Queen speaks of hope in 2011 Christmas Day message
‧ speak of:在書中或演講中提到(動詞) 不是一般講話 (中文字典只說:論及,談到),這裡指英國女王演說中闡述鋪陳 Hope,speak of 後面接的當然是演講的重要主題,不是順道一提的話題
(speak of) mention or discuss in speech or writing:
the books speak of betrayal
█ 女王利用她一年一度的聖誕節廣播來闡述在逆境中需要勇氣與希望
The Queen has used her annual Christmas Day broadcast to speak of courage and hope in adversity.
‧ adversity:逆境(名詞) in adversity 在逆境中(片語)
‧ Queen:大寫,在此特別指現任英國女王 Queen Elizabeth
█ 女王還談到了「家庭的重要性」,並把「大英國協」看成是家庭「最真實的意義」。
The Queen also spoke of "the importance of family", and called the Commonwealth a family "in the truest sense".
‧ the (British) Commonwealth:大英國協,英聯邦。
英國女王說: the Commonwealth, 當然是指 the British Commonwealth
an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and other countries, including most of the countries that used to be part of the British Empire
‧ 這個字也可以是:
call X Y:把 X 想成 Y(動詞)在此不應把 call理解為「叫」
to describe somebody/something in a particular way; to consider somebody/something to be something
call somebody/something + noun
I wouldn't call German an easy language. 我不把德語看成是很容易的語言
‧ in the truest sense: 最真實的意思 (片語)
█ 聖誕演說稿是由女王親自執筆 – 這是很罕見的場合她沒有要求政府參與意見。
The Christmas address is written by the Queen herself - one of the rare occasions where she does not turn to the government for advice.
‧ address:拓展你的字彙量,原來只知道 address 是地址的意思,現在這裡是指「英國女王的演講」。
看 address 英英解釋
a formal speech that is made in front of an audience
tonight's televised presidential address(今晚的電視轉播總統演說)
█ 電視廣播節目在白金漢宮1844房間錄製,女王戴了眼鏡身著由安吉拉凱利所設計的草莓紅洋裝。
The broadcast, in which the Queen wore glasses and a strawberry red dress by Angela Kelly, was filmed in Buckingham Palace's 1844 room.
► 簡化看:The broadcast was filmed in Buckingham Palace’s 1844 room.
由逗號隔開的內容說明了 廣播影片中女王的穿著打扮
‧ broadcast:廣播節目(名詞)
a radio or television programme: (British English)
‧ film:拍攝(動詞)The broadcast was filmed on December 9th.
在 BBC的新聞網站可以看到女王全程演說
Watch the Queen's Christmas message in full
In full: Queen's Christmas Speech
█ 這裡是女王的2011年聖誕節信息全部文字,這是12月9日錄製的 - 在她的丈夫愛丁堡公爵在醫院因阻塞的冠狀動脈接受治療之前 。
Here is the text in full of the Queen's 2011 Christmas message, which was recorded on 9 December - before her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, was treated in hospital for a blocked coronary artery.
► 簡化看:Here is the text in full of the Queen’s 2011 Christmas message.
Which 後面繼續說明有關這段聖誕文告在何時錄製
‧ coronary artery:冠狀動脈(名詞)
‧ blocked:阻塞的(形容詞)
a blocked coronary artery 阻塞的冠狀動脈
‧ treat:治療(動詞)接受治療 for 某種病症
He was treated in the hospital for a blocked coronary artery.
treat somebody (for something) (with something) to give medical care or attention to a person, an illness, an injury, etc
She was treated for sunstroke.(中暑)
‧ in full:全部內容,片語(固定用法)
full 是形容詞,應該不會放在 in 介係詞的後面,所以要想到是片語,固定用法
in full http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/in+full#full_1
including the whole of something
The address must be printed in full. (演講內容要全部印出來)
█ 這是女王聖誕演說的第一句話:
"In this past year my family and I have been inspired by the courage and hope we have seen in so many ways in Britain, in the Commonwealth and around the world.”
在Yahoo 新聞中,英國女王的草莓紅洋裝特別清楚
Britain's Queen Elizabeth stands in the 1844 Room of Buckingham Palace, after recording her Christmas Day television broadcast to the Commonwealth in London December 9, 2011. Picture taken December 9, 2011.
在www.youtube.com 搜尋:The Queen's Christmas message 可以看歷年演說
‧ 在書中或演講中提到:speak of(動詞)
The Queen speaks of hope.
‧ 2011聖誕文告: 2011 Christmas day message
‧ 正式演說:address (名詞)
‧ 在白金漢宮:in Buckingham Palace(會認就好-不必會拼字)
‧ 廣播節目:broadcast(名詞)
‧ 大英國協:the(British)Commonwealth
‧ 全部內容:in full(片語)
Watch the Queen’s speech in full.
‧ 在逆境中:in adversity(片語)