
圖片 2  



Selling little girls to pay back debt





debt: 負債(名詞)

the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay

標題省略 the: Selling little girls to pay back the debt




The mother of a little Afghan girl cannot even turn to face her daughter. She looks down in shame as she explains why she must hand the girl over to drug lords.


down: 難過傷心的(形容詞)

sad or depressed (注意:down 有多種詞性,副詞、名詞、動詞、介系詞及形容詞,要找到切合上下文的詞性)

I feel a bit down today.


shame: 羞愧(名詞)

the feelings of sadness, embarrassment and guilt that you have when you know that something you have done is wrong or stupid

She looks down in shame. 她看來羞愧難過


drug lord: 毒梟,販毒集團的老大(名詞)drug lords(複數型)

a powerful leader of a group of people who buy and sell large quantities of illegal drugs



The father of the girl has done what many Afghan farmers must do to finance their opium farms: borrow money from drug traffickers.


簡化來看:The father of the girl has borrowed money from drug traffickers to finance their opium farms.

X has done Y to finance their opium farms.

XThe father of the girl

Ywhat many Afghan farmers must do borrow money from drug traffickers


traffic: 非法買賣(動詞)

to buy and sell something illegally

to traffic in drugs 買賣毒品


trafficker: 非法買賣者(名詞)traffickers(複數型)

a person who buys and sells something that is illegal


drug trafficker: 毒販(名詞)drug traffickers(複數型)



But the Afghan government and international forces’ attempt to halt the opium trade has quashed the father’s poppy business, and with it, his ability to pay back the lenders.



X has quashed Y and Z.

X=the Afghan government and international forces’ attempt to halt the opium trade

Y= the father’s poppy business

Z= his ability to pay back the lenders


opium trade: 鴉片貿易(名詞)


poppy: 一種生產鴉片的植物:罌粟(名詞)


quash: 壓制,阻斷(動詞)

quash something to take action to stop something from continuing


The rumours were quickly quashed.



The drug lords have taken him hostage to extract a payment.


extract: 榨取(動詞)

extract something (from somebody/something) to obtain information, money, etc, often by taking it from somebody who is unwilling to give it

Journalists managed to extract all kinds of information about her private life.


hostage: 人質(名詞)

a person who is captured and held prisoner by a person or group, and who may be injured or killed if people do not do what the person or group is asking

Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery.


take him hostage: 抓他當人質(動詞片語)


「我必須交出我的女兒,換來釋放我的丈夫」,母親解釋,這個女孩就在她的身邊。她看起來年紀沒比6 歲大。

“I have to give my daughter to release my husband,” the mother explains with the girl at her side. She looks no older than six.


I have to give my daughter to release my husband, 這不是正確的英文用法,為反應村婦的用法,但是她的意思可以讓人聽懂。

正確的英文是:I have to give them my daughter so they can release my husband.



Ninety percent of the world's opium -- the raw source of heroin -- comes from Afghanistan. Growing poppy there has been a lucrative industry.


lucrative: 獲利豐厚的(形容詞)producing a large amount of money; making a large profit

a lucrative business/contract/market

Had the plan worked it would have proved highly lucrative.



The Afghan government has been cracking down and destroying illegal crops, leaving many farmers in the same horrifying situation as the family forced to use their own daughter as collateral for the loan.



leaving many farmers (who were 省略)forced to use their own daughters as collateral for the loan.


leave: 讓某人/某物留在某種狀態(動詞)

to make or allow somebody/something to remain in a particular condition, place, etc leave somebody/something (+ adjective) 

Leave the door open, please.

The bomb blast left 25 people dead.


leave many farmers forced(形容詞)

to use their daughters as collateral for the loan



crack down: 嚴加管制(動詞片語)

to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it

Police are cracking down on drug dealers.


illegal crops: 非法作物(名詞,複數型)

crop: 作物(名詞)

a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food

Sugar is an important crop on the island.


collateral: 擔保品(名詞)

 property or something valuable that you promise to give to somebody if you cannot pay back money that you borrow

We had put our house up as collateral for our bank loan.




鴉片:opium(名詞)opium trade 鴉片貿易


非法作物:illegal crops(名詞-複數型)

毒梟,販毒集團的老大:drug lord(名詞)drug lords(複數型)

毒販:drug trafficker(名詞)drug traffickers(複數型)


抓他當人質:take him hostage(動詞片語)

擔保品:collateral(名詞)use one’s daughter as collateral for the loan

嚴加管制:crack down(動詞片語)


難過傷心的:down(形容詞)The mother was down in shame.


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