Park Geun-hye claims South Korea presidential victory
‧ Park Geun-hye:朴槿惠
‧ claim:宣稱(動詞)用claims第三人稱單數──主詞為 Park Geun-hye,
‧ presidential victory:總統選戰的勝利
■ 保守黨候選人朴槿惠週三在韓國的總統大選宣稱贏得勝利,這結果將使她成為該國的第一位女總統。
Conservative candidate Park Geun-hye claimed victory Wednesday in South Korea's presidential election, a result that will make her the country's first woman president.
‧ first woman president:第一位女總統
‧ South Korea's presidential election:南韓的總統大選
■ 對在首爾市中心光化門廣場的群眾演講時,Park說她的勝利是人民的勝利。
Addressing crowds in Seoul's central Gwanghwamun Square, Park said her win was a victory for the people.
‧ Addressing crowds in X, Park said her win was a victory for the people.
對在X地點的群眾演講時,Park說她的勝利是人民的勝利 。
X=Seoul's central Gwanghwamun Square
‧ address:發表正式演說(動詞)
to make a formal speech to a group of people
to address a meeting
The President has been asked to address the assembly.
‧ Gwanghwamun Square:南韓光化門廣場
‧ a victory for the people:屬於人民的勝利
‧ her win:她的勝利(名詞)win這個字也當動詞
■ 「我將是一個能兌現承諾(守信)的國家總統」,她說。
"I will be the president of the nation who keeps pledges," she said.
‧ who keeps pledges 字句說明 president , 會兌現承諾的總統
‧ pledge:承諾(名詞)a serious promise
同義詞 commitment
‧ keep promises同 keep pledges(動詞片語)守信,兌現承諾
■ Park將在2013年2月上任,當國家面臨收入不平等,青年的教育和就業前景充滿焦慮,與北韓關係緊張等問題都需要找到解決方案的時候。
Park will assume office in February 2013, in a country grappling with income inequality, angst over education and employment prospects for its youth, and strained relations with North Korea.
‧ assume office:上任(動詞片語)
assume something (formal)to take or begin to have power or responsibility
The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare.
‧ grapple:努力找到解決某問題的方案(動詞)
to try hard to find a solution to a problem
grapple with something
The new government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution.
‧ angst:焦慮(名詞)
a feeling of anxiety and worry about a situation, or about your life
songs full of teenage angst
‧ strained:緊張的(形容詞)
showing the effects of worry or pressure
He spoke in a low, strained voice.
■ 南韓也是西方的戰略盟友,在亞洲第四大經濟體。
South Korea is also a strategic Western ally and the fourth-largest economy in Asia.
■ 她的核心支持是來自50歲以上的人,他們都對她的父親有美好的記憶並記得他把國家從貧困中拉出來的經濟政策。
Her core support was among the over-50s, those who remember her father fondly as well as his economic policies that dragged the country out of poverty.
‧ remember someone fondly:以美好的印象記得某人(動詞片語)
‧ drag:費力移動(動詞)
to move yourself slowly and with effort
drag yourself + adverb/preposition
I managed to drag myself out of bed.
‧ drag the country out of poverty:把國家從貧困中拉出來
■ 根據民意調查,他的妻子,陸英修,到今天仍然是南韓所目睹的最受歡迎的第一夫人 。
His wife, Yuk Young-soo, remains to this day the most popular first lady South Korea has seen, according to polls.
‧ South Korea has seen the most popular first lady,因要強調 first lady, 所以
the most popular first lady (that) South Korea has seen
‧ see:這裡不是看見,應該理解為:在地點發生某事,目睹(動詞)主詞為地點
see something to be the place where an event happens
This stadium has seen many thrilling football games.
■ 被親切地稱為「國家的母親」,一些支持者說,Park節儉的生活方式還有她20世紀70年代的髮型就像她的母親。
Known affectionately as "mother of the nation," some supporters say Park resembles her mother with her frugal lifestyle and 1970s hairstyle.
‧ resemble:看來像(動詞)resemble somebody/something
to look like or be similar to another person or thing
She closely resembles her sister.
‧ frugal lifestyle:節儉的生活方式
‧ 1970s hairstyle:20世紀70年代的髮型
■ 在8月母親的追悼會上,她說,她分享她母親一個更加平等的社會的願景。「這曾是我母親的夢想,現在是我的夢想。」
At a memorial service for her mother in August, she said she shares her mother's vision of a more equal society. "It was my mother's dream, and her dream is now mine."
‧ a memorial service:追悼會(名詞)
‧ 第一位女總統:first woman president(名詞)
‧ 朴槿惠:Park Geun-hye
‧ 首爾:Seoul
‧ 發表正式演說:address(動詞)address the crowds 對群眾演說
‧ 南韓的總統大選:South Korea's presidential election(名詞)
‧ 上任:assume office(動詞片語)
‧ 努力找到解決X問題的方案:grapple with X(動詞片語)
‧ 節儉的生活方式:frugal lifestyle(名詞)
‧ 20世紀70年代的髮型:1970s hairstyle(名詞)
‧ 承諾:pledges(名詞,複數型)
‧ 守信,兌現承諾:keep promises同 keep pledges(動詞片語)
‧ 最受歡迎的第一夫人:the most popular first lady(名詞)
‧ 看來像:resemble(動詞)resemble her mother 像她的母親
‧ 把國家從貧困中拉出來:drag the country out of poverty(動詞片語)
‧以美好的印象記得某人:remember someone fondly(動詞片語)