North Sea cod:Is it true there are only 100 left?
‧ North Sea: 北海(在北歐大西洋的一部份:濱臨英,德,荷,法,比利時,
挪威,丹麥等 )
參考以簡易英文所寫的百科:Simple English wikipedia
The North Sea is a sea in northern Europe. 更多資料上網讀
‧ cod:鱈魚(名詞)複數型也是 cod
Cod is an important type of fish for professional fishing. It is also popular
to eat, because it is mild in taste.
‧ left:剩下的,是leave 的過去分詞,被留下來的
be left:to remain to be used, sold, etc.
Is there any coffee left?
注意:left 當形容詞,是「左邊」的意思,right(右邊)
■ Is it true there are only 100 (that are省略) left?
If recent reports are to be believed, the North Sea cod's days are numbered. But should we believe these reports?
‧ 簡化來看:If X are to be believed, Y’s days are numbered.
如果X 要是被相信(若相信X是真的),那麼 Y的日子已不多。
X= recent reports 最近的報導,可見不只一個報導用了 reports
Y= the North Sea cod 北海鱈魚
‧ somebody's/something's days are numbered:某人或事已經日子不多,
好景不再 a person or thing will not continue to live, exist or be successful
for much longer His days as leader of the party are numbered.
■ 專家們對鱈魚剩下來的數量都怎麼說的?
What do the experts say about the numbers of fish that are left?
‧ 注意專家們experts有好幾位,所以拿出來的數字numbers也有好幾種,
所以用了the numbers of fish.
以前就學過 fish 的複數還是 fish,現在看到 the numbers of fish,
果然 fish 不加 ‘es’。
因為這裡就談一種魚:the North Sea cod, 北海鱈魚, 沒有第二種.
■ 「每日電訊報」最近刊登的標題是:「北海的鱈魚只剩下100條」。這聽起來太匪夷所思了。漁人大怒
The Daily Telegraph recently ran the headline: "Just 100 cod left in the North Sea". It sounded fishy. Trawlermen were furious.
‧ ran the headline:刊登標題.ran 是 run 的過去式,刊登(動詞)如果你
run something
to print and publish an item or a story
On advice from their lawyers they decided not to run the story.
‧ fishy:令人起疑的(形容詞)這篇文章談 fish, 故意用 fishy 玩文字遊戲
that makes you suspicious because it seems dishonest
There's something fishy going on here.
‧ Trawlermen were furious. 漁人憤怒
把men 拿掉,看看 trawler是什麼
‧ trawler:拖網漁船(名詞)
a fishing boat that uses large nets that it drags through the sea behind it
再把trawler 的er拿掉,trawl 是動詞,拖網捕魚的意思
■ 該報導被其他媒體,包括大西洋線連線,加拿大環球郵報,再度炒熱,但它在「週日泰晤士報」引發的報導是「北海成年鱈魚一百條」。(注一)
The story was picked up by other media, including the Atlantic Wire
and Canada's Globe and Mail, but it started in the The Sunday Times which reported there were "100 adult cod in North Sea".(註一)
‧ story:在此不是「故事」而是「報導」(名詞)
a report in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcasta
front-page story
Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories.
■ 該報得到的數字是因為看了海洋開發國際理事會(ICES) 的資料。
The newspaper got the figure by looking at data from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
■ 然後,該報要求英國政府的環境,漁業和水產養殖科學中心(CEFAS)研究人員協助解讀數字。根據CEFAS 中心,該報紙的記者當時是「誤解」了數據。
It then asked researchers from the British government's Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) for help with the numbers. According to Cefas, however, the journalists "misunderstood the data".
■ 「星期日泰晤士報」選擇了把魚齡在13歲以上的歸類為成年鱈魚。但是,這歲數不只是指成年鱈魚。這是耆老級的老年鱈魚。
The Sunday Times chose to class an adult cod as aged over 13. But that's not merely an adult cod. It's an ancient cod.
‧ 簡化來看:X chose to class Y as aged over 13.
‧ class:歸類(動詞)
class adult cod as aged over 13
‧ ancient:年代久遠的(形容詞)
very old; having existed for a very long time
an ancient oak tree
■ 英國的首席漁業科學顧問Carl O'Brien博士說「鱈魚在1歲和2歲開始成長,到六歲他們完全成熟。」
"Cod start to mature at ages one and two and they're fully mature by six," says Dr Carl O'Brien, the UK's chief fisheries science adviser.
‧ fishery:繁殖魚類的水域,養漁場(名詞)fisheries(複數型)
‧ mature:成長完成,成熟(動詞)
■ 因此,我們不應該感到驚訝鱈魚少有超過13歲的(事實上過去 30年北海有記錄的只有不到60 ),正如同我們不應該感到驚訝,沒有很多人類是超過100歲的。
So we shouldn't be surprised that there are very few cod aged over 13 (in fact fewer than 60 have been recorded in the North Sea in past 30 years) just as we shouldn't be surprised there aren't very many humans over 100.
‧ 注意 cod 都沒有加「s」它的複數型就是 cod
【註一】英國的週日泰晤士報 刊登澄清(Clarification)更正公告:
Clarification: The headline of this article over-simplifies a complex issue.
‧ 鱈魚:cod(名詞)複數型也是 cod
‧ 成年鱈魚:adult cod
‧ 某人或事已經日子不多,好景不再:
somebody's/something's days are numbered(動詞片語)
‧ 令人起疑的:fishy(形容詞)
‧ 拖網漁船:trawler(名詞)trawlermen 漁人(複數型)
‧ 首席漁業科學顧問:chief fisheries science adviser
‧ 繁殖魚類的水域,養漁場:fishery(名詞)fisheries(複數型)
‧ 歸類:class(動詞)
‧ 刊登標題:run the headline(動詞片語)