Splashdown for SpaceX Dragon spacecraft
‧ splashdown:太空船降落水面(名詞) http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/splashdown
a landing of a spacecraft in the sea/ocean
Splashdown is scheduled for 0500 hours.
‧ spacecraft:太空船(名詞)(space + craft)在太空飛行的交通工具
‧ SpaceX:公司名
太空探險技術公司全名為 Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
表示挑戰太空探索中的未知,X 可以看成exploration(探索)的簡稱,
同時 X 有未知的意義,X:未知物的代號(名詞) http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/X
a person, a number, an influence, etc. that is not known or not named
Let's suppose X knows what Y is doing.
‧ 另外X factor:a special quality, especially one that is essential for success
and is difficult to describe (難以言喻的成功需要的X 因素 )
She certainly has the X factor that all great singers have.
■ 「這一天奇妙極了」, SpaceX公司的執行長和首席設計師 Elon Musk 說:「我快樂到不行!」。
"It's a fantastic day," said Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO and chief designer. "I'm just overwhelmed with joy."
‧ overwhelm : 使得情緒激動到無法控制(動詞)
to have such a strong emotional effect on somebody that it is difficult for
them to resist or know how to react. http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/overwhelmed#overwhelm
‧ be overwhelmed:I’m just overwhelmed with joy.(被動式)
■ 返回地球完成了歷史上第一次由民間操作的交通工具抵達國際太空站(ISS)的任務。
The return to Earth completes a historic first mission to the International Space Station (ISS) by a privately operated vehicle.
‧ 簡化來看:
X completes a historic first mission to the Y by Z.
X=The return to earth 重返地球此事
Y= the International Space Station(ISS)國際太空站
Z=a privately operated vehicle 由私人(民間企業)所操作的交通工具
‧ vehicle:交通工具(名詞)
a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another,
such as a car or lorry/truck
‧ by a privately operated vehicle:使用這種工具
(指由民間企業所操作的交通工具 )
■ 這項任務的目的是為了展現SpaceX公司所計畫提供的太空平台運送服務
The mission was intended as a demonstration of the freight service SpaceX plans to run to the platform.
‧ 簡化來看:The mission was intended as a demonstration of the freight
service to the platform.
the freight service to the platform:指到貨運服務抵達太空站平台
service 之後that 省略
that 子句說明是SpaceX plans to run:SpaceX 公司計畫提供的(服務)
‧ intended:計畫中被用來(形容詞)
X be intended as:X 被用來作為(動詞片語) http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/intended
intended as something The notes are intended as an introduction to the course.
The mission was intended as a demonstration. 此任務被用來展示
‧ freight service:貨運服務
freight service to the platform:到平台的貨運服務
freight:運送的貨 (goods) http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/freight
goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries/trucks; the
system of transporting goods in this way
‧ platform:月台也是這個字,但用在太空科學上,
‧ run:在此不是跑,要理解成提供(provide)(動詞)
SpaceX plans to run the freight service to the platform.
to make a service, course of study, etc. available to people
The college runs summer courses for foreign students.
■ 美國太空總署NASA已經雇用SpaceX公司(太空探索技術公司)和另一家位在佛吉尼亞州的軌道科學公司來完成其在國際太空站(ISS)的後勤運送任務。
Nasa has engaged SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corporation) and another company, Orbital Sciences Corporation of Virginia, to fulfil logistics roles at the ISS.
‧ 簡化來看:
NASA has engaged A and B to fulfill logistics roles at the ISS.
NASA 已經聘用 A 和 B 兩家公司來履行在國際太空站(ISS)的後勤工作
A= Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
B= Orbital Sciences Corporation of Virginia(位在 Virginia 的公司)
‧ fulfill lotistics roles:履行運送任務
‧ logistics:有好幾種意思,這裡應該理解成「運送物資的後勤工作」(名詞)
the business of transporting and delivering goods
A logistics firm was hired for the deliveries.
‧ engage somebody to do something(formal):正式用法,雇聘(動詞)
to employ somebody to do a particular job
He is currently engaged as a consultant. We will have to engage the services
of a translator.
■ 該機構希望外包運送後勤責任可以幫它節省花費,然後把資金重新投資在超出太空站本身,比如目的地是小行星和火星,更大膽的活動。
The agency hopes the contracting out of freight duties will save it money that can then be re-invested in more daring activities beyond the station, at destinations such as asteroids and Mars.
‧ 簡化來看:
The agency hopes X will save it money that can then be re-invested in Y.
該機構希望 作法 X 可以幫它省錢,把錢重新投資在 Y 上面
X= the contracting out of freight duties 外包運送責任
Y= more daring activities beyond the station, at destinations such as asteroids and Mars 更大膽的活動,超越太空站,例如目的地是小行星和火星
The agency hopes X will save it money:該機構希望 X 可以幫忙它省錢
save somebody something
Thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip.
讀這則新聞,看到民間也可以插手太空探險作業的一環,令人興奮, 我們趁機認識一些談論太空探險的用語:
‧ 太空:space (名詞)
‧ 太空船:spacecraft(名詞)
‧ 使得情緒激動到無法控制:overwhelm(動詞)
He was overwhelmed with joy
‧ 太空船降落水面:splashdown(名詞)
‧ 雇聘:engage somebody to do something(formal)正式用法(動詞)
‧ 小行星和火星:asteroids and Mars
‧ 交通工具:vehicle(名詞)
‧ 使用這種工具:by a privately operated vehicle
‧ 貨運服務:freight service((名詞)
‧ 到太空平台的貨運服務:freight service to the (space) platform
‧ 此任務被用來展示:The mission was intended as a demonstration.
‧ 運送物資的後勤工作:logistics(名詞)
‧ 履行後勤運送任務:fulfill logistics roles(動詞片語)