:being stranded with X
‧急診室:ER(Emergency Room)