In pictures: New year celebrations
‧ in pictures:以照片呈現(片語,註一)
‧ picture:不只是圖片,也是照片(名詞)pictures(複數型)
a photograph
We had our picture taken in front of the hotel.
‧ celebration:慶祝活動(名詞)celebrations(複數型)
a special event that people organize in order to celebrate something
birthday/wedding celebrations
■ 雪梨是最早以耀眼的煙火秀迎接新年的城市之一,數以萬計的人群在著名的澳大利亞城市海港周圍共同參與。
Sydney was one of the first cities to see in the new year with a dazzling firework display attended by hundreds of thousands of people around the Australian city's famous harbour.
‧ 簡化來看:
Sydney was one of the first cities to see in the new year with a dazzling firework display (that was) attended by X.
a dazzling firework display(that was)attended by X 也就是
X attended a dazzling firework display.
‧ see in the new year:跨年(動詞片語)
to not go to bed on 31 December until after 12 o'clock at night in order to
celebrate the start of a new year
‧ firework(s):煙火(名詞,可數)用複數型或單數型都可以
a small device containing powder that burns or explodes and produces bright coloured lights and loud noises, used especially at celebrations:
(British English) to let off a few fireworks
(North American English) to set off a few fireworks
a firework(s) display
The firework spluttered and went out.
‧ display:表演秀(名詞)不只是陳列的意思
an act of performing a skill or of showing something happening, in order
to entertain
a firework display
■ 香港據稱製作了它六年來最盛大的新年煙火秀,以160萬美元(合英鎊980,000)價值的煙火在維多利亞港上空炸開。
Hong Kong was said to have put on its biggest New Year pyrotechnics display for six years, with $1.6m (£980,000) worth of fireworks exploding over Victoria Harbour.
‧ 簡化來看:
Hong Kong was said to have done this, with X exploding over Y.
(to have put on its biggest New Year pyrotechnics display
for six years 製作了它六年來最大的新年煙火秀-已經完成,
用have put 完成式
X= $1.6m (£980,000) worth of fireworks
Y= Victoria Harbour
‧ put on something:製作,提供(動詞片語)
to provide something specially
The city is putting on extra buses during the summer.
to produce or present a play, a show, etc
The local drama club is putting on ‘Macbeth’.
‧ pyrotechnics:煙火(名詞,科技用語,單數/複數皆可)
fireworks or a display of fireworks
■ 在紐約時代廣場,在午夜鐘聲敲響時,天空頓時飄滿五彩碎紙,約有一百萬迎新年的人聚集在那裡。
At the stroke of midnight in New York's Times Square, confetti flooded the air where some one million people had gathered to welcome in the new year.
‧ flood:不是淹水,這裡是,突然湧現,蓋過(動詞)
to spread suddenly into something; to cover something+ adverb/preposition
She drew the curtains and the sunlight flooded in.
flood something She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks.
be flooded with something The room was flooded with evening light.
‧ confetti:五彩碎紙(名詞,不可數)
small pieces of coloured paper that people often throw at weddings over people who have just been married, or (in the US) at other special events
■ 數十萬人在倫敦的泰晤士河旁,觀看英國首都著名的煙火秀──由大笨鐘的鐘聲敲響的11分鐘盛會。
Hundreds of thousands of people lined the Thames in London to watch the UK capital's famed fireworks display - an 11-minute extravaganza sparked off by the chimes of Big Ben.
‧ 簡化來看:
an 11-minute extravaganza (that was) sparked off by X
X= the chimes of Big Ben 英國議會大笨鐘的鐘聲
‧ chime:鐘聲(名詞)chimes(複數型)
a ringing sound, especially one that is made by a bell
door chimes
‧ Big Ben:大笨鐘(Big Ben)英國倫敦著名古鐘
‧ hundreds of thousands of people:1000 x 100 所以有
100,000, 十萬以上,數十萬
‧ spark:突然引發(動詞)
to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly
spark something off
The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader.
‧ extravaganza:娛樂盛會(名詞)
a large, expensive and impressive entertainment
a musical extravaganza
a five-day extravaganza of art, music and dance
【註一】英國的dailymail網站端出來:壯觀的照片(spectacular pictures)
Goodbye 2012! Enjoy the New Year in these spectacular pictures as countries across the globe celebrate the arrival of 2013
‧ spectacular:壯觀的,歎為觀止的(形容詞)
‧ very impressive 同義詞: breathtaking
spectacular scenery
CNN 用的標題是:photos
‧ Photos:The world rings in the new year
雅虎英國網站:以 welcome in 2013為標題:迎接2013
‧ New Year Celebrations:UK Welcomes In 2013 http://uk.news.yahoo.com/celebrations-uk-welcome-2013-214854485.html#k7loue6
迎新年各國各顯神通, 全球子民歡慶跨年的畫面傳來,讓我們有機會學學談論跨年的用語:
‧ 跨年:see in the new year(動詞片語)
‧ 迎接2013:welcome in 2013(動詞片語)
‧ 煙火秀:a firework display(名詞)
watch the UK capital's famed fireworks display
‧ 表演秀:display(名詞)
‧ 煙火:pyrotechnics(名詞,科技用語,單數/複數皆可)fireworks
‧ 壯觀的,歎為觀止的:spectacular(形容詞)
‧ 娛樂盛會:extravaganza(名詞)
‧ 五彩碎紙:confetti(名詞,不可數)
‧ 以照片呈現:in pictures(片語)
‧ 慶祝活動:celebration(名詞)celebrations(複數型)
‧ 製作,提供:put on something(動詞片語)
put on the biggest New Year pyrotechnics display
‧ 鐘聲:chime(名詞)chimes(複數型)