Foxconn halts production at plant after mass brawl
‧ 標題省略冠詞:Foxconn halted production at (a) plant after (a) mass brawl
‧ plant:不能當「植物」解釋,那麽該當何解?
a factory or place where power is produced or an industrial process takes place
a nuclear reprocessing plant
‧ mass:大規模的(形容詞)放在名詞前
[only before noun] affecting or involving a large number of people or things
Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.
‧ brawl:吵架,打群架(名詞)
a noisy and violent fight involving a group of people, usually in a public place
a drunken brawl 酒後鬧事
‧ mass brawl:大規模的鬥毆事件(名詞)
■ 台灣的富士康科技公司,也是蘋果的主要供應商,在中國北方的一家工廠在工人之間爆發爭鬥之後,已停止生產了。
Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology, a major supplier for Apple, has halted production at a plant in northern China after a fight broke out among workers.
‧ 簡化來看:X has halted production at Y after Z happened.
(逗點中間的文字:a major supplier for Apple,可以先不看)
X= Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology 台灣的富士康科技公司
Y= a plant in northern China 中國北方的一家工廠
Z= a fight broke out among workers 工人之間爆發爭鬥
‧ break out:突然發生,爆發(動詞片語)broke(過去式)
(of war, fighting or other unpleasant events) to start suddenly
They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939.
‧ fight:在此當名詞,因爲看到
a fight:肢體的爭鬥,打架(名詞)
[countable] a struggle against somebody/something using physical force
fight (with somebody/something) He got into a fight with a man in the bar.
■ 富士康證實,「私人之爭」擴大為一個涉及約2000名工人,其中40人受傷的事件。
Foxconn confirmed that a "personal dispute" escalated into an incident involving about 2,000 workers, injuring 40 of them.
‧ involving ...., injuring.... 現在分詞說明事件牽涉的人數與受傷的人數
‧ personal:私人的(形容詞)
‧ personal dispute:私人間的爭議(名詞)
‧ escalate:事態嚴重程度擴大(動詞)
to become or make something greater, worse, more serious, etc
escalate (into something) The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
‧ injure:傷害(動詞)
BBC 另一則新聞特別把鎂光燈放到富士康,尤其是為富士康工作的工人們
■ Foxconn: 'Hidden dragon' out in the open
‧ (富士康的工人鬥毆事件全球報導),用dragon, 龍,
‧ open:在此當名詞,不躲藏,公開
not hidden or secret
Government officials do not want these comments in the open.
They intend to bring their complaints out into the open.
■ 在iPhone背面,一行字寫著:「由蘋果在加州設計,在中國組裝。」
On the back of the iPhone, it says: "Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China."
‧ iPhone背後的句子,全文可以理解成:
It is designed by X in Y. It is assembled in Z.
‧ assemble:組裝(動詞)
■ 這些組裝大部分iPhone和蘋果其他類似iPad等暢銷產品的工人,他們是為台灣鴻海精密所擁有的富士康工作 。
The people who assemble most of these iPhones and other bestselling Apple products like the iPad work for Foxconn, a manufacturer owned by the Taiwanese group Hon Hai Precision.
‧ 簡化來看:The people work for Foxconn. The people who...
說明為Foxconn 工作的那些人是做些什麽
The people who assemble A and B work for Foxconn
A= most of these iPhones
B= other bestselling Apple products like the iPad
‧ 逗點之後的內容a manufacturer owned by the Taiwanese group Hon Hai
Precision說明Foxconn 是由台灣鴻海精密(工業股份有限公司)所擁有
■ 多年來儘管全球僱用80萬工人,富士康一直保持低調 。
For years, Foxconn has remained low-key despite employing 800,000 workers worldwide.
‧ 簡化來看:Foxconn has remained low-key despite X.
X= employing 800,000 workers worldwide
‧ remain low-key:保持低調(動詞片語)
‧ despite X:儘管X(介係詞)後接名詞、動名詞(這裡是:employing)
■ 富士康把自身列爲數個「藏龍」之一,所謂藏龍是這類巨大,但往往不為人知的公司,主要在中國為世界最大品牌生產電子,服裝,玩具和家電業產品。
Foxconn counts itself as one of a number of "hidden dragons" - huge but often obscure companies that manufacture goods, largely in China, for the world's biggest brands in electronics, clothing, toys and home appliances.
‧ 簡化來看:Foxconn counts itself as one of a number of "hidden dragons"
破折號後面的内容都在說明hidden dragons –
Companies that manufacture goods for X
that字句說明公司是為X 生產產品
X= the world’s biggest brands in A,B,C and D.
在 A,B,C,D領域中世界最大品牌
A= electronics電子
B= clothing服裝
C= toys 玩具
D= home appliances 家電
‧ obscure:不爲人所知的(形容詞)
not well known 同義詞: unknown
an obscure German poet
■ 富士康不只是為蘋果所用,它也為所有世界最大高科技公司所用。其客戶包括惠普,微軟,諾基亞和索尼。
Foxconn is not just used by Apple, but by all the biggest tech companies in the world. Some of its clients include HP, Microsoft, Nokia and Sony.
‧ 簡化來看:X is not just used by A, but used by B.
不是只有為A 所用也為 B 所用
A= Apple
B= all the biggest tech companies in the world
‧ client:客戶(名詞)
‧ 富士康:Foxconn
‧ 藏龍:hidden dragon(名詞)
‧ 工廠:plant(名詞)
‧ 打群架:brawl(名詞)mass brawl:大規模鬥毆事件
‧ 停止生產:halt production(動詞片語)
‧ 工人之間爆發爭鬥:a fight broke out among workers
‧ 事態嚴重程度擴大:escalate(動詞)
‧ 不躲藏,公開:out in the open(片語)
‧ 保持低調:remain low-key(動詞片語)
‧ 組裝:assemble(動詞)
‧ 不爲人所知的:obscure(形容詞)