North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies 'of heart attack'
‧ die of 某種病:死於某種病,在此 die(動詞)死亡,加了「s」因為主詞為第三人稱單數 Kim Jong-il(金正日),動詞以現在式表達,新聞標題常以現在式凸顯新聞剛發生,正新鮮:更多說明Why are news headlines written in present tense?
http://web.ku.edu/~edit/heads.html (effective headlines)
‧ heart attack:心臟病突發
a sudden serious medical condition in which the heart stops working normally, sometimes causing death
標題上 ‘of heart attack’ 加了引號,因為這是官方發佈的消息,不是記者親自採訪所得,所以要加引號,表示「所謂的,來自官方的說法」(在標題可以省略冠詞 ‘a’ 正常的說法是 He dies of a heart attack,用現在式 dies,為新聞標題用法)
█ 北韓領導人金正日 69歲,死於突發心臟病,官方媒體公佈。
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died of a heart attack at the age of 69, state media have announced.
‧ 在新聞內文用現在完成式:has died of a heart attack (不用現在式,如標題)
‧ state:政府(名詞)
‧ state media:政府媒體,官方媒體 (上文:media 為複數型,後接 have announced )
█ 金先生的死訊由國家電視台充滿情緒的聲明中宣布。
Mr Kim's death was announced in an emotional statement on national television.
‧ emotional:情緒化的(形容詞)
emotional statement:充滿情緒的聲明
‧ announce:發佈(動詞)
█ 播音員,穿著黑色,努力不讓淚水流出, 說,他因身體和精神過度勞累而死亡。
The announcer, wearing black, struggled to keep back the tears as she said he had died of physical and mental over-work.
‧ ‘wearing black’(穿黑色服裝) 可以先拿開不看
The announcer struggled to keep back the tears as she said...
‧ keep back the tears:不讓淚水流出來
‧ physical and mental:身體的和精神的(心理的)
‧ over-work:過度勞累(名詞)
█ Donald Gregg美國前駐韓國大使寫到:
考慮到他脆弱的健康狀態 ,金正日的死亡對任何人而言不應是全然的意外。
Donald Gregg Former US ambassador to South Korea
Kim Jong-il's death should not have come as a complete surprise to anyone, given his tenuous health.
‧ come as X:發生(片語)
come as a complete surprise 十分意外發生
come as something Her death came as a terrible shock to us.
‧ given X:考慮到X (介係詞)注意這個字看來像是:give 的過去分詞
‧ tenuous:脆弱的(形容詞)
tenuous health 脆弱的健康
‧ should not have come:用完成 not have come 表示與過去事實不合(也就是不意外)
█ 百萬計的北韓人民被”難以名狀的悲傷吞噬” ,KCNA國家新聞通訊社說,當人們在平壤公開哭泣。
Millions of North Koreans were "engulfed in indescribable sadness", the KCNA state news agency said, as people wept openly in Pyongyang.
‧ 注意到 ”engulfed in describable sadness” 也用引號標示,引用官方說法
‧ be engulfed in:被吞沒(動詞片語)
‧ indescribable:不可名狀的,難以形容的(形容詞)
‧ weep:哭泣,wept(過去式)比 cry 還要正式,文學用語
‧ openly:公開地(副詞)
█ 害怕這個貧窮和孤立的核武裝備國家會不穩定,平壤的鄰國都在警戒狀態中。
Pyongyang's neighbours are on alert amid fears of instability in the poor and isolated nuclear-armed nation.
‧ Pyongyang:平壤(北韓首都)
‧ on alert:戒備中(片語)
‧ amid X:在 X 之中
amid fears 在恐懼中
‧ instability:不穩定現象(名詞)
‧ isolated:孤立的(形容詞)
‧ nuclear-armed:核武裝備的(形容詞)
█ 南韓通訊社Yonhap未經證實的報導加劇了恐懼,報導說在宣布金正日死亡之前北方在東部海岸外發射導彈。
Fears were compounded by unconfirmed reports from South Korean news agency Yonhap that the North had test-fired a missile off its eastern coast before the announcement of Kim Jong-il's death was made.
► 簡化來看:
Fears were compounded by reports that ...
某報導加劇了恐懼 (恐懼被某報導加劇了) 在此報導是南韓通訊社的報導
‧ compound:使惡化,加重(動詞)
Fears were compounded (害怕被加重)
‧ unconfirmed:未確認的(形容詞)
‧ test-fire:試射(動詞)
‧ off:離開某地(介係詞)
off its eastern coast:在東海岸外
‧ missile:飛彈,導彈(名詞)
█ 在首爾未透露姓名的政府官員被引述說,他們不相信發射和公告有關 。
Unnamed government officials in Seoul were quoted as saying they did not believe the launch was linked to the announcement.
‧ unnamed: 未提名的(形容詞)
unnamed government officials 未透露姓名的政府官員
‧ Seoul:首爾(南韓首都—過去稱「漢城」)
‧ quote:引述(動詞)
X was quoted:X 被引述,
‧ be quoted as saying X:被引述說 X(動詞片語)
‧ launch:發射(名詞)
‧ X be linked to Y:X 和 Y 有關連
█ 南韓國防部拒絕對此發表評論。
The South Korean defence ministry has declined to comment.
‧ decline:拒絕(動詞)
‧ 政府媒體:state media(固定用法)
‧ 新聞通訊社:news agency(固定用法)
‧ 發佈:announce(動詞)
‧ 脆弱的:tenuous(形容詞)
tenuous health (健康脆弱)
‧ 戒備中:on alert (片語)
‧ 核武裝備的:nuclear-armed (形容詞)
‧ 不穩定:instability(名詞)
‧ 考慮到:given(介係詞)
given tenuous health 考慮到脆弱的健康狀態
‧ 使惡化,加重:compound(動詞)
Fears were compounded 害怕被加重
‧ 未證實確認的:unconfirmed(形容詞)
unconfirmed reports 未證實的報導
‧ 不可名狀的,難以形容的:indescribable(形容詞)
indescribable sadness 難以名狀的悲傷