



Barack Obama praises Hillary Clinton in joint interview





in a joint interview標題省略「a




This was the first time President Obama and Hillary Clinton have given a joint interview.


注意用 was: 過去式,因為採訪已經發生了。

have given 現在完成式,因為到目前為止是第一次接受聯合採訪。


interview: 採訪(名詞)(這裡不是面試)

a meeting (often a public one) at which a journalist asks somebody questions in order to find out their opinions

a television/radio/newspaper interview


give an interview (= to agree to answer questions) 接受採訪

give a joint interview 接受聯合採訪,動詞用 give 不是 receive


「工作面試」:have an interview,動詞用 have

He has an interview next week for the manager's job.


joint: 聯合兩方以上的(形容詞) involving two or more people together

a joint account (= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example a husband and wife)



US President Barack Obama has paid tribute to what he called the "extraordinary role" Hillary Clinton played as Secretary of State.


簡化來看: X has paid tribute to Y.

XUS President Barack Obama

Ythe "extraordinary role"that 省略)Hillary Clinton played as Secretary of State (國務卿)


pay tribute to someone or something: 對某人或某事公開稱讚(動詞片語)

Fig. to salute someone or something; to give public recognition to someone or something.

Many of Judy's friends gathered to pay tribute to her.

We will have a reception to pay tribute to the work of the committee.



In the CBS interview, Mr Obama said Mrs Clinton would "go down as one of the finest secretaries of state we've had".


go down (in something) 不是走下去,是歷史記載(動詞片語)

 to be written in something; to be recorded or remembered in something

He will go down in history as a great statesman.


fine: 高品質的,高水準的(形容詞)

of high quality; good

a very fine performance


one of the finest secretaries of state: 最優秀的國務卿之一



"It has been a great collaboration over the last four years," he said.


collaboration: 合作成果(名詞)

a piece of work produced by two or more people or groups of people working together



Both Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton sidestepped questions about whether she might run for the presidency in 2016.


sidestep: 回避(動詞)

to avoid answering a question or dealing with a problem

Did you notice how she neatly sidestepped the question?

He sidestepped the issue by saying it was not his responsibility.


柯林頓夫人預期將在近日卸職,參議員約翰·克里(John Kerry)將被確認為她的繼任者。

Mrs Clinton is expected to step down within days and Senator John Kerry to be confirmed as her successor.


X is expected to step down and Y (is expected) to be confirmed as Z.

is expected 不必兩次重複出現

XMrs Clinton

YSenator John Kerry


step down: 卸任要職(動詞)

to leave an important job or position and let somebody else take your place

successor: 繼任者(名詞)



Can Hillary be a comeback kid, too?



comeback: 捲土重來(名詞)

if a person in public life makes a comeback, they start doing something again which they had stopped doing, or they become popular again

an ageing pop star trying to stage a comeback


yahoo新聞網報導了希拉蕊的丈夫Bill Clinton 玩笑說希拉蕊會很長命,會活到 120 歲!




“She's always been very, very healthy and she has very low blood pressure, very low standing heartbeat,” Bill Clinton said.



“I tell her that she’s still got time to have three more husbands after me,” he joked. “So I think she’ll live to be 120.”



“I always know that she’s thinking about that,” he continued. “Whenever I’m stubborn about something, in her constant quest in my self-improvement, she refers to me as her first husband.” 



Secretary Clinton is recovering from a recent concussion and blood clot. (Jan. 16)


concussion: 腦震盪(名詞)

blood clot: 血液凝塊(名詞)




國務卿:Secretary of State(名詞)Secretaries of State(複數型)

最優秀的國務卿之一:one of the finest secretaries of state

卸任要職:step down(動詞)

接受聯合採訪:give a joint interview(動詞片語)

合作成果:collaboration(名詞)a great collaboration


對某人或某事公開稱讚:pay tribute to someone or something(動詞片語)

歷史記載:go down (in history)(動詞片語)

回避:sidestep(動詞)sidestep questions

繼任者: successor(名詞)


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