Argentina's video gamers take on world
Argentina:阿根廷(如果你想增加你的地理常識,玩玩孩子玩的拼美洲地圖游戯保證你的全球觀點不一樣 http://www.kidsgeo.com/geography-games/north-and-south-america-map-game.php)
‧ video game:電玩
‧ video gamer:電玩玩家,但在此要理解成生產電玩的公司 ,因爲此文談到阿根廷的電玩業者 video game developers
‧ take on word:標題省略the,應該是 take on the world:某人和世界對打,也就是某人夠厲害,能打世界級的冠軍杯。
查英英字典的時候,找:take on,看到 phrasal verbs(動詞片語)
to play against somebody in a game or contest; to fight against somebody
擧例: American Chess Kids Take on the World
Not one or two, but six of NYChessKids students are headed to the World Youth Chess Championship in Brazil November 17-27, 2011.
█ 直到最近,電玩遊戲開發商都集中在美國,歐洲和亞洲,但在過去十年 ,拉丁美洲開發商已經蓬勃發展,在為績優股品牌,如Facebook和MTV開發遊戲的時候,吸引了數百萬的創業資金。
Until recently, video game developers have been concentrated in the United States, Europe and Asia, but over the past decade Latin American developers have blossomed, attracting millions in venture capital funding while developing games for blue-chip brands like Facebook and MTV.
► 簡化來看:Until recently, Xs have been concentrated in A, B, C, but over the past decade Ds have blossomed, 後接分詞說明 blossom 的情況
‧ a decade:十年(名詞)two decades 二十年
‧ video game developers: 電玩開發商
‧ blossom: 開花,興旺(動詞)
‧ funding: 資金
‧ blue-chip :藍牌 ,也就是績優股的(形容詞)
a blue-chip investment is thought to be safe and likely to make a profit
blue-chip companies
‧ brand: 品牌(名詞)
█ 起初,這些大公司被拉丁美洲的遊戲開發商吸引,是因為他們廉價的創造成本 ,但那不再是唯一的理由。
Initially, these big firms were attracted to Latin American game developers because of their low-cost creativity, but that is no longer the only reason.
‧ initially: 開始的時候,起初(副詞)
‧ low-cost: 廉價的(形容詞)
‧ creativity: 創造(名詞)
█ 「這已經被證明,【拉丁美洲電玩遊戲】行業是真正能合乎標準, 我們能以優良的品質和來自國外最重要市場的產品競爭 。這跟從前只跟成本有關是不同的。」 QB9 的執行長 Hernán Rozenwasser說。「另一件事使我們能出類拔萃的原因是我們的藝術傳統:阿根廷一向生產高品質的電影,電視和音樂,那也會出現在我們的創作中。」
"It has been proven that [the Latin American video game] industry is really up to the standards, and we can compete with good quality works coming from the most important markets abroad. It's not about costs as much as it used to be," says Hernán Rozenwasser, CEO of QB9. "Another thing that sets us apart is our artistic traditions: Argentina has always produced high-quality movies, television and music, and that shows up in our work too."
‧ be up to the standards:合乎標準
‧ Set one apart:跟人比的時候會顯出不同make one stand out
‧ work:作品(名詞)
‧ X shows up in our work:X特質出現在我們的創作中
‧ show up:顯出來(動詞片語)
show something ←→ up
to become visible; to make something become visible
a broken bone showed up on the X-ray
The harsh light showed up the lines on her face.
█ 成長過程中,許多拉丁美洲人,必需不斷適應經濟和政治的不確定性和那種商業官僚體制在矽谷的人甚至無法想像可以面對。
"Growing up, many Latin Americans had to constantly adapt to economic and political uncertainty and a business bureaucracy that people in Silicon Valley couldn't even dream of confronting.
‧ adapt to:適應(動詞)adapt to political uncertainty 適應政治的不確定性
‧ bureaucracy:官僚作風,繁文褥節(名詞)
█ 這迫使這裡的創業家從小就養成不在框框内思考 ,並且發展了一種激烈的獨立傾向,這是科技創新的重要關鍵“一名派駐在聖保羅,廣泛寫關於拉丁美洲科技產業的美國記者 Vinod Sreeharsha 說。
This has forced entrepreneurs here to think outside-the-box from an early age, and develop a fiercely independent streak, which is crucial for tech innovation," says Vinod Sreeharsha, a Sao Paulo-based U.S. journalist who has written extensively about the Latin American tech industry.
‧ Think outside-the-box: 在框框外思考
‧ streak:性格傾向(名詞)
‧ a Sao Paulo-based U.S. journalist:派駐在 Sao Paulo 的 美國記者
► 最近也有一篇中文報導談到阿根廷的電玩業
真是框框外的思考 ,議員吵架也可成爲電玩題材,看來阿根廷的電玩業前途一片看好,讀这類產業報導,可學到不少英文考試會出現的用字,可以多讀幾遍:
‧ 電玩:video game
‧ 電玩玩家:video gamer
‧ 挑戰世界級:X takes on the world
‧ 開發商:developer(名詞)video game developer 電玩開發商
‧ 創業資金:venture capital
‧ 績優股:blue-chip(形容詞)blue-chip companies 績優股公司
‧ 開花,興旺:blossom(動詞)My business has blossomed 我的事業興旺
‧ 合乎標準:be up to the standards.
‧ 作品:work(名詞)Your work is up to the standards. 作品合乎標準
‧ X 令我們出類拔萃:X sets us apart. What sets us apart? 什麽令我們出類拔萃?
‧ 使我們能出類拔萃的是我們的藝術傳統The thing that sets us apart is our artistic traditions.