Apps downloads hit record high in last week of December
‧ 請注意:讀新聞標題的時候要知道冠詞被省略的現象,否則看多了標題用法,常常以爲該用法是不需冠詞的
其實應是:Apps downloads hit a record high in the last week of December
‧ app:應用程式(名詞),apps(複數型)
noun Computers, Informal (比較口語)
an application, typically a small, specialized program downloaded onto mobile devices: the best GPS apps for your iPhone.
1985–90; by shortening(來源是 application 這個字的縮簡 [by shortening],大約在1985-1990年代開始使用)
‧ hit record high:(hit a record high, 看下面説明)達到最高記錄(常見用法)查字典的時候,若找不到hit record high, 就拆開來查
例如:查 record, 查 high, 查hit, 都可能找到
‧ record:最高或最低的記錄(名詞)
the best result or the highest or lowest level that has ever been reached, especially in sport
Unemployment has reached a record high (= the highest level ever).
(看到字典上的例句,reached a record high, 有‘a’ 應該推理是標題省略了冠詞 ’a’)
‧ hit:字典上有許多定義,要根據目前的上下文推測可能的意思(達到),再從字典的多種定義中,找到最吻合的定義求證
hit:達到(動詞) hit something to reach a particular level
Temperatures hit 40° yesterday.
The euro hit a record low in trading today.
(字典上就有 hit a record low, 創新低)
‧ download:下載(名詞)在此應為名詞因爲看到 Apps downloads hit record high
downloads 為複數型,下載的數量多,hit 為動詞,不加‘s’表示主詞為複數
‧ in last week of December:放在標題省略 the
應該是in the last week of December
█ 根據一項研究,超過10億的應用程式首度在一週内被下載。
For the first time in a single week, more than a billion apps have been downloaded, according to a study.
‧ for the first time:第一次(片語)
‧ in a single week:in a week 加了 single, 強調單一的一週
‧ have been downloaded:在此download 為動詞,現在完成被動式,被下載
‧ a billion:這個數字,1 後面有 000,000,000 也就是10 億 (不是 一億)
█ 熱絡的活動是由於有許多用戶收到新的裝置作為聖誕禮物 並且還有不少公司在假期提供打了折應用程式。
Activity was buoyed by the facts that many users received new devices for Christmas and firms offered discounted apps over the holiday period.
► 簡化看:Activity was buoyed by the facts that (裏面有兩件事 X and Y,fact 加了‘s’ facts)
X=many users received new devices for Christmas
Y=firms offered discounted apps over the holiday period
‧ buoy:撐起,支持鼓舞(動詞)
Activity was buoyed by X(活動被X鼓舞)
‧ discount:打折(動詞)discounted(過去分詞)
discounted apps:打了折的 apps
Apps 瘋狂下載的背後,是手機大賣了,BBC 另一則報導韓國三星(Samsung)預期智慧型手機(smartphone)將有豐厚的利潤(bumper profits)來自銷售量大增
Samsung expects bumper profits on smartphone sales gain
‧ bumper:開車的人知道bumper 是(汽車前後的)保險槓,但是在此bumper應該理解為形容詞,豐盛的
bumper profits 豐厚的利潤
‧ gain:增加量(名詞)
sales gain: 銷售增加量(銷售量大增)
(請注意:銷售量大增不一定表示利潤(profits)也大增,所以標題指出了 bumper profits on sales gain )
█ 三星電子說,它預計可以提出去年的最後三個月利潤大增的報告,主要歸功於智慧型手機破紀錄的銷量。
Samsung Electronics has said it expects to report a big jump in profits for the final three months of last year, thanks largely to record smartphone sales.
‧ a big jump in profits:大幅增加的利潤
‧ thanks to:由於(片語)X 發生由於Y,
‧ thanks largely to:大多是由於
‧ 前面講 a big jump in profits 由於(thanks to)record smartphone sales
‧ record:記錄中最高的(形容詞)一般人比較知道的是名詞或動詞但是在應該為形容詞 (如果你原來的字典查不到,要再找別的字典)record sales 破紀錄的銷售量 record smartphone sales 破紀錄的smartphone 銷售量
at a higher level than ever achieved before
The long hot summer has led to a record harvest this year.
Inflation has reached record levels.
We finished the work in record time (= faster than had ever been done before).
(Definition of record adjective from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
‧ sale:銷售(名詞)sales(複數型)銷售量
sales [plural]the number of items sold
Retail sales fell in November by 10%
Export sales were up by 32% last year.
█ 南韓公司表示,預計在該期間的營業利潤將達到5.2兆韓元(45億美元29億英鎊),比前一年高73%。
The South Korean firm said it expects operating profits for the period to be 5.2tn won ($4.5bn; £2.9bn), 73% higher than a year earlier.
‧ operating profits:營業利潤(常見用法)
財經字典的解釋:Operating profit (or loss)
Revenue from a firm's regular activities less costs and expenses and before income deductions.
‧ 5.2 tn won:5.2兆韓元(Korean Won = KRW)
‧ tn:trillion= 兆(這是中文字典的解説,如果還是不懂看這裡)
1 million million
= 1 x 1012
█ 在去年下半年,作為世界上最暢銷的智慧型手機製造商,三星超越蘋果。
Samsung overtook Apple as the world's biggest-selling smartphone maker in the second half of last year.
‧ biggest-selling:最暢銷的(形容詞)
‧ maker:製造商(名詞)
‧ overtake:由後面趕上並超越(動詞)overtook(過去式)
Apps 瘋狂下載,行動裝置的流行,讓學習英文更便利了,看相關新聞,學習產品暢銷用語,到了英文檢定考就能派上用場:
‧ 應用程式:app(名詞)來自 application
‧ 下載:download(名詞或動詞)
‧ 創新高:hit a record high(固定用法)
‧ 破紀錄的智慧型手機銷售量:record smartphone sales
‧ 豐厚的利潤:bumper profits
‧ 營業利潤:operating profits(常見用法)
‧ 銷售量大增:sales gain
‧ 銷售量:sales(複數型)
‧ 利潤大增:a big jump in profits
‧ 最暢銷的:biggest-selling(形容詞)
biggest-selling smartphone maker
‧ 製造商:maker(名詞)
smartphone maker 智慧型手機製造商
‧ 兆:trillion
‧ 韓元:Korean Won = KRW