Brazil 2010 census shows changing race balance
‧ census: 普查,尤其是由官方所進行的人口調查(名詞)the process of officially counting something, especially a country's population, and recording various facts
to take a census http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/census
a demographic census 人口普查
‧ changing:改變中的(形容詞)
‧ race:人種(名詞)如果查字典的時候,先看到race有比賽,或賽車的意思,要懷疑這不可能是目前情況下所要的意思,因為在人口普查的議題上,把race當賽車理解,搭配不起來,所以要再往下找到別的意思。
‧ balance:平衡(名詞)
█ 根據2010年人口普查的初步調查結果,有色人口(非白人人口)首度構成巴西人口的大多數。
For the first time, non-white people make up the majority of Brazil's population, according to preliminary results of the 2010 census.
‧ make up:構成(動詞片語)
X make up Y:X 構成Y
‧ non-white people make up the majority of Brazil’s population:非白人人口構成巴西人口的大多數
‧ non-white:非白人(名詞) 也可當形容詞 non-white people 非白人人民
英國拼法 non 後面跟隨的字中間有 hyphen (-) 連字號,如:non-white,北美的拼法則沒有hyphen, 如:nonwhite
‧ non-profit:非營利
a non-profit organization 非營利組織
non-fiction books非小說,也就是根據事實所寫的書籍,非杜撰的
non-native English speakers 英語非母語的人,如許多學英文的人,英語不是母語,他們都是 non-native English speakers
‧ preliminary:初步的(形容詞)
results of 2010 census:2010年的普查結果
█ 這項普查由巴西地理統計局進行。
The census was conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
‧ conduct:引導,帶領(動詞)
The census was conducted by X (被動語態)
也就是 X conducted the census (主動語態)
‧ statistics:統計(名詞)
█ 在它的報告中說: 這是第一次,人口普查發現白人人口在50%以下。
"It is the first time a demographic census has found the white population to be below 50%," it said in its report.
‧ demographic:人口統計學的(形容詞)
a demographic census:人口普查
Among minority groups, 2m Brazilians identified themselves as Asian, and 817,000 as indigenous.
‧ minority:少數
minority groups:少數族群
‧ identify themselves as:指認,識別自己為…(動詞片語)
‧ Asian:亞洲人的,亞裔的(形容詞)
‧ indigenous:原住民的(形容詞)
█ 十年一次的人口普查顯示,由於經濟成長的結果,普遍巴西社會指標上升, 但也強調持續已久的許多不平等。
The once-a-decade census showed rising social indicators across Brazil as a result of economic growth, but also highlighted enduring inequalities.
► 可以如此分開簡化看:
The census showed X as a result of Y.(人口普查顯現了 X 由於 Y的結果)
The census also highlighted Z.(人口普查也強調了 Z)
兩句用 but 連接起來 The census showed ____ but highlighted ____.
‧ once-a-decade:十年一度的(形容詞)
once-a-decade census 十年一度的普查
‧ indicator:指標(名詞)
social indicators(複數) 社會指標
economic indicators(經濟指標)
‧ rising:上升的(形容詞)
‧ as a result of X:由於 X 所造成的(片語)
rising social indicators as a result of economic growth 由於經濟成長造成社會指標上升(rising指成績更好)
‧ highlight:使突出,強調(動詞)
‧ equality:平等(名詞)
‧ inequality:不平等(名詞)
‧ enduring:持續很久的,長年的(形容詞)
enduring inequalities:持久的各種不平等(inequalities 呈複數型)
█ IBGE報告強調在巴西“嚴重的收入差距”,最富有的10%的人口獲得總收入的44.5%,相較於,最窮的10%只有1.1%的收入。
The IBGE highlighted "acute income disparity" in Brazil, with the richest 10% of the population gaining 44.5% of total income compared to just 1.1% for the poorest 10%.
‧ acute:激烈嚴重的(形容詞)
‧ disparity:差異,差距(名詞)
a difference, especially one connected with unfair treatment
the wide disparity between rich and poor
█ 報告中說,超過一半的人口收入低於最低工資,平均而言,白人和亞裔巴西人賺的錢是黑色或混血巴西人的兩倍。
It said more than half of the population earned less than the minimum wage and, on average, white and Asian Brazilians earned twice as much as black or mixed-race Brazilians.
‧ minimum wage:最低工資(固定用法)
‧ on average:平均來說(片語)
‧ mixed-race:混血的,混種的(形容詞)
‧ X is twice as much as Y:X 是 Y的 兩倍
‧ 人種:race(名詞)
‧ 普查:census(名詞)
‧ 人口統計學的:demographic(形容詞)
人口普查:a demographic census
進行人口普查:conduct a demographic census
‧ 少數:minority(名詞)
‧ 多數:majority(名詞)
‧ 多種不平等:inequalities(名詞-複數型)
持久的各種不平等 enduring inequalities
‧ 差距:disparity(名詞)
income disparity 收入差距
‧ 嚴重的:acute(形容詞)
acute income disparity 嚴重收入差距
‧ 最低工資:minimum wage(固定用法)
‧ 指標:indicator(名詞)
social indicators(複數型)社會指標
‧ 原住民的:indigenous(形容詞)
‧ 非白人(有色人種):non-white(名詞)
‧ 混血的:mixed-race(形容詞)
mixed-race Brazilians 混血的巴西人