Bangladesh prime minister alleges arson in deadly factory fire
‧ Bangladesh:孟加拉(國名)首都為:達卡Dhaka
‧ prime minister:首相,總理(名詞)
‧ allege:(無充分證據而)斷言,宣稱(動詞)
to state something as a fact but without giving proof
allege (that)… The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly.
‧ arson:縱火(罪),放火(罪)(名詞)
the crime of deliberately setting fire to something, especially a building
to carry out an arson attack
‧ deadly:致命的,致死的(形容詞)
causing or likely to cause deathS
同義詞 lethal
a deadly weapon/disease
‧ fire:火災(名詞,可數)
A small fire had started in the kitchen.(注意有a)
forest fires
[uncountable] the flames, light and heat, and often smoke, that are produced when something burns
Most animals are afraid of fire.(fire 之前沒有 a )
The clothing factory fire that killed more than 100 workers in Bangladesh over the weekend was no accident, the country's prime minister said.
X was no accident. X這件事非意外
X= The clothing factory fire 成衣廠火災
that子句 that killed more than 100 workers in Bangladesh over the
weekend說明 the fire
‧ over the weekend:週末期間(片語)
‧ over:在某期間(介係詞)
during something
We'll discuss it over lunch.
Over the next few days they got to know the town well.
She has not changed much over the years.
■星期六在達卡附近工廠的大火,和週一在另一家工廠的火災都是「蓄意縱火案」總理Sheikh Hasina週一說。
The fire Saturday at the factory near Dhaka, and a second fire at another factory Monday were "planned arson," Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Monday.
‧ planned arson:有計劃的縱火,蓄意縱火案(名詞)
■ Hasina的這番話是在週二哀悼日前一天晚上發出的,哀悼日是為紀念工廠的遇難者和最近在孟加拉東南部天橋倒塌受害者。
Hasina's remarks came the night before Tuesday's day of mourning for those killed at the factory and for the victims from a recent overpass collapse in southeastern Bangladesh.
Tuesday’s day of mourning for X and Y:為紀念 X 和 Y的週二哀悼日
X= those killed at the factory
Y= the victims from a recent overpass collapse in southeastern Bangladesh.
‧ overpass:天橋(名詞)
a bridge that carries one road over another one
‧ collapse:倒塌(動詞)
to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart 同義詞
give way
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
‧ victim:受害者(名詞)
a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime,
a disease, an accident, etc
murder/rape, etc. victims
All apparel factories were to be closed Tuesday, and special prayers will be offered at mosques, churches and temples, the government said.
‧ apparel:服裝(名詞)
clothing, when it is being sold in shops/stores
The store sells women's and children's apparel.
‧ mosque:清真寺(名詞)a building in which Muslims worship
Meanwhile, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. put some distance between it and the clothing factory, saying the factory was no longer authorized to produce merchandise for the company.
‧ 簡化來看:
X put some distance between it and the clothing factory, saying Y
X= Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Y= the factory was no longer authorized to produce merchandise for the company.
‧ put some distance between itself and A:
自己和A 撇清關係,沒有瓜葛(動詞片語)
The government is keen to put some distance between itself and these
events (= show that there is no connection between them).
‧ authorize:授權(動詞)
be authorized to do something:有授權可做某事
‧ merchandise:商品(名詞)
goods that are bought or sold; goods that are for sale in a shop/store
a wide selection of merchandise
■該國擁有約4500家成衣廠,替包括Tesco,Wal-Mart,JC Penney公司,H&M,Marks&Spencer公司,Kohl's和家樂福等公司生產成衣。截至今年6月,成衣業收入為190億美元。
The country has about 4,500 garment factories that make clothes for stores including Tesco, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, H&M, Marks & Spencer, Kohl's and Carrefour. The sector earned $19 billion this year as of June.
‧ garment:服裝(名詞)a piece of clothing
a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket
‧ garment factories, clothing factories, apparel factories:都是成衣廠(複數型)
‧ sector:行業類別(名詞)
‧ $19 billion:19 億?不對,因為 billion 為十億,19 個十億應該是 190 億
■孟加拉的國營新聞社Sangbad Sangstha(BSS),最近報導,該國每年約6000人死於火災。
The state-run news agency, Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS), recently reported that some 6,000 people die every year in fires in the country.
‧ state-run:國營的,公營的,政府經營的(形容詞)
‧ state:政府(名詞)the government of a country
matters/affairs of state
They wish to limit the power of the State.
‧ news agency:新聞社(名詞)(also press agency)
an organization that collects news and supplies it to newspapers and television
and radio companies
‧ fires:火災(名詞-複數型)
die in fires 死於火災
‧ 成衣廠:garment factories, clothing factories, apparel factories(名詞-複數型)
‧ 縱火罪:arson(名詞)
‧ 受害者:victim(名詞)
‧ 火災:fire(名詞-可數)die in fires 死於火災
‧ 哀悼日:day of mourning(名詞)
‧ 自己和 X 撇清關係,沒有瓜葛:
put some distance between itself and X(動詞片語)
‧ 商品:merchandise(名詞)
‧ (無充分證據而)斷言,宣稱:allege(動詞)
‧ 致命的,致死的:deadly(形容詞)
‧ 清真寺:mosque(名詞)
‧ 倒塌:collapse(動詞)