5 best travel gadgets from CES 2013
gadget: 小玩意,小工具(名詞)gadgets(複數型)
a small tool or device that does something useful
CES: Consumer Electronics Show 消費者電子展
■ 今年的消費電子展(CES)在拉斯維加斯旋風熱鬧幾天後圓滿閉幕。
This year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wrapped up after a whirlwind few days in Las Vegas.
wrap up: 圓滿結束(動詞片語)
to complete something such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way
That just about wraps it up for today.
whirlwind: 旋風式,快速進行的(形容詞)
happening very fast
a whirlwind romance
■ 從一月8日至11日,科技人潮蜂擁而至到這個城市來炫耀,也來查看最新出籠的巧妙產品設計。
From January 8-11 the tech crowd descended on the city to show off and check out the latest in clever product design.
descend on/upon 某處: 大批人馬來到某處(動詞片語)
to visit somebody/something in large numbers, sometimes unexpectedly
Hundreds of football fans descended on the city.
show off: 炫耀(動詞片語)
the latest: 最新的
clever product design: 巧妙產品設計
■ 大約20,000個新玩意由超過3,250家參展廠商推出。
About 20,000 new gadgets were launched by more than 3,250 exhibitors.
exhibitor: 參展廠商
■ 那展覽有很多線條優美的大屏幕電視和聰明到你會相信這玩意會思考會自己做主的平板電腦。
That’s a whole lot of sleek flat-screen TVs and tablets so smart you’d swear they have minds of their own.
That’s a whole lot of X and Y (that were) so smart (that) you’d swear they have minds of their own.
X= sleek flat-screen TVs
Y= tablets
sleek: 線條優美的(形容詞)having an elegant smooth shape
a sleek yacht
the sleek lines of the new car
flat-screen TV: 平面螢幕電視,就是大屏幕電視
swear to something: 說某事是真的(動詞片語)
to say that something is definitely true
I think I put the keys back in the drawer, but I couldn't swear to it (= I'm not completely sure).
have a mind of your own: 自有思想,自己做主(動詞片語)
to have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people
She has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to say what she thinks.
(humorous) My computer seems to have a mind of its own!
■ 文中介紹的小工具之一是:第四項,額外備件一個
4. Spare One
spare: 額外的(形容詞)
kept in case you need to replace the one you usually use; extra
a spare key/tyre
■ 如果你曾經被旅行後的手機話費嚇壞了,Spare One可能是日後未來更好的選擇。
If you’ve ever freaked-out at a post-trip phone bill, the Spare One might be the way forward.
freak out at 某事: 被某事嚇壞了(動詞片語)
freak: 嚇到(動詞)
if somebody freaks or if something freaks them, they react very strongly to something that makes them suddenly feel shocked, surprised, frightened, etc
freak (out) My parents really freaked when they saw my hair.
forward: 向好的結果(副詞)
towards a good result
We consider this agreement to be an important step forward.
Cutting our costs is the only way forward.
■ 所有它需要的就是一個AA電池和當地的SIM卡來撥打和接聽電話,不會有天文數字的費用。
All it needs is one AA battery and a local SIM card to make and receive calls without astronomical fees.
(also astronomic) (informal) (of an amount, a price, etc.)very large
The figures are astronomical.
■ 一觸式緊急服務按鈕是很難錯過。
The one-touch emergency services button is hard to miss.
CNN 的另一篇報導了 CES 的大會演講主題:今天的年輕人生來就會用行動裝置
CES keynote: Young people today are 'born mobile'
■ 行動技術已不再局限於筆記本電腦,智慧手機和平板電腦。它慢慢滲透到我們生活的每一個角落,包括電視和電影,汽車,職場,醫療保健,教育,和最終到我們的身體。
Mobile technology is no longer limited to laptops, smartphones and tablets. It's seeping into every corner of our lives, including television and movies, cars, the workplace, health care, education and eventually our bodies.
mobile: 行動的that is not fixed in one place and can be moved easily and quickly
mobile equipment
a mobile shop/library (= one inside a vehicle)
seep: 慢慢進入(動詞)
to flow slowly and in small quantities through something or into something 同義詞trickle
Blood was beginning to seep through the bandages.
■ 這個行動科技的擴大和它下個世代高度行動的科技使用者,是週一消費電子展大會演講的主題。
This expansion of mobile, and its next generation of highly mobile tech users, were the subject of Monday's Consumer Electronics Show keynote.
X and Y were the subject of Monday’s Consumer Electronics Show keynote.
X= this expansion of mobile 行動科技的擴大
Y= its next generation of highly mobile tech users 下個世代高度行動的科技使用者
highly mobile tech users: 高度行動的科技使用者
■ 由晶片製造廠商高通公司的執行長 Paul Jacobs 所發表的演說,標示展覽正式開幕,在(星期二)上午打開了大門。
Delivered by chip maker Qualcomm's chief executive Paul Jacobs, the talk marked the official kickoff of the show, which opens its doors Tuesday morning.
The talk was delivered by X
The talk marked Y
兩句的主詞都是 the talk,所以第一句省略 the talk, 和 be 動詞 was, 因此變成
Delivered by X, the talk marked Y
X= chip maker Qualcomm's chief executive Paul Jacobs
Y= the official kickoff of the show
which子句說明the show opens its doors on Tuesday
kick-off: 活動開始(名詞)official kick-off: 正式開始
the start of an activity
chip maker: 晶片製造商
Qualcomm: 高通公司的英文名
■ 據Jacobs的說法,全球84%的人說他們不能一天沒有他們的行動裝置。
According to Jacobs, 84% of people worldwide say they can't go a day without their mobile device.
go a day without X: 一天沒有X
can’t go a day without X: 一天不能沒有X
mobile device: 行動裝置(名詞)
每年的 CES 大展,都是熱鬧滾滾,行動世代已經誕生,我們藉此認識談論行動裝 置的用語:
消費電子展:CES: Consumer Electronics Show
巧妙產品設計:clever product design(名詞)
晶片製造商:chip maker(名詞)
活動開始:kick-off(名詞)official kick-off 正式開始
行動裝置:mobile device(名詞)
高度行動的科技使用者:highly mobile tech users(名詞)
圓滿結束:wrap up(動詞片語)
非常大的,天文數字的:astronomical(形容詞)without astronomical fees
被某事嚇壞了:freak out at 某事(動詞片語)