Want to be a leader? Act like one
‧ act:裝出,舉動像(動詞) act like one 在此指 act like a leader
█ 所有明顯該做的事你都在做:好的教育,紮實的經驗,高人指點 。但高階主管偷偷透露讓超級明星更上層樓的秘訣是「精益求精」的微妙用心。
You're doing all the obvious things: the right education, solid experience, a good mentor. But those in the C-Suite often confide that it's the subtle "polish" that takes the superstar to the next level of success.
‧ mentor:有經驗的人(指導協助比較沒經驗的人)類似俗稱的母雞帶小雞,看看英英解釋:
an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time
She was a friend and mentor to many young actors.
‧ C-suite:高階主管級。
職稱以C 開頭的主管,C 指 chief, 如執行長 CEO:Chief Executive Officer, 營運長,COO:Chief Operating Officer。以 chief 爲主的組合系列(suite)這個詞一般字典可能查不到,要找財經方面的百科,如:investopedia,
A widely-used slang term used to collectively refer to a corporation's most important senior executives. C-Suite gets its name because top senior executives' titles tend to start with the letter C, for chief, as in chief executive officer, chief operating officer and chief information officer.
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/c-suite.asp#ixzz1loVLJ700
‧ confide:吐露不為人知的祕密(動詞)
‧ subtle:微妙細緻的(形容詞)
‧ polish:磨光擦亮,精益求精(名詞)
█ 小小的差異,卻可以有很大的作用。什麼會影響他人對你領導一個專案,一個部門,一個組織,或一項運動的觀感?
Small differences can make a big impact. What affects others' perception of your ability to lead a project, a division, an organization, or a movement?
‧ impact:作用(名詞)X can make a big /great impact (X 有大用)
‧ affect:影響(動詞)
‧ perception:觀感(名詞)
others’ perception of your ability 別人對你能力的觀感
‧ other:別人(代名詞)others複數型 pronoun
Usually, others. other persons or things:
others in the medical profession.
others’ perception:別人的觀感others’ 為所有格
‧ project:專案(名詞)
█ 說到做到。如果你說你要向潛在的新客戶做介紹,那就介紹。如果你說你會提供推薦信,那就給推薦。
Follow through. If you say you'll make an introduction to the potential new client, make the introduction. If you say you'll provide the reference, give the reference.
‧ follow through:跟進做完已經開始的事(慣用語)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/follow#follow__69
follow something←→through
to finish something that you have started
‧ make an introduction to 人:向人做介紹(動詞片語)
the act of making one person formally known to another, in which you tell each the other's name
Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.
‧ potential:潛在的(形容詞)
potential new client:潛在新客戶
‧ reference:推薦證明(名詞)
provide a reference(提供推薦證明)通常是主管替員工提供推薦,如何寫推薦信:這裡有指南:How to give a reference
give a reference, provide a reference, 都類似
█ 如果你說你會資助某專案,那就把預算撥出來。現身面對,有錯就承認,改邪歸正把事情釐清。
If you say you'll fund the project, budget the money.
Show up, own up, and straighten it up.
‧ fund:提供資金(動詞)
fund the project:為某專案提供資金(慣用語)
‧ budget the money for the project:為某專案撥出預算(動詞片語固定用法)
‧ show up:出席現身(慣用語)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/show+up#show_1__94
(informal) to arrive where you have arranged to meet somebody or do something
It was getting late when she finally showed up.
‧ own up:own up (to something/to doing something) 承認過錯http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/own+up#own_2__13
to admit that you are responsible for something bad or wrong
‧ straighten up:straighten something←→up http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/straighten+up#straighten__13
to make something neat and tidy
The expression straighten up is short for straighten up and fly right. This is an old military saying that means stop messing around, and start acting right.
█ 在充滿含糊其詞鬼混騙吃騙喝的市場競爭下,你說到做到的作風絕對會令人震驚。
In a marketplace of mealy mouthed moochers, doing what you say will absolutely astonish people.
‧ mealy-mouthed:講話含糊不清,閃爍其詞(形容詞)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/mealy+mouthed
not willing or honest enough to speak in a direct or open way about what you really think
mealy-mouthed politicians
‧ mooch:騙吃騙喝,自己不付錢,A錢(動詞)
He's always mooching off his friends. 同義字:cadge
to ask somebody for food, money, etc. especially because you cannot or do not want to pay for something yourself
I managed to cadge some money off my dad.
moocher:A 錢的人,騙吃騙喝的混混
‧ astonish people:使人震驚(動詞)
‧ 高階主管級:C-suite(慣用語)
‧ 承認錯誤:own up (慣用語)
‧ 說到做到:follow through (慣用語)
‧ 指點的高人:mentor(名詞)
‧ 含糊其詞的:mealy-mouthed(形容詞)
‧ 騙吃騙喝的混混:moocher(名詞)
‧ 提供推薦:provide a reference, give a reference(動詞片語)
‧ 向某人介紹 :make an introduction to 某人
‧ 潛在客戶:potential client (固定用法)
‧ 為某專案提供資金:fund the project (動詞片語 )
‧ 為某專案撥出預算:budget the money for the project (動詞片語)