Six tech resolutions for 2013
tech: technology 科技的簡稱(名詞)often used before another noun ▪ tech companies
resolution: 給自己的許諾(名詞)resolutions(複數型)
a promise to yourself that you will make a serious effort to do something that you should do
▪ He made a resolution to lose weight. [=he resolved to lose weight] ▪ Her New Year's resolution [=her promise to do something differently in the new year] is to exercise regularly.
■ 從每日運動健身,志願服務,繪畫到任何其他你決心要在新的一年裡要多做一點的新規定中,撥點時間給幾個以科技為主的決議。
Between your new regimen of daily workouts, volunteering, painting or whatever else you've resolved to do more of in the New Year, make time for a few tech-centric resolutions.
Between your new regimen of A, B, C, or D, make time for E.
A=daily workouts
B= volunteering
C= painting
D= whatever else you've resolved to do more of in the New Year
E= a few tech-centric resolutions
between 並非只有兩者之間,在此的意思,是在諸多活動之中(介係詞)
between doing something used to show that several activities are involved
Between working full-time and taking care of the kids, he didn't have much time for hobbies.
regimen: 醫生規定(名詞)a set of rules about food and exercise or medical treatment that you follow in order to stay healthy or to improve your health
a strict regimen
a daily regimen of exercise
workout: 運動健身時間(名詞)workouts(複數型)
a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit
She does a 20-minute workout every morning.
resolve to do something: 決心做某事(動詞片語)
to make a firm decision to do something
resolve to do something He resolved not to tell her the truth
make time for X: 專門挪出 X 的時間(動詞片語)
make time for yourself: 挪出給自己的時間
這些新年決議沒有太大壓力, 並可以保持你的電腦儲存資料和線上身份更安全,讓你的頭腦更清晰,並讓你的朋友關係更健康。
They're low impact and will keep your memories and online identity safer, your mind sharper and your friendships healthier.
They 指的是上面說的一些以科技為主的決議 a few tech-centric resolutions
low impact: (low-impact) 沒有太大壓力的(形容詞)
involving movements that do not put a lot of stress on the body
low-impact aerobics
Here are six you can do right now. You'll thank yourself later.
可以看成: Here are six things (that) you can do right now.
Step away from the smartphone
step: 邁開腳步,距離不大的一步(動詞)
to lift your foot and move it in a particular direction or put it on or in something; to move a short distance
所以 step away from X : 只是邁開一步,離開一下 X
■ 如果你一天大部分的時間都花在智慧型手機,平板電腦或電腦上,在2013年作出努力離開一下的數位世界和你周圍的人有更多的互動。
If you spend most of the day with your nose buried in a smartphone, tablet or computer, make an effort to break out of the digital world and interact more with the humans around you in 2013.
If you spend most of the day with X, make an effort to do Y and Z
X= your nose buried a smartphone, tablet or computer
Y= break out of the digital world
Z= interact more with the humans around you in 2013
break out (of something): 逃離(動詞片語)to escape from a place or situation
Several prisoners broke out of the jail.
She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.
bury yourself in something: 全部注意力放在某事(動詞片語)
to give all your attention to something
Since she left, he's buried himself in his work.
have your nose in: 全神都關注在某事(動詞片語)
If you have your nose in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc., you are reading it.
▪ It seems like she always has her nose in a book [=she's always reading a book] whenever I see her.
with your nose buried in X: 整個人都活在 X 中(片語)
■ 同時在和正常人,有知覺有情緒的朋友外出的時候,不要習慣性地查你線上社交網路。
Don't habitually check your online social networks while hanging out with your flesh-and-blood friends.
hang out with friends: 跟朋友外出在一起(動詞片語)
to spend a lot of time in a place
The local kids hang out at the mall.
flesh and blood: 表面上是肌肉和血液,但指的是正常人,有知覺有情緒(固定用法)
when you say that somebody is flesh and blood, you mean that they are a normal human with needs, emotions and weaknesses
Listening to the cries was more than flesh and blood could stand.
■ 在約會嗎?別想寫短信。(除非約會進行地很糟,而他們在洗手間的時候,你需要安排一個緊急抽身退場機制)。
On a date? Don't even think about texting. (Unless the date is going horribly and they're in the bathroom and you need to arrange an emergency extraction.)
text: 用手機寫短訊(動詞)
to send somebody a written message using a mobile/cell phone
text (somebody) Text me when you're on your way.
date: 約會(名詞)
a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with somebody who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend
I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night.
Paul's not coming. He's got a hot date (= an exciting one).
emergency extraction: 緊急抽身(名詞)
extraction: 抽出(名詞)
the act or process of getting something by pulling it out, forcing it out, etc. : the act of extracting something [count] ▪ tooth extractions and other dental procedures [noncount] ▪ theextraction of teeth by dentists ▪ the extraction of juices from plant matter
I have to go to the bathroom (= use the toilet).Where's the bathroom? (= for example in a restaurant)
新年的自我承諾:new year’s resolutions(名詞-複數型)
用手機寫短訊:text(動詞)text me 寫短訊給我
逃離:break out (of something)(動詞片語)break out of the digital world
決心做某事:resolve to do something(動詞片語)
正常人:有知覺有情緒: flesh and blood(固定用法)
暫時離開一下智慧型手機: Step away from the smartphone(動詞片語)
跟朋友外出在一起: hang out with friends(動詞片語)
整個人都活在 X 中:with your nose buried in X(片語)
沒有太大壓力的:low impact (low-impact)(形容詞)
挪出給自己的時間:make time for yourself(動詞片語)