Buckingham Palace rocks in queen's honor
‧ Buckingham Palace:自1837年以來位在英國倫敦的白金漢宮就是英國
漢宮的介紹 http://www.royal.gov.uk/theroyalresidences/buckinghampalace/buckinghampalace.aspx
‧ rock:在搖滾音樂中歌唱舞蹈(動詞)看英英字典的解釋
‧ 4 [no obj 沒有受詞] informal(非嚴肅正式用法):
to sing, dance to, or play rock music
We were rocking all night long.
‧ Buckingham Palace rocks:意思是白金漢宮的盛大音樂會圓滿成功,大家
歡欣鼓舞(rock的主詞是第三人稱,所以加 ‘s’)
用rock 讓人產生其他聯想:因爲rock 的解釋很多,
to entertain (someone) in a very powerful and effective way
‧ The band rocked the crowd. 樂隊讓群衆瘋狂
‧ slang:to be very enjoyable, pleasing, or effective
‧ Her new car really rocks. [=her new car is really great] 很棒
‧ in one’s honor:特別向某人致敬,
in queen’s honor 特別向女王致敬,
標題省略the,(in the queen’s honor)看英英解釋
They're having a dinner in honor of the new coach.
= They're having a dinner in the new coach's honor.
[=they are having a dinner as a way to show respect and admiration for the
new coach]
■ 6月3日 到 5日,英國女王伊麗莎白二世,以一系列的集會和遊行盛典慶祝她登基六十周年。
On June 3 - 5, the UK's Queen Elizabeth II marks her Diamond Jubilee year with a series of parties and pageants.
‧ jubilee:周年慶典(名詞)
a special anniversary of an event, especially one that took place 25 or 50 years
ago; the celebrations connected with it
常見的jubilee 有 silver/golden/diamond jubilee
1. silver jubilee(銀禧-25週年-英國用法 silver anniversary 美國用法)
the 25th anniversary of an important event; a celebration of something that
began 25 years ago
2. golden jubilee(金禧-50週年-英國用法 golden anniversary 美國用法)
the 50th anniversary of an important event
3. diamond jubilee(鑽禧-60週年,特別是君王登基的慶祝活動)
the 60th anniversary of an important event, especially of somebody becoming king/queen; a celebration of this event
‧ mark:慶祝(動詞),這個字解釋也很多要找到合宜意思
mark something to celebrate or officially remember an event that you consider
to be important:
a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war
‧ pageant:歷史慶典化妝舞會(名詞)pageants(複數型)
a public entertainment in which people dress in historical costumes and give performances of scenes from history
■ 週一隨著軍樂隊,管弦樂隊和電吉他以最高音量全面開演,音樂界一些最知名的藝人為英國女王伊麗莎白二世的鑽禧舉辦慶祝活動時倫敦的白金漢宮頓時轉化成搖滾會場。
With a military band, a string orchestra and electric guitars on full blast, London's Buckingham Palace was transformed into a rock venue on Monday as some of the biggest names in music celebrated Queen Elizabeth II's diamond jubilee.
‧ 簡化來看:
With A, B and C on full blast, X was transformed into a rock venue on Monday
as Y celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s diamond jubilee.
A,B,C 三種樂隊以最高音量全面開演,
X(白金漢宮)轉變成 a rock venue(搖滾場地)
當時 Y(some of the biggest names in music 音樂界一些大牌名人)
celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s diamond Jubilee.
‧ on full blast:最高音量全部開展(片語)
(at) full blast:with the greatest possible volume or power
She had the car stereo on at full blast.
■ 這個活動是四天慶祝活動中的亮點之一,這些活動結合了百萬群眾為這個在位很久的英國君主致敬。
The event was one of the highlights of four days of festivities that have united millions to honor the long-serving British monarch.
‧ 簡化來看:
The event was one of the highlights of four days of festivities
接that 子句:that have united millions to ....
‧ festivities:慶祝活動(名詞-複數型)
Four days of festivities 四天的慶祝活動
festivities [plural]the activities that are organized to celebrate a special event
‧ long-serving:在位很久的(形容詞)
having had the job or position mentioned for a long time
‧ monarch:君主(名詞)不分男女
a person who rules a country, for example a king or a queen
‧ highlight:亮點,最突出的部分(名詞)
the best, most interesting or most exciting part of something
■ 在鑽禧音樂會結束前,查理斯王子發表了熱情洋溢,充滿情緒和很多時候語帶詼趣的演說,稱讚他的母親。
Prince Charles gave a warm, emotional and often witty speech in praise of his mother at the close of the Diamond Jubilee Concert.
■ 光光是他的開幕詞-「媽咪」-就從人群中贏得了狂喜的歡呼聲,當女王身著水晶點綴的黃金色禮服,明顯高興地看著。
Just his opening word – ‘Mummy’ – earned him rapturous cheers from the crowd as the Queen, dressed in a gold lame gown dotted with crystals, looked on plainly delighted.
‧ gold lame gown:黃金色禮服
lame跟跛腳無關,查字典時看 lame 當名詞,發音似「拉麵」
shiny cloth that contains silver or gold threads 布料中含有發亮的金或銀線
■ 在這個 youtube 影片可以看到查理斯王子在演說中當眾 叫「媽咪」http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHP0x17U9Y0
Prince Charles' speech at the Diamond Jubilee Concert
■ 他演講的全文在此可以讀到
電影「王者之聲(The King’s Speech)」裏有嚴重口吃困擾的喬治六世就是我們這位慶祝登基六十年女王的父親,電影裏依稀看到喬治抱起女兒的畫面,我們讀這則新聞慢慢把電影和現實人物對上,同時還學到了談論英國皇家鑽禧慶典的用語:
‧ 60週年鑽禧之慶:diamond jubilee
‧ 25週年銀禧之慶:silver jubilee
‧ 50 週年金禧之慶:golden jubilee
‧ 慶祝:mark(動詞)mark the diamond jubilee
‧ 白金漢宮搖滾狂歡音樂會:Buckingham Palace rocks (rock 為動詞)
‧ 亮點:highlight(名詞)
‧ 慶祝活動:festivities(名詞-複數型)
‧ 歷史慶典化妝舞會:pageant (名詞)
‧ 君主:monarch(名詞)
‧ 特別向某人致敬:in one’s honor(片語)