



Can celebs have the privacy Jodie Foster calls for?





celeb: 口語用法(informal)= celebrity 名人(名詞)celebs(複數型)


privacy: 隱私,不受到大眾的關注 (名詞)

the state of being free from the attention of the public

freedom of speech and the right to privacy


Can celebrities have the privacy (that 省略) Jodie Foster calls for?


Jodie Foster: 茱蒂·福斯特(註一)



表現卓越的著名女演員在週日的金球獎典禮,利用接受Cecil B. DeMille獎之際,發表了數項個人表述──其中包括一些不完全清楚的陳述。

The celebrated actress took the occasion of receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award at Sunday's Golden Globes ceremony to make several personal statements -- including a few that weren't exactly clear.



X took the occasion of Y to make several personal statements.

XThe celebrated actress(就是 Jodie Foster

Yreceiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award at Sunday's Golden Globes ceremony


take the occasion of __ to do something: __ 場合做某事(動詞片語)


receive the award at Golden Globes ceremony: 在金球奬典禮中接受獎項


The Golden Globes: The Golden Globes Awards 金球奬(注意 Globes,複數型)


跟這個協會Hollywood Foreign Press AssociationHFPA-好萊塢外國記者協會)有密切關係: 這個協會開始於 1940年代,當珍珠港事變把美國捲入二次大戰之際,大眾渴求排解戰爭壓力的娛性節目 看金球獎官方網站:

Today’s organization has its roots in the early 1940s when Pearl Harbor had drawn America into World War II. Audiences, hungry for diversion, were seeking out films offering escape, inspiration and entertainment


celebrated: 以卓越出名(形容詞)famous for having good qualities

a celebrated painter


make several personal statements: 發表數項個人表述(動詞片語)



But one thing Foster was definitive about was how much she values her privacy.


definitive: 確定,不可改變的(形容詞)

final; not able to be changed

a definitive agreement/answer/statement

The definitive version of the text is ready to be published.


someone be definitive about something: 某人對某事很確定

Foster was definitive about one thing

在此把 one thing 拿到前面: one thing Foster was definitive about


value one’s privacy: 重視個人隱私(動詞片語)



In a speech that many found to be touching and which appeared to address gossip about her sexual orientation, the 50-year-old Foster reflected on being in show business since she was 3 years old.



In a speech, Foster reflected on being a show business since she was 3 years old.

In a speech 後面接兩個子句,說明這個演講的效果(感人)和目的(回應八卦)

1that many found to be touching

2which appears to address gossip about her sexual orientation,


深思後說:to think or say (something) after careful thought 
worse.  It could have been worse, she reflected.


address: 回應問題(動詞)to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it

address something Your essay does not address the real issues.


sexual orientation: 性取向(名詞)


gossip: 八卦(名詞,不可數)

 informal talk or stories about other people's private lives, that may be unkind or not true

Don't believe all the gossip you hear.


to address gossip about her sexual orientation:回應有關她性取向的八卦


「如果你從一個蹣跚學步的孩子就是公眾人物, 如果你必須排除一切困難,來過真實的,誠實的和正常的生活, 那麼也許你也會重視隱私高於一切」,她對金球獎歡呼的人群說。

"If you had been a public figure from the time that you were a toddler, if you'd had to fight for a life that felt real and honest and normal against all odds, then maybe you, too, might value privacy above all else," she said, to cheers from the Golden Globes crowd.


public figure: 公眾人物(名詞)

toddler: 蹣跚學步的孩子(名詞)

against all odds: 排除萬難,頂風而上(片語)

odds: 阻礙成功的因素(名詞,複數型)

something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve something

They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds.

Against all (the) odds, he made a full recovery.


above all else: 高於其它一切(片語)



But how realistic is the expectation of privacy in an age where many celebrities depend on their social media connection to fans more than they do traditional marketing machines and every moment of their lives is reported in the media?



How realistic is X in an age where Y happens and Z happens?

X= the expectation of privacy

Y= many celebrities depend on their social media connection to fans more than they do traditional marketing machinesdepend on A more than they depend on Bthey do 代替 they depend on


Z= every moment of their lives is reported in the media


註一: 得獎感言全文




2006 Penn Commencement - Jodie Foster


You have the privilege of creating meaning in your life so that others might also come to enjoy that privilege. Do not waste it trying to become someone you’re not. Use it to become who you are already.



要粉絲,又要隱私,名人的兩難,Jodie Foster的演講讓我們有機會再認識她的卓越,也趁機學習談論公眾人物需要隱私的用語:

金球奬:The Golden Globes Awards

名人:celeb 口語用法(informal)= celebrity(名詞)celebs(複數型)


重視個人隱私:value one’s privacy(動詞片語)

發表數項個人表述:make several personal statements(動詞片語)

公眾人物:public figure(名詞)

性取向:sexual orientation(名詞)



排除萬難,頂風而上:against all odds(片語)

以卓越出名:celebrated(形容詞)celebrated actress


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