Harvard grad Lin has shot at basketball immortality
‧ Harvard grad:哈佛畢業生
grad:是 graduate 的簡稱,特別是在北美口語
談起graduate, 都是大學畢業生:a person who has a university degree,
若高中畢業生,會說:a high school graduate
‧ Lin:指的就是林書豪,在標題為節省空間用last name,不用 first name,
(所以没用到Jeremy,first name)但在内文會看到
‧ has shot at:標題省略冠詞
完整用法:“have a shot at” 表示首次企圖做某事
to try to do something, often for the first time
(可以查片語詞典:have a shot at)http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/have+a+shot+at
這裡用 shot,射球,一語雙關
‧ basketball immortality:不朽的籃球事業定位
常見用法:球類 + immortality:
baseball immortality , golf immortality,
還有演藝事業 show business immortality
‧ immortality:不朽(不可數名詞)
█ 哈佛的經濟學家未必能夠解決金融危機,但有個哈佛經濟人可能就要把美國的國家籃球協會搞定。或至少,這是他們口中的Jeremy Lin, 紐約尼克隊的控球後衛,也是新任命的籃球救世主 。
Harvard economists might not be able to fix the financial crisis but one might be about to fix the U.S.'s National Basketball Association. Or at least, that’s what they’re saying about Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks point guard and freshly appointed savior of basketball.
‧ fix something:修理,弄好(口語)http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/fix
fix something to repair or correct something
The car won't start—can you fix it?
‧ NBA:就是 National Basketball Association 國家籃球協會
(即使不知道這件事,從上下文也可推測 Lin 和 economics 可能有關)
‧ point guard:控球後衛(籃球術語)可參考籃球術語的中英對照
‧ appoint:任命,指派(動詞)
‧ freshly appointed:新任命的(形容詞)appointed 過去分詞當形容詞
‧ savior:拯救者(名詞)savior(英式拼法)
a person who rescues somebody/something from a dangerous or
difficult situation
The new manager has been hailed as the saviour of the club.
█ 完成他的哈佛大學經濟學位後,他很難找到要他的球隊,沒有料到自己得睡在沙發,在發展聯盟裏四處奔波希望有機會突破。
Having struggled to find a team after finishing his economics degree at Harvard, Lin found himself sleeping on couches, bouncing around the Developmental Leagues hoping for a break.
► 簡化來看:Having struggled to do this after X, Lin found himself doing A,B
在 X 事件之後,Lin 發現自己得做 A, B
X=finishing his economics degree at Harvard,
A=sleeping on couches
B=bouncing around the Developmental Leagues hoping for a break.
‧ struggle:掙扎(動詞)要做的事很困難完成,雖然最後還是完成了http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/struggle
to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are
a lot of problems
struggle to find a team, 很難找到球隊
struggle to find a job 很難找到工作,但最後是有找到
‧ bounce:彈回(動詞)
bounce around somewhere 在某處奔波,處處碰壁
‧ break:這個字的意思很多,這裡不是「休息」的意思。
an opportunity to do something, usually to get something that you
want or to achieve success
I got my lucky break when I won a ‘Young Journalist of the Year’ competition.
‧ Find oneself doing something:没有料到在做這些事,為情況所逼http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/find+
to discover somebody/something/yourself doing something or in
a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected
█ 幾個星期前運氣不好的尼克隊終於給了他一個機會。五賽五勝後,在我們手上就有了另一樁轟動體壇的盛事。
The hapless Knicks finally gave him one a few weeks ago. Five games and five wins later and we have another sporting sensation on our hands.
‧ gave him one:one 是承接上一句,hoping for a break.
尼克隊gave him a break.,one 指的是 a break.
‧ five games and five wins:win 在此當名詞,勝利
five wins 有加s
‧ hapless:運氣不好的(形容詞)
小心不要看成 happiness(快樂的名詞)
not lucky; unfortunate
‧ sporting:和體育運動有關的(形容詞)
a sporting sensation 和體育有關的轟動大事
‧ sensation:轟動的事件(或人物)為人津津樂道的事 http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/sensation
very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people;
the person or the thing that causes this surprise
The band became a sensation overnight.
我們追蹤林書豪的新聞, 學習「豪」多有趣的英文:機會難得
‧ 首次企圖做某事:have a shot at(慣用語)
‧ 籃球不朽事業:basketball immortality(常見用法)
‧ 企圖挑戰籃球事業不朽的定位:have a shot at basketball immortality
‧ 僥倖,偶然:fluke(名詞)
‧ 突破的機會:a break(名詞)
‧ 轟動體壇的盛事:a sporting sensation
‧ 瘋狂:insanity(名詞)
‧ 控球後衛:point guard (籃球術語)
‧ 哈佛畢業生:Harvard grad (graduate)