



Top Japan airlines ground Boeing 787s after emergency





airline: 航空公司(名詞)airlines(複數型)

Top Japan airlines 頂級日本幾家航空公司


ground: 停飛(動詞) 這字有好多意思,根據上下文,找到合適的意思,

ground something to prevent an aircraft from taking off


Boeing 787s: 787後面有 ‘s’ 表示複數型,數架 787 班機


emergency: 緊急事件(名詞)



日本的兩大航空公司已停飛波音787夢想機 在飛機因為電池的問題被迫緊急降落之後。

Japan's two main airlines have grounded their Boeing 787 Dreamliners after one was forced to make an emergency landing because of battery problems.



X have grounded Y after one was forced to make an emergency landing because of battery problems.

X=Japan’s two main airlines

Y= their Boeing 787 Dreamliners (複數型)

one 指的是其中一架 Boeing 787 Dreamliners

make an emergency landing: 緊急降落(動詞片語)

be forced to make an emergency landing: 被迫緊急降落


Dreamliner: 飛機型號名稱-夢想機-但,可以理解成:夢幻大船 ,因為:

liner: 大客輪(名詞)a large ship that carries passengers

an ocean liner 遠洋客輪

Boeing 787 Dreamliner



The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a long-range, mid-size wide-body, twin-engine jet airliner developed by Boeing Commercial Airplanes


在從山口宇部机场(Yamaguchi Ube)起飛的NH692 航班, 起飛不久就被迫降落之後,全日本航空公司(ANA)停飛 17架的夢想機隊。

All Nippon Airways (ANA) grounded its fleet of 17 Dreamliners when its flight NH 692 from Yamaguchi Ube was forced to land shortly after take-off.


All Nippon Airways(ANA) 全日空航空公司

fleet: 機隊(名詞)

fleet (of something) a group of planes, buses, taxis, etc. travelling together or owned by the same organization

the company's new fleet of vans


flight: 航班(名詞)


take-off: 起飛(名詞)


日本航空公司(Japan Airlines)也跟進,說從116日起,直至進一步通知為止,它將其7架波音787機隊 停飛。

Japan Airlines followed suit, saying it would ground its fleet of seven 787s from 16 January until further notice.


saying it would ….是分詞構句,說它會怎麼做

follow suit: 跟進(動詞片語)

1 (in card games)to play a card of the same suit that has just been played

2to act or behave in the way that somebody else has just done


until further notice: 直到進一步通知(片語)



This is the latest setback for Boeing and its problem-hit Dreamliner planes.


setback: 挫敗(名詞)

a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something, or makes a situation worse

The team suffered a major setback  when their best player was injured.

have a setback: 遭到挫敗(動詞片語)

problem-hit: 遇到困難的(形容詞)從 hit a problem (動詞片語)衍生而來

hit a problem/bad patch: 遭遇困難(動詞片語)

 to have a problem when you are trying to do something

We hit a problem when we tried to print the document.



In recent weeks, Dreamliners have suffered issues including fuel leaks, a cracked cockpit window, brake problems and an electrical fire.



The concerns have spread beyond Japan, however, not least because the Dreamliner was seen as Boeing's flagship new aeroplane and had attracted orders from many of the world's biggest and best-known airlines.



The concerns have spread beyond Japan especially because X and Y.

X= the Dreamliner was seen as Boeing's flagship new aeroplane夢想機被看成是波音公司的旗艦級新機

aeroplane(英國用法): 就是airplane(美國用法)

旗艦級新機:flagship new aeroplane(名詞)

Y=the Dreamliner had attracted orders from many of the world's biggest and best-known airlines. 吸引了來自許多世界最大和最知名航空公司的訂單

X Y 合起來,主詞都是 the Dreamliner, 所以,Y句就省略 the Dreamliner

not least:特別是(副詞片語) 不能理解成:不是最少


The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.



The 787 is said to be one of the most fuel-efficient in the industry, and Boeing delivered 46 Dreamliners to customers in 2012.


fuel-efficient: 燃油效率(形容詞)


「新機種有某些一開始磨合的問題,這不是不正常的」,屬於 新加坡 FrostSullivan公司的Chris de Lavigne 說。

"It is not abnormal for new aircraft to have some teething problems," said Chris de Lavigne of Frost and Sullivan in Singapore.


teething problems: 一開始系統磨合的小問題(名詞-複數型)

也可說:teething troubles

small problems that a company, product, system, etc. has at the beginning

New cars often suffer from teething troubles.


teethe: 長乳齒(動詞)

when a baby is teething, its first teeth are starting to grow


"There were initial issues with the Airbus A380 as well. Look where it is today; it is flying successfully and everyone seems to be happy with it."


initial issues:初始的問題(名詞,複數型)



However, he added that a lot would depend on the outcome of the two investigations.



"If it turns out to be a major issue and requires re-engineering to be done, then you may need to ground some of the planes or even the entire fleet."

a major issue: 嚴重的問題(名詞)

major: very large or important(形容詞)







直到進一步通知:until further notice(片語)

遭到挫敗:have a setback(動詞片語)


一開始系統磨合的小問題: teething problems(名詞,複數型)

緊急降落: make an emergency landing(動詞片語)

機隊:fleet(名詞)a fleet of 17 Dreamliners

跟進:follow suit (動詞片語)

旗艦級新機:flagship new aeroplane(名詞)

初始的問題:initial issues(名詞,複數型)


嚴重的問題:a major issue(名詞)


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