Whitney Houston and the art of melisma
a group of notes sung to one syllable of text (一個音節的字用好幾個音符唱出)
█ 惠妮休斯頓的裝飾音唱腔將勾起衆人對她的追憶。
Whitney Houston will be remembered as a master of "melisma"
‧ master:對某事很在行的人,高人,達人(名詞)
a person who is skilled at something
a master of “melisma”:裝飾音唱腔高手
█ 這歌手有能力把一連串不同的音符塞到一個音節。
The singer had an ability to pack a series of different notes into a single syllable.
► 簡化來看:The singer had an ability to pack X into Y.
X=a series of different notes 一連串不同的音符
Y=a single syllable 一個音節
‧ pack X into Y:把 X 塞到 Y 裏面
He packed a few things into a bag.
‧ Note:一般人熟悉的意思是筆記,在這裡查字典的時候,
He played the first few notes of the tune.
high / low notes (高低音)
‧ syllable:音節(名詞)
█ 例如,在一開始的“我”這個字在惠妮休斯頓的這首“我會永遠愛你”唱近六秒鐘。
For example, an early "I" in Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You takes nearly six seconds to sing.
► 簡化來看:for example, an early “I” in her song takes nearly six seconds to sing.
‧ X takes six seconds to sing:X 花了六秒鐘唱完
█ 該技巧重復出現在整首歌曲,最顯著地放在唱每一個“我”和“你”的地方
The technique is repeated throughout the song, most pronouncedly on every "I" and "you".
‧ X is repeated:X 被重復著
‧ pronounced:顯著的(形容詞)
‧ pronouncedly:明顯地(副詞)
Pop Idol judges 流行偶像評審Pete Waterman說:
█ 「有一部分是出於創造的願望,用自己的方式,而不是唱片公司或唱片製作或作曲家都希望你做的方式」,他說:「作曲家寫了一首曲子給你,而你完全忽視它,反正就是做自己的要做的。」
"A part of this comes from the creative desire to do it your way and not the way the record company, the record producers and the writers are wanting you to do it," he says. "The writer has written you a tune, and you totally ignore it and do your own thing anyway."
‧ record company:唱片公司
record producers:唱片製作人
‧ tune:曲調(名詞)
█ 但是「melisma」這個詞彙 在流行音樂界,仍然是相對模糊,它的效果常常被簡單地形容為「即興演出」或「唱重覆片段」。
But the term "melisma" is still relatively obscure within the pop music industry, with the effect often described simply as "ad libbing" or "riffing".
‧ obscure:模糊不清的(形容詞)
‧ pop music industry:流行音樂界(固定用法)
‧ ad-lib:即興演出(動詞) ad-libbing(現在分詞)
‧ riff:流行音樂中重復的片段(名詞)
riff+ing=把名詞當動詞用,加了 ing
惠妮休斯頓的葬禮在美國時間二月18日舉行,BBC 記者親臨現場報導了惠妮休斯頓的告別式
█ 告別式在強調慶祝惠妮休斯頓的驚人成就。福音合唱團所營造的氣氛是歡慶的,而不是哀戚的。這裡曾是她孩時歌唱的地方 - 她的家人把這當做是她魂歸家鄉的儀式。
The emphasis was on celebrating Whitney Houston's phenomenal achievements. The gospel choir set a celebratory rather than sombre note. This was where she sang as a child - her family called this her coming-home service.
‧ phenomenal:傑出的(形容詞)phenomenal achievements
‧ gospel choir:福音合唱團
‧ set a celebratory tone:營造歡慶的氣氛
‧ rather than X:instead of 而不是 X
‧ sombre tone:哀戚的氣氛
‧ home-coming:回家的(形容詞)
‧ service:儀式
call something + noun = 形容為,看作是(動詞片語)
her family called this her coming-home service
█ 告別式中,凱文柯斯納的致詞十分感人,在此可以讀到部分内容
He offered advice on behalf of Houston to her daughter and millions of other aspiring singers.
“To you, Bobbi Kristina, and to all those young girls who are dreaming that dream, thinking that maybe they aren’t good enough, I think Whitney would tell you, guard your bodies,” he said. “And guard the precious miracle of your own life. Then sing your hearts out. ”
He choked up towards the end. “Off you go Whitney, off you go,” he said. “Escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly father. When you sing before him, don’t you worry. You’ll be good enough.”
‧ 裝飾音:melisma(名詞)
‧ 即興演出:ad-lib(動詞)
‧ 流行音樂界:pop music industry
‧ 唱片公司:record company
‧ 音符:note(名詞)
‧ 曲調:tune(名詞)
‧ 明顯地:pronouncedly(副詞)
‧ X 花了六秒鐘唱完:X takes six seconds to sing
‧ 返鄉儀式:home-coming service
‧ 營造歡慶的氣氛:the celebratory tone
‧ 福音合唱團:gospel choir(固定用法)