US Republican Rick Perry: 'Everybody makes mistakes'
‧ Republican: 共和黨(和它相對的是民主黨 Democrat)He’s a Republican.
█ 美國共和黨總統候選人里克裴利曾試圖對他在現場辯論中的表現一笑置之,說:「沒有一個候選人是完美的」。
US Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has attempted to laugh off his performance during a live debate, saying "there is not a perfect candidate".
‧ presidential:總統的(形容詞)
‧ presidential election:總統大選
‧ presidential campaign:總統競選活動
‧ presidential candidate:總統參選人
Republican presidential candidate 共和黨總統侯選人
‧ candidate:參選人, 候選人(名詞)
perfect candidate: 完美的候選人
‧ laugh off X: 對 X 一笑置之(片語)
查英英字典:laugh 找(PHRASAL VERBS 動詞片語)
(informal) to try to make people think that something is not serious or important, especially by making a joke about it
He laughed off suggestions that he was going to resign.
‧ debate: 辯論(在此為名詞)
‧ live:現場直播的(形容詞)
during a live debate:現場直播的辯論過程中
his performance during a live debate:他在現場直播的辯論過程中的表現
█ 在轉播的辯論中,他記不得他所要砍掉的第三個聯邦政府的部門,這還是他的主要政策之一。
Rick Perry was unable to remember the third federal department he would cut during a televised debate - one of his key policies.
‧ federal department: 聯邦政府部門
‧ televise:電視播放(動詞)
‧ televised debate :電視轉播的辯論,在此 televised 為形容詞,被電視播出的
‧ key policies:重要政策(複數) policy(單數)
█ 在他電視黃金時段想要抓到他要剔除的一個部門的名稱,掙扎了一會兒,仍然未能找到那個難以捉摸的字「能源」,在此羞辱之後, 裴利肯定是無望了。
Perry is surely dead in the water after his primetime humiliation, grasping for the name of a department he wanted to abolish, floundering a while and still failing to find the elusive word "energy".
► 簡化來看:
Perry is surely dead in the water after X. 在X 事件之後
後面的分詞片語(grasping for, floundering, failing to find)都在說明這個 humiliation (羞辱)
‧ dead in the water:慣用語(idiom)查到 dead 的時候找 idiom
a person or plan that is dead in the water has failed and has little hope of succeeding in the future
His leadership campaign is dead in the water.
‧ grasp for:抓住(動詞)
‧ abolish:廢止(動詞)
‧ flounder:掙扎(動詞)
‧ elusive:難以捉摸的(形容詞)
█ 對共和黨人來説,他 現在出包,比與歐巴馬辯論時出包好。對美國來説,他現在出包比在白宮的世界各地新聞記者面前會見外國領導人的時候出包好 。
It is better for the Republicans that he does it now, than when debating with Obama. It is better for the US that he does it now than while meeting a foreign leader in front of the world's Press at the White House.
► 簡化來看:注意 better than 的結構
It is better for X that he does it now than when (he is) debating with Obama.
It is better for Y that he does it now than while (he is) meeting a foreign leader in front of Z.
‧ the press:指新聞記者(要有 the, the press可以是單數或複數)
the world’s press 世界各地新聞記者
‧ White House:白宮
█ 他忘的不是一個詞,一個名稱。他忘的是一個想法。(他忘了他要砍掉的能源部門)
He didn't just forget a word, a name. He forgot an idea.
█ 如果他是認真看待他的提議,他會努力思考良久有關能源部門該做什麼 ,該部門的任何功能是否必需在其他地方被複製,石油和天然氣行業的連帶關係又是什麽。
If he was serious about his proposal he would have thought long and hard about what the Department of Energy does, whether any of its functions had to be replicated elsewhere, what the implications would be for the oil and gas industry.
If he was serious about X, he would have thought long and hard about Y.
Y = 有三件事
what the Department of Energy does
→ 能源部門該做什麼
whether any of its functions had to be replicated elsewhere
→ 該部門的任何功能是否必需在其他地方被複製
what the implications would be for the oil and gas industry
→ 對石油和天然氣行業的連帶關係又是什麽。
‧ replicate:複製(動詞)
‧ implications:牽連,連帶受到影響(名詞)複數型
█ 當然,你可以忘記一個名字。但要忘記你已經苦思斟酌的一個概念是更難的。
Sure, you can forget a name. It is much harder to forget a concept you have been wrestling with.
‧ wrestle with X: 努力解決苦思 X(動詞)
You have been wrestling with a concept. 苦思一個概念
‧ 共和黨:Republican party
‧ 民主黨:Democrat party
‧ 候選人:candidate
‧ 總統候選人:presidential candidate
‧ 聯邦政府部門:federal department
‧ 現場直播的:live(形容詞)
‧ 現場直播的辯論過程中:during a live debate
‧ 一笑置之:laugh off
‧ 對他的表現一笑置之:laugh off his performance
‧ 世界各地新聞記者:the world’s press
‧ 廣播黃金時段:prime time
‧ 羞辱:humiliation(名詞)
‧ 牽連,連帶受到影響:implications(名詞 複數型)
‧ 努力解決苦思 X:wrestle with X(動詞片語)