Decluttering before the New Year
‧ declutter:整理,清除不需要的東西
to remove things that you do not use so that you have more space and can easily find things when you need them
Moving is a good opportunity to declutter.
‧ clutter:把地方塞滿亂七八糟的東西(動詞)此字也是名詞
to fill a place with too many things, so that it is untidy
Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams.
‧ clutter:亂七八糟的狀態(名詞)
a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not necessary or
are not being used; a state of confusion 同義詞: mess
There's always so much clutter on your desk!
■ 根據每年在一月贊助「整頓月」,以幫助人們控制時間以及他們要完成的任務和財產的國家專業收納整理達人協會,83%接受調查的成員說,「文件資料整理」,在他們個人和企業客戶該完成事項列表上排名最高。
According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, which sponsors the annual "Get Organized Month" each January to help folks take control of their time, tasks and possessions, 83% of members polled say that "paper organization" ranks highest on their individual and corporate clients' to-do lists.
‧ According to X, 83% of members polled say Y.
X= the National Association of Professional Organizers
Y= "paper organization" ranks highest on their individual and corporate clients' to-do lists. 「文件資料整理」在他們個人和企業客戶該完成事項列表上排名
‧ rank:排名(動詞)
Z ranks the highest on the to-do list:在該完成事項清單上,Z 排名第一。
‧ on a list,在清單上,on the to-do list:在該完成事項清單上
■ 對在聖誕節到新年之間不上班的人而言,這週提供了一個機會,在2013年到達之前,把東西整理一下。
For people taking time off between Christmas and New Year's, this week offers a chance to get things in order before 2013 arrives.
‧ taking time off…分詞說明 people,在聖誕節後到新年這一週放假的人
‧ get things in order:把東西整理好(動詞片語)
‧ take time off:不上班(動詞片語)
- take time off from work; stop working temporarily
■ 位於芝加哥的專業收納整理達人,理家老手,也是clutterfree 組織(無亂堆空間)的創始人,Susan Fleischman說,整理乾淨真正的目的在對凡事有掌控。
Being organized is really about being in control, says Susan Fleischman, a Chicago-based professional organizer, home stager and founder of clutterfree.
‧ Being organized is really about being in control:
‧ about:(介係詞)
used to describe the purpose or an aspect of something
Movies are all about making money these days.
‧ stager:有經驗的人,老手(名詞)
One who possesses the wisdom of long experience.
‧ home stager:理家老手(名詞)
■ 這就是為什麼花聖誕節過後一周的時間清理真的可以幫助你從喧囂的假期恢復和排毒。
That's why spending the week after Christmas decluttering really helps you recover and detox from the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
‧ 簡化來看:That’s why X really helps you recover and detox from Y
X= spending the week after Christmas decluttering
Y= the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
‧ spend time doing something:花時間做某事
‧ spend the week after Christmas decluttering:花聖誕節過後一周的時間清理
‧ recover:恢復(動詞)
‧ detox:排毒(動詞)
‧ hustle and bustle:喧囂(名詞片語)
busy noisy activity of a lot of people in one place
We escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend.
■ 對於那些上班的人而言,Fleischman說,「(這個禮拜)電話停止響,會議較少。實際工作可能會嘎然停止。所以就不太有理由不斷延遲整理工作,把它降到該完成事項列表的底端。」
For those at work, says Fleischman, "the phone stops ringing, there are fewer meetings. Real work probably comes to a screeching halt. There are far fewer reasons to keep letting getting organized fall to the bottom of the to-do list."
‧ 簡化來看:
There are fewer reasons to keep letting X fall to the bottom of the to-do list
不斷讓 X 降到該完成事項列表的底端
X= getting organized 整理這件事(動名詞片語,當受詞)
‧ halt:停止(名詞)
an act of stopping the movement or progress of somebody/something
Work came to a halt when the machine broke down.
‧ screech:移動時發出很大聲音(動詞)
to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it moves
The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital.
‧ something comes to a screeching halt:某事嘎然停止(動詞片語)
■ 目前員工常常覺得有必要更加努力地工作並花更長的時間,能整理得有條不紊可以是一個真正的競爭優勢。
And these days, when employees often feel compelled to work harder and longer, being organized can be a real competitive advantage.
‧ these days:不是這些天,是目前
(informal) used to talk about the present, especially when you are
comparing it with the past
‧ compel:迫使(動詞)compelled(過去分詞)
to force somebody to do something; to make something necessary
I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.
‧ feel compelled to work harder and longer:
‧ competitive advantage:競爭優勢(名詞)
■ NAPO行業會員主任Mary Dykstra說,平均而言,美國人每年在辦公室和家庭中尋找東西浪費的時間達6週到12週之間。
NAPO Industry Member Director Mary Dykstra says that on average, Americans waste time amounting to between six and 12 weeks a year searching for things in their offices and homes.
‧ NAPO 就是前面提到的:the National Association of Professional Organizers
waste time 後面接兩個分詞:
amounting to …分詞說明 浪費時間加總有between six and 12 weeks a year
searching for things …分詞說明浪費的時間在searching for things in their
offices and homes.
‧ 亂七八糟的狀態:clutter(名詞)
‧ 整理,清除不需要的東西:declutter(動詞)(de+clutter)
‧ 文件資料整理:paper organization(名詞)
‧ 專業收納整理達人:professional organizer(名詞)
‧ 在該完成事項清單上:on the to-do list(名詞片語)
‧ 理家老手:home stager(名詞)
‧ 某事嘎然停止:something comes to a screeching halt(動詞片語)
‧ 把東西整理好:get things in order,get organized,be organized(動詞片語)
‧ 整理乾淨真正的目的在對凡事有掌控:
Being organized is really about being in control.
‧ 覺得有必要更加努力地工作並花更長的時間:
feel compelled to work harder and longer(動詞片語)
‧ 競爭優勢:competitive advantage(名詞)
‧ 恢復:recover(動詞)
‧ 喧囂:hustle and bustle(名詞片語)recover from the hustle and bustle
‧ 排毒:detox(動詞)