Israeli firm's new medical marijuana
‧marijuana:大麻-嗑藥(名詞),也可拼成 (also marihuana)
a drug (illegal in many countries) made from the dried leaves and
flowers of the hemp plant, which gives the person smoking it a
feeling of being relaxed
‧medical marijuana:醫療用途的大麻,藥用大麻,也就是大麻的合法使用。
■ 在武裝守衛下,以色列北部山中一個秘密地點,有個大溫室,裡面一排排的大麻植物,散發出獨特香味。
Under armed guard, at a secret location in the hills of northern Israel, rows of cannabis plants in a large greenhouse give off a sweet, distinctive smell.
‧簡化來看:Under X, at Y, Z give off a sweet, distinctive smell.
用現在式 give off, 增加臨場感,新聞寫法之一,以 故事描述開
X= armed guard 武裝守衛
Y= a secret location in the hills of northern Israel
Z=rows of cannabis plants in a large greenhouse
(複數型-rows, 所以動詞用give 不加s。)
involving the use of weapons
an armed robbery (武裝搶劫)
‧cannabis:和 marijuana 都是大麻,在許多國家都不合法
a drug made from the dried leaves and flowers or resin of the hemp
plant, which is smoked or eaten and which gives the user a feeling
of being relaxed. Use of the drug is illegal in many countries.
‧give off something: 散發某種氣味或熱度,亮光(動詞片語)
to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc
The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume.
The fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.
‧give off a sweet, distinctive smell:散發獨特的香味
having a pleasant smell
a sweet-smelling rose
The air was sweet with incense.
■ 在附近的加工室,一袋袋烘乾的花蕾和葉子被稱重和裝袋。
In a nearby processing room, bags of dried buds and leaves are weighed and bagged.
‧In X, bags of Y and Z are weighed and bagged.
在 X 這地方,一袋袋的Y 和 Z 被稱重並裝袋。
‧看到 be 動詞 are 後面有 動詞加 ed, weighed and bagged,
要想到 weigh 和 bag 都是動詞。
bag something (up) to put something into bags
The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm.
■ 一名身著實驗室外套的女子,操作裝置,生產一打打標準尺寸的香煙 。
A woman in a lab coat operates a device producing dozens of ready-made cigarettes.
‧ready-made: 標準尺寸的,並非客製的(形容詞)
made in standard sizes, not to the measurements of a particular customer
a ready-made suit
■ 在以色列大麻是一種非法藥物,但這個場所被允許在政府許可執照下經營。
Cannabis is an illegal drug in Israel but this facility is allowed to operate under a government licence.
a place, usually including buildings, used for a particular purpose or activity
the world's largest nuclear waste facility
‧government licence:政府許可執照
■ 經營的公司,Tikun Olam,採用有機的方法來種植不同的大麻作為醫療用途。
The company that runs it, Tikun Olam, uses organic methods to grow different kinds of cannabis for medical use.
‧for medical use:作為醫療用途
■ 現在,它已經開發出一種新品種,可以改變該藥物的形象。
Now, it has developed a new strain that could change the image of the drug.
a particular type of plant or animal, or of a disease caused by bacteria, etc
a new strain of mosquitoes resistant to the poison
This is only one of the many strains of the disease.
the impression that a person, an organization or a product, etc. gives to
the public
His public image is very different from the real person.
■ 它不會給使用者典型的嗑藥亢奮,或讓他們進入「迷幻」狀態 。
It does not give users the characteristic high or get them "stoned".
‧簡化來看:It does not do X or Y.
X= give users the characteristic high
Y=get them "stoned"
the feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement that somebody
gets after taking some types of drugs
The high lasted all night.
‧get someone stoned:讓某人感到被迷幻
not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of a drug such as marijuana or alcohol
■ 精心配種實際上已經移除大麻中稱為THC(四氫大麻酚)的化學成分,該成分有影響心智的的屬性。
Careful cross-breeding has virtually removed the chemical in cannabis known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which has psychoactive properties.
(of a drug)affecting the mind
■ 相反的,新種的植物有高濃度的另一個主要成份,名為大麻二酚(CBD)是強大抗發炎藥物。
Instead the new plant has a high concentration of another of the main constituents called cannabidiol (CBD), a powerful anti-inflammatory.
‧簡化來看:the new plant has a high concentration of X
X=another of the main constituents called CBD, a powerful anti-inflammatory
‧大麻:marijuana 也可拼成 (also marihuana),cannabis(名詞)
‧散發某種氣味或熱度,亮光:give off something(動詞片語)
give off a sweet, distinctive smell:散發獨特的香味
‧抗發炎的:anti-inflammatory (形容詞)
‧交叉育種:cross-breed (動詞)
The company has developed a new strain.
‧場所:facility (名詞)
get someone stoned:讓某人感到被迷幻
‧政府許可執照:government licence(名詞)