Will Jeremy Lin's success end stereotypes?
‧ end:終止(動詞)如何知道 end 在此是動詞不是名詞?
‧ 看結構:Will X end stereotypes? X 是 Jeremy Lin’s success 林書豪的成功
Will X end Y? end必須是動詞,才合乎英文問句的結構,即使過去學過
Merriam Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
to stop or finish (something)
to cause (something) to no longer continue to happen or exist
‧ stereotype:刻板印象(名詞)stereotypes(複數型)
an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic
█ 在他的整個職業生涯中,林忍受了來自對手和球迷種族偏見的取笑 。
Throughout his career, Lin has endured racist taunts from opponents and fans.
‧ endure:忍受(動詞)
‧ racist:種族偏見的(形容詞)
‧ taunt:取笑的言詞(名詞)taunts(複數型)
‧ opponent:對手(名詞)opponents(複數型)
█ 他一再被忽視。
And he's been overlooked repeatedly.
‧ he’s been overlooked = he has been overlooked 現在完成被動式
‧ overlook:提拔不列入考慮(動詞) http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/overlook
to not consider (someone) for a job, position, promotion
█ 在可觀的高中球隊事業表現之後,沒有大學提供他獎學金 。
After a spectacular high school career, no college offered him a scholarship.
‧ spectacular:壯觀的(形容詞)
‧ scholarship:獎學金(名詞)
█ 在哈佛有極佳的表現之後,沒有 NBA 隊伍選他加入。
After he starred at Harvard, no NBA team drafted him.
‧ star:表現極佳(動詞)starred(過去式)
to perform extremely well
He starred in both baseball and football when he was in college.
‧ draft:選拔加入職業球隊(動詞)
to choose (someone) to play on a professional sports team
█ 到底「林來瘋」是種族因素造成的嗎?
Is the 'Linsanity' hype caused by race?
‧ hype:大肆渲染炒作(名詞)
talk or writing that is intended to make people excited about or interested in something or someone
‧ Linsanity:Lin(林書豪的姓) + insanity(瘋狂-名詞)組合而來
‧ race:種族(名詞)
█ 甚至在「林來瘋」緊緊抓住全國注意力的時候,評論家和球員伙伴繼續貶低林的才能。
Even as "Linsanity" gripped the nation, commentators and fellow players continued to play down Lin's talents.
‧ grip: 緊緊抓住(動詞)
‧ commentator:媒體評論員,名嘴(名詞)
a person who discusses important people and events on television, in newspapers,
‧ fellow players:同伴球員(固定用法)
‧ play down:貶低(動詞片語)http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/play%20down
to make (something) seem smaller or less important
play down Lin’s talents:貶低林的才能
█ 從林是「存屬僥倖」和「曇花一現」的聲明到科比勉強說林的成功是「力和辛勤的見證」,其中透露出來的信息是明確的:亞裔美人並不真正屬於籃球場。
From the declarations that Lin was a "fluke" and a "flash in the pan" to Kobe Bryant's grudging comment that Lin was "a testament to perseverance and hard work," the message was clear: Asian-Americans don't really belong on the basketball court.
► 簡化來看:
From X to Y, the message was clear: Asian-Americans don’t really belong on the basketball court.
X= the declarations that …..
Y=Kobe Bryant’s comment that …
‧ declaration:聲明(名詞)
‧ fluke:僥倖(名詞)
Lin was a fluke.
‧ a flash in the pan:a person or thing that fails after being very popular or successful for a brief time
Lin was a flash in the pan.
‧ grudging:不情願的(形容詞)grudging comment(不情願的評語)
‧ a testament to X:見證 X, X 的見證,
a testament to perseverance and hard work 堅持與努力的見證
‧ perseverance:堅持不懈(名詞)
‧ basketball court:籃球賽的進行場地
‧ basketball arena:看籃球賽的球場
█ 我們一再聽到:「沒有一個人知道」林有多好,其實讓我們看清現實。林被忽略是因為當他們看他的時候,他們看到的是一種刻板印象,而不是籃球明星。
We've heard again and again that "no one knew" how good Lin was, but let's get real. Lin was overlooked because when people looked at him, they saw a stereotype, not a basketball star.
‧ get real:口語,別痴心妄想,該看清現實的時候了。
查字典的時候: 打「real」
informal : to start to think in a serious or reasonable way : to stop having foolish ideas, hopes, etc.
We have to get real about this problem.
You think you can get into Harvard with those grades? Get real.
‧ 刻板印象:stereotype(名詞)end stereotypes:終結刻板印象
‧ 僥倖:fluke(名詞)He’s a fluke. 他不是真有實力,存屬僥倖。
‧ 曇花一現:a flash the a pan(成語)
‧ 忽略,不被提拔:He was overlooked.
‧ 別痴心妄想了:Let’s get real.
‧ 不情願的評語:grudging comment
‧ 堅持不懈:perseverance(名詞)
‧ 大肆渲染炒作:hype(名詞)
‧ 種族偏見的:racist(形容詞)
‧ 籃球賽進行的場地:basketball court