Lance Armstrong facing lifetime ban, loss of titles
‧ lifetime:終生(名詞)
the length of time that somebody lives or that something lasts
His diary was not published during his lifetime.
‧ ban:禁止(名詞)
lifetime ban:終身禁賽
‧ title:冠軍頭銜(名詞)titles(複數型)
the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports
the world heavyweight title
She has three world titles.
■ 在他宣布停止抗辯非法用藥的控告之後,著名的自行車好手蘭斯‧阿姆斯壯正面臨著失去環法自行車賽七個冠軍頭銜和他個人的贏家傳奇。
Famed cyclist Lance Armstrong is facing the loss of seven Tour de France titles and his championship legacy after ending his fight against charges of illegal doping.
‧ 簡化來看:X is facing the loss of A and B after ending his fight against
charges of illegal doping.
A= seven Tour de France titles 環法自行車賽七個冠軍頭銜
(the loss of seven titles:失去七個冠軍頭銜)
B= his championship legacy 他的冠軍傳奇歷史
‧ famed:非常有名的(形容詞)
famed cyclist:有名的自行車運動員(名詞)
‧ charge:控告(名詞)charges(複數型)
‧ dope:用禁藥,以增加運動員的體能(動詞)doping(動名詞)
‧ illegal doping:不法用藥
■ 阿姆斯壯此舉促使美國反禁藥組織於上週五給這個運動員下了終身禁賽令,剝去他追溯至1998年的勝利紀錄 ,即使該組織是否有權採取這樣的行動,仍是個問題。
Armstrong's move prompted the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency on Friday to slap a lifetime ban on the athlete and strip him of his wins dating to 1998, though there is a question of whether the organization has the authority to take such action.
‧ 簡化來看:X prompted Y to do A and B on Friday, though there is C.
X=Armstrong’s move
Y=the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) 美國反禁藥組織
A=slap a lifetime ban on the athelete 突然對此運動員下終身禁賽令
B=strip him of his wins dating to 1998剝去他追溯至1998年的勝利紀錄
C=a question of whether the organization has the authority to take such action
‧ slap something on someone:突然對某人下令(片語)
(informal) to order, especially in a sudden or an unfair way, that
something must happen or somebody must do something
The company slapped a ban on using email on the staff.
‧ strip someone of something:作為懲罰,剝奪某人資產或頭銜(動詞片語)
to take away property or honours from somebody, as a punishment
He was disgraced and stripped of his title.
‧ win:贏得比賽(名詞)a victory in a game, contest, etc
two wins and three defeats
■ 阿姆斯壯說:「我拒絕參與一個如此片面,不公平的審判過程。」
Armstrong: 'I refuse to participate in a process that is so one-sided and unfair.'
‧ one-sided:偏頗的,片面的(形容詞)
showing only one side of the situation; not balanced
The press were accused of presenting a very one-sided picture of the issue.
■ 阿姆斯壯週四在一份聲明中說:「如果我有一點點認為透過參與USADA的審判過程,我可以在一個公平的情況下對這些指控提出抗辯,並且把這些不實的控告一次擺平,我一定會好好抓住這個機會。」
"If I thought for one moment that by participating in USADA's process I could confront these allegations in a fair setting and -- once and for all -- put these charges to rest, I would jump at the chance," Armstrong said in a statement Thursday.
‧ 簡化來看:If I thought by X I could do A and B , I would jump at the chance.
X=participating in USDAD’s process
A= confront these allegations in a fair setting
B= put these charges to rest 把控告擺平
‧ confront these allegations:對抗這些指控(動詞片語)
‧ once and for all:最後一次,完全地解決(片語)
now and for the last time; finally or completely
We need to settle this once and for all.
‧ in a fair setting:一個公平的情況下(片語)
‧ put something to rest:提出證據終止某事(動詞片語)
lay/put something to rest: to stop something by showing it is not true
The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
‧ jump at something:熱心接受抓住機會(動詞)
to accept an opportunity, offer, etc. with enthusiasm
■ 美國反禁藥組織首席執行官 Travis Tygart說:「當一名運動員決定以提高運動成績的危險藥物欺騙時,沒有人贏,但每個級別的清白運動員,期待在這裡的我們代表他們追求真相,以確保這種求勝不擇手段的文化不會永久地勝過公平誠實的競爭。」
"Nobody wins when an athlete decides to cheat with dangerous performance-enhancing drugs, but clean athletes at every level expect those of us here on their behalf to pursue the truth to ensure the win-at-all-cost culture does not permanently overtake fair, honest competition" said U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart.
‧ 簡化來看:Nobody wins when X happens, but Y expect us to pursue
the truth to ensure A does not overtake B.
X= an athlete decides to cheat with dangerous performance-enhancing drugs
Y=clean athletes at every level 每個級別的清白運動員
A= the win-at-all-cost culture 求勝不擇手段的文化
B= fair, honest competition 公平誠實的競爭
‧ performance-enhancing drugs:提高運動成績的藥物
‧ permanently:永久地(副詞)
‧ X overtake Y:X把Y比下去成為更重要,X勝過 Y (動詞)
to become greater in number, amount or importance than something elseS
Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel.
‧ 冠軍頭銜:titles(名詞-複數型)
‧ 終身禁賽:lifetime ban(名詞)
‧ 不法用藥:illegal doping(動名詞)
‧ 提高運動成績的藥物:performance-enhancing drugs(名詞)
‧ 反禁藥組織:anti-doping agency(名詞)
‧ 突然對某人下令:slap something on someone(動詞片語)
slap a lifetime ban on him
‧ 作為懲罰,剝奪某人資產或頭銜:strip someone of something(動詞片語)
strip him of his titles
‧ 偏頗的,片面的:one-sided(形容詞)
‧ 最後一次,完全地解決:once and for all(片語)
‧ 提出證據終止控告:put the charges to rest(動詞片語)
‧ 對抗這些指控:confront these allegations(動詞片語)
‧ 熱心接受抓住機會:jump at the chance(動詞)
‧ X把Y比下去成為更重要, X勝過 Y:X overtake Y(動詞)
‧ 求勝不擇手段的文化:the win-at-all-cost culture(名詞)
‧公平誠實的競爭:fair, honest competition(名詞)