10 best places to spend Christmas 2011
‧ spend:花費(動詞)花費金錢和時間都可用 spend
‧ spend Christmas:度過耶誕假期的時間
Where to find the best Santas, gingerbread, Christmas markets and even an underwater nativity scene
‧ Santa:也就是 Santa Claus,Santas(複數型)聖誕老人
an imaginary old man with red clothes and a long white beard. Parents tell small children that he brings them presents at Christmas
‧ gingerbread:薑餅,耶誕節的傳統點心(名詞)
‧ underwater:在水面下的(形容詞)
‧ nativity:指耶穌誕生(名詞)
nativity scene:指耶穌誕生的故事場景
第一個被點到的去處是:聖胡安,波多黎各 San Juan, Puerto Rico
█ 慶典從 11月排到1月中旬,城裡到處是耶誕聖歌,烤豬肉大餐和節慶焰火。
Celebrations run from November through mid-January with the city enjoying carols, feasting on roast pork and watching holiday fireworks.
► 簡化看:Celebrations run from X to Y with the city enjoying A, feasting on B and watching C.
‧ celebration:慶祝活動(名詞)celebrations 複數型
‧ run:持續運作時間(動詞)在此不當「跑」的意思,
[intransitive] run(for something) to continue for a particular period of time without stopping
Her last musical ran for six months on Broadway
‧ Carol:耶誕聖歌(名詞) carols 複數型
‧ feast on + 食物:享受某種食物的大餐(動詞)
feast on roast pork 烤豬肉
‧ holiday fireworks:節慶煙火秀
█ 聖誕節前夕,許多波多黎各人去做午夜彌撒,趕上看耶穌誕生的重新演出。
On Christmas Eve, many Puerto Ricans attend Misa de Gallo (midnight mass)to catch a re-enactment of the nativity.
注意CNNGO用當地的語言講「彌撒」(Misa de Gallo, 英文字典可能查不到)
‧ Mass:彌撒
(especially in the Roman Catholic Church)a ceremony held in memory of
the last meal that Christ had with his disciples
to go to Mass
a priest celebrating / saying Mass
‧ catch:不是抓助,(動詞)在此當「趕上,沒有錯過」
‧ re-enactment:再演一次,重新演出(名詞)
█ 在除夕,當地人可能讓你在政府主辦的巨大派對上吃12顆葡萄求好運。
On New Year’s Eve, locals might make you eat 12 grapes for luck at the giant government-hosted party.
‧ local:當地人(名詞) locals(複數型)
‧ host:當主人,主辦(動詞)
‧ government-hosted party:由政府主辦的派對
‧ giant:巨大的(形容詞)
另一個去處是:義大利的維羅納Verona, Italy
█ 羅密歐與朱麗葉的故鄉,變成了節慶文化饗宴,有各種耶誕園遊會圍繞著燈火通明的加爾達湖(Lake Garda)和阿科城堡(the castle of Arco)的煙火秀。
The hometown of Romeo and Juliet transforms into a holiday culture fest with Christmas fairs around the brightly lit Lake Garda and fireworks at the castle of Arco.
► 簡化看:The hometown transforms into X with A and B
A=Christmas fairs around the Lake
‧ transform:改觀(動詞)
‧ fest:熱鬧的集會活動可以跟festival 聯想,
英英解釋:a festival or large meeting involving a particular activity or with a particular atmosphere
a jazzfest(爵士音樂節)
a holiday culture fest節慶文化饗宴
‧ brightly lit Lake Garda:燈火通明的加爾達湖和
‧ fireworks at the castle of Arco:阿科城堡的煙火秀
█ 從12月一直到1月安排了許多假日市場,展覽,音樂會和戲劇表演。
Holiday markets, exhibitions, concerts and theater performances are lined up through December and January.
► 簡化看:A, B, C, and D are lined up through X and Y.
‧ line up:安排活動(動詞) Many events are lined up 許多活動被排滿
█ Malcesine 城堡,會變成聖誕老人的城堡,有小丑,雜耍和魔法師娛樂遊客。
The castle of Malcesine will be turned into Santa's castle, with clowns, jugglers and wizards entertaining visitors.
Lake Garda is the location of the must-see Nativity of the Lake display (December 1, 2011 to January 6, 2012) with the Holy Family and other characters lit underwater at night.
► 簡化看:The Lake is the location of the must-see display with A and B.
Holy family and other characters(that are省略)lit underwater
‧ lit:是light(點亮)的過去分詞,被點亮
‧ must-see:必看的(形容詞)
must-see / must-read/must-have, etc.
used to tell people that something is so good or interesting that they should see, read, get it, etc.
Sydney is one of the world's must-see cities.
█ 許多活動安排到12月24日,而「聖誕湖」節目則持續到1月6日。
Many events are scheduled through December 24, while the "Nativity of the Lake" continues through January 6.
‧ schedule:安排行程(動詞)
Many events are scheduled (許多活動被安排)
‧ through:直到(介係詞)
through December 24 直到 12月 24日
‧ 度過耶誕假期的時間:spend Christmas
‧ 耶穌誕生的故事場景:nativity scene
‧ 由政府主辦的派對:a government-hosted party
‧ 節慶文化饗宴:a holiday culture fest
‧ 慶典從12月持續到一月:Celebrations run from December through January
‧ 享受烤豬肉大餐:feast on roast pork
‧ 許多活動被排滿:Many events are lined up.
‧ 許多活動被安排:Many events are scheduled.
‧ 必看的:must-see (形容詞)片語
the must-see display 必看的陳列