



Beyonce takes to Super Bowl stage with Destiny's Child





(標題省略theSuper Bowl: 有上億電視觀衆觀看的美國全國美式足球聯盟的年度冠軍賽 used for the annual championship game of the National Football League


NFLNational Football League)的網站上可以看到碧昂絲表演影片:


take to: 到某處(動詞片語)

(something) : to go to or into (a place) 
 They grabbed their weapons and took to the hills.  Thousands of people took to the streets in protest. [=went out into the streets to protest]


Destiny’s Child: 是碧昂絲原來所屬的女孩合唱團名(譯名:天命真女)




Pop singer Beyonce performs on the stage Sunday night during the Pepsi Super Bowl XLVII Halftime Show in New Orleans, Louisiana.


羅馬數字XLVII=47 XL=40   VII=7


halftime: 中場休息時間(名詞,不可數)

the period of rest between the end of the first half and the beginning of the second half in games like football and basketball 
 The score was tied at halftime. 

 The coaches discussed strategy during halftime.


halftime show: 中場表演節目(名詞)



"Everybody, I want to feel your energy," Beyonce said as she asked fans to keep waving their hands in the air, many of whom were equipped with blue lights.


whom 指的是fans(粉絲)

以下兩句合成一句就需要用到:whom, 因爲 fans 出現在兩句中

1She asked the fans to keep waving their hands in the air.

2Many of the fans were equipped with blue lights.


equip: 配備(動詞)to provide (someone) with necessary materials or supplies 
 More money was needed to train and equip the troops.  Equipped with a hoe and a shovel, I headed for the garden.


+be equipped with: 某人有了裝備,被配備了(動詞片語)

The spectators were equipped with blue lights.


USA Today曾經在比賽前預報藍燈奇效。這些藍燈將由主辦單位發給群衆。



Each spectator entering the Super Bowl will find a pack including two small blue "finger flashlights" waiting at their seats, which they've been instructed will be part of the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show Starring Beyonce.



X will find Y waiting at their seats, which will be part of Z

which 指的是 finger flashlights

they’ve been instructed the finger flashlights will be part of Z(觀衆被告知此事)


X= Each spectator entering the Super Bowl (entering 現在分詞說明 spectator)

Y= a pack including two small blue "finger flashlights"

Z= the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show Starring Beyonce.


spectator: 一名觀衆(名詞)spectators(複數型)

a person who watches an event, show, game, activity, etc., often as part of an audience 
 The spectators lining the road cheered the racers on.  The accident attracted a large crowd of spectators.  I wasn't a participant in the preparations, merely a spectator.


wait: 這裡不當等待的意思,而是放著準備好(動詞)

5 [no obj] : to be in a place ready to be dealt with, taken, etc. — always used as (be) waiting  It's time to come inside. Dinner is waiting. — often + for  There is a package waiting for you at home.  She had several messages waiting for her at the office.



Be prepared for over 72,000 fans donning these little guys at halftime.


簡化來看:Be prepared for X. X 做好準備

X= over 72,000 fans donning these little guys at halftime

donning 為現在分詞,説明fans戴上藍色手指電筒


don: 穿戴上(動詞)donned (過去式) donning (現在分詞)

to put on (a piece of clothing) 
 He donned his gloves and hat.  She donned her jacket.




Beyoncé admits singing 'with my prerecorded track' at inauguration

at (標題省略the) inauguration


prerecorded track: 事先預錄的歌曲(名詞)

track: 唱片或CD 上的一首歌(名詞)a song on a record, CD, etc. 
 Tracks 6 and 11 are particularly good. 

 The title track [=the song with the same title as the album] is a hit


inaugurate: 開幕,就職(動詞)

to introduce (someone, such as a newly elected official) into a job or position with a formal ceremony 
 He was inaugurated (as President) on the 20th of January.


inauguration: 就職典禮,開幕典禮(名詞)

We attended the inauguration of the new museum.




全國美式足球聯盟的年度冠軍賽:the Super Bowl

全國美式足球聯盟:NFLNational Football League

中場休息時間:halftime(名詞,不可數)halftime show


穿戴上:don(動詞)They were donning the blue finger flashlights.

配備:equip(動詞) The spectators were equipped with blue lights.

事先預錄的歌曲:prerecorded track(名詞)sing with the prerecorded track

就職典禮,開幕典禮:inauguration(名詞)She sang at the inauguration.


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